by Wayne Bush & Julie McVey

We are working on an article and have identified the top TEN red flags and anomalies indicating Earth is a prison planet/loosh farm. This is just a summary. This article is not intended to be proof and no single item is convincing in and of itself, but if all flags are taken in their entirety, then that might be enough for one to highly consider the idea.

Let us know if you have identified other MAJOR red flags. Thank you!

#1 Memory Wipe and Ignorance

We’re born as ignorant, blank slates into a mystery. We have no memory of who or what we are, where we came from originally, why we’re here or where we go when we die. We have to rely on conflicting stories of various paranormal experiences and religious dogma and mythology. We should be born with this fundamental information within us already and not have to rely on outside sources to tell us who we are or what happens after we die.

#2 Programming and Conditioning

We start off totally reliant on those around us to tell us what to think and believe. The indoctrination of how to behave, how to think and what to believe takes place before we’re capable of critical thinking, and thus keeps us ignorant from discovering/knowing the truth of our reality. We rely on external sources of authority to tell us what to believe, whether it’s evolution via schools/universities or religion via churches and “holy” writings. We are taught over and over again to turn our sovereignty over to authority figures to the point it becomes engrained in our subconscious minds. After we die and find ourselves outside of our bodies, this will make it more likely we will hand over our sovereignty to a supposed authority figure that presents itself to us.

#3 Extremity of Suffering and Duration of Reincarnation Cycle

We’re born into a hostile, dark environment (e.g. disease, famine, torture, trafficking, genocide, war etc.) and told this is a school to evolve our souls. How is such an environment the most efficient way to grow a soul? As parents, we try our best to create a loving, nurturing, safe environment, because we know such an environment is more conducive to optimal growth. Why create blank slates via memory wipes who need thousands of years of pain and suffering through hundreds of lives to learn, grow and evolve when you can transfer the needed experiential information via a download? The continual recycling of a soul seems excessive. It’s a flawed system, but if we’re being recycled like we recycle energy here on Earth, it explains the continual excessive recycling.

#4 Kill & Consume Energy to Survive

We live in a barbaric system where parasites/viruses feed off their hosts. We have a food chain where predators kill their prey. As humans, we farm animals and eat them. It’s a competitive, dog eat dog world. We humans like to think we’re at the top of the food chain, but there could be entities just outside our perception feeding off of us. “As above, so below.”

#5 Secrecy, Lies & Deception, Manipulation & Control at Top

Secrecy, lying, deception, manipulation and control—all these tactics use a state of confusion to keep people imprisoned. We’ve been programmed to associate love and light with positivity, but here on Earth love and light can be used to deceive. Ted Bundy’s victims believed he loved them. Light is used in multiple ways to lure its victim (e.g. bug traps, fishermen, angler fish, viper fish, gnat fly larvae, etc.). Cuttlefish and some spiders even use light to hypnotize their target. Pheromones to lure and mimicry (i.e. pretending to be something or someone you are not) to deceive are used in nature. We have corrupt leaders running the world here, but we assume that when we die, those running the show are benevolent and to be trusted without question. However, many NDEs and pre-birth memories show that these beings use deception to manipulate them (e.g. shapeshifting imposters, appeal to egos, shaming tactics, guilt trips, etc.).

#6 Prison

Our spirits/consciousness is currently trapped within our bodies which are bound to the Earth by gravity. For many, we feel we are being held against our will. Death is virtually the only way to permanently exit, so you would either have to intentionally exit or grow old or deteriorate from disease and wait for a “natural” death, which USUALLY involves much pain and suffering (i.e. more loosh/energetic food).

#7 Sleep & Entropy

Why do our bodies require sleep? Our bodies seem to be designed to be batteries. We run out of energy daily (and over the course of our lives) and need to recharge, which would make sense if beings are consuming our energy. Some might say this is due to entropy. Entropy, the second law of thermodynamics, states the universe is said to be "running down" and things are trending toward disorder. How is that evolution? Why do we have to sleep roughly eight hours a day not knowing where our consciousness is during that time? When we are asleep, we are in a state of unconscious hypnosis, which leaves us vulnerable to entities manipulating and programming our subconscious minds. It has been reported that some become conscious in their dream and find themselves in a pod, school or hospital setting only to realize they are being hypnotized and programmed by entities via drug injections, telepathic suggestions, etc.

#8 Mystery and Lack of Disclosure & Transparency

Why doesn’t “God” appear to us? Why is religion so faith based? Wouldn’t it benefit their cause to appear and communicate with us? This allows for a convenient excuse that God works in mysterious ways creating more confusion, chaos, doubt and fear which generates more loosh.

Some people have claimed to have had encounters with benevolent beings—whether angels, guides, ascended masters or aliens. Why aren’t these benevolent beings openly communicating with all of us or, at least, a larger percentage of us? Clearly, they can do this. If they’d give us the answers to our biggest questions, it would alleviate our fears that result from our ignorance of this vital information.

#9 Paranormal

Many NDE and pre-birth memories reveal that manipulation is used to get spirits to come to Earth. So-called guides and counselors are said to plan our lives. Psychonauts, astral travelers like Robert Monroe, remote viewers such as Courtney Brown and Brett Stuart, hypnotherapists like Calogero Grifasi and alien researchers such as Dr. Karla Turner, John Lear, David Jacobs and others have all supported the idea that aliens are manipulating us and/or benefitting from our energy, i.e. the loosh farm theory.

#10 – Virtual Realities, AI, Simulations

We have computer simulations and virtual realities here on Earth, which suggest we ourselves may be living in one that someone else created. If we are in a false reality, then that is alarming.

These are our top ten for now. Let us know if you have identified other MAJOR red flags that we are living on a prison planet/loosh farm. Thank you!