Wishcraft: Manifesting Reality in the Afterlife

NOTE OF CAUTION: I do not know for certain what happens when one dies -- no one does, in my opinion. The contents of this article are the findings of my many years of research into near death experiences and other areas having to do with the process of death and the afterlife.

I have previously written articles on Why I Will Choose NOT to go to the white light when I die and on the so-called void of fullness and pure awareness, the cosmic womb of creation. If one chooses not to go to the white light and is not completely satisfied with the fullness and completeness of the nonduality of the so-called void and wishes to manifest a reality, then how should one go about doing that and what realities are possible?

One needs to be careful lest one becomes another Demiurge, an ignorant creator that created an unbalanced world with so much pain and suffering. This is likely the result of the law of duality. For there to be goodness, from our limited perspective here on earth, something that is not good has to exist to provide a reference point or comparison, a contrast. So if one is not careful, one's manifestation could become an infestation. But, assuming one wishes to forego the warning and manifest a world, all one needs to do is use one's power of Intention, focus it intensely and imagine what you will, literally. You are playing "make believe". And you will make all your dreams come true. You will sire whatever you desire. Thought forms become egregores and will take on a life of their own.

Please do not be offput by the term 'wishcraft'. It is just cute wordplay used for the title and to draw attention to the article. Although it is not necessarily always the case, witchcraft is sometimes associated with satanic, negative energy. Wishcraft should not be confused with witchcraft because with wishcraft you are magically creating something from nothing and not manipulating or taking the energy from someone else as is often the case with witchcraft. With witchcraft, magic is performed through ritual with the help of tools such as pentacles, magic circles, wands, sigils and sometimes even demons as in the case of black magic. With wishcraft, reality is manifested from the nothingness of the cosmic womb of potential infinite energy that is the so-called void. I guess you could say you are creating with your Imagination and Intent from your wishes or desires. No, you don't need a magic wand or chant any incantations. Just your imagination enables a mage to imagine or "image in". But be careful of your desires. As the old saying goes, 'Be careful what you wish for'. It was desire from one account that caused Sophia to fall. It was Lucifer's desire to be equal to god that caused the fall. Curiosity killed the cat as the old adage goes. When Pandora opened the box, all diseases came out into the world. Is there a way to safeguard that from happening? If everything is possible in the void, then nothing is impossible. And that would include an all-positive reality! This is touched on in the Alice in Wonderland books and series. It is a land of Wonder. And it is indeed a bit like tumbling down a rabbithole. Or, more accurately, a wormhole, a portal or tunnel into a new dimension or universe of one's own creation. But we need to avoid creating a chaotic mess like we find ourselves in today. Like Willy Wonka, it needs to be a world of PURE Imagination. A world of new physics and laws completely unknown to us. One where everything is completely malleable and able to be created and uncreated at will. Think of the example of an Etch-A-Sketch or ctrl-z on a computer keyboard. One needs to be able to immediately undo any effect that turns out to be undesired.

NDEs & The So-Called Void

When one dies, one typically finds oneself immediately upon death in a type of void which is known to Tibetan Buddhists as the "clear light". It is one's true non-dual nature of Awareness. The key is not to be fearful and realize this may just be the true nature of one's Spirit and one can remain there in a peaceful, neutral state of beingness. Or one could manifest any desired reality from this cosmic womb. Some quotes from NDEs in the Void:

"the Void is less than nothing, yet more than everything that is! The Void is absolute zero; chaos forming all possibilities. It is Absolute Consciousness... pre-creation, before the Big Bang."

"it didn't have an environment, no sense of light, no sense of sound... 'pure neutrality'...It wasn't into the light, it wasn't into the darkness"

"vast void that was both dark and light. It was silent and still, strange but peaceful"

"I noticed how everything came to be. There was nothing in the void. All of a sudden, the light was created from the void... I became everything and everyone. "

"EVERYTHING was ''known'' to me, but that there was NOTHING at all. It was like being a part of absolutely everything at once,... A glimpse into both everything and nothing"

"I entered the void-darkness-abyss. It was everything, yet nothing. It felt as if it were raw un-manifested energy... I felt in balance between the two."

" if forever were to be an instant or a thousand years was immaterial and irrelevant. I felt, 'Abide with me, here, now, for I am at peace, and we are one'."

"... no Time, and existence is purely Being...When I die, if this is what I will feel for all eternity, I await it."

"void. It was neither dark nor light...just nothingness... No thoughts. No Emotions. Within me was complete emptiness; I seemed to be completely free."

"I dared not think about anything because that would have meant that I would have manifested out of total awareness and bliss. Being in this state was beyond bliss, you want to stay there and not do anything to disturb it."

"I found myself in a black void completely at peace... no pain, no worries, no sense of self, it was fantastic... "

"highly conscious in a dark void, but I was not afraid... apparently the Buddhists call this the Bardo."

"pitch-black void, with me glowing softly within it. I felt complete relief, love, warmth, security, acceptance...I was able to surrender to this darkness without fear. "

" It amazes me that a dark space, void of people, and being all alone, was the most beautiful loving experience I could ever have... "

"It was a void, darkness but yet I felt it contained all light at the same time.. I was where I belonged, where I came from. It was perfect."

"Upon realizing the truth contained in the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead' (which I had not read before having my NDE) I adopted the doctrine of Vajrayana Buddhism, swore a bodhisattvas vow, and dedicated my life to the benefit of All. This is because the experience I had matched the description of the passing through the bardo of death described in the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead'."

"Everything seemed to be coming or existing from the same complete source that I seemed to be a part of now. "

"completion. It was perfecting the harmony in which I was part of now. It was as if my being had become a vacuum, opening up, allowing everything that ever was, or was to ever be, inside... I was complete; I was what I believe was the highest existence of peace that could ever be, for my mind was silent and I was simply being, and nothing more. I was a part of everything that ever was and with that I had no expectations nor thought, I was existing within everything and had no form or shape, just a complete perfect state of being."

"Calm, peaceful knowing. I was happier there in the void than I'd ever been on this planet. There was assurance, wonder, and almost a bliss. "

"I didn't exist, actually. I was aware that I existed only as a thought.. it was neither black nor light; it was perhaps a void... I was not afraid; everything was peaceful beyond understanding."

"Darkness is just a word to describe the “void” (of possibility, lack of limitation, complete wholeness)....“natural wholeness” or “sky-like essence"

"it was neutral. It felt like I was there a very long time: or, in a timeless type of way. It felt like I'd always been here and would always be here... it seemed I was in there (seemed I was dead) for forever. It's like I could have been in that void for eons and eons and eons. "

"All I could see was darkness with a void of light, so it was like black and white, except the white was strangely illuminated."

"darkness that wasn't darkness, a void that wasn't a void but was everything and everywhere all at once... most amazing, profound, deep experience"

"I felt unity with everyone and everything... it was the most beautiful thing that could have ever happened to me - the happiest day of my entire existence... I felt were pure joy, ecstasy and bliss "

"The darkness was so heavy it was like tar, like a void, complete lack of creativity; the Great Nothing in Never Ending Story, a space of indifference."

"a void, or place that was neither light nor dark, of no dimension, or infinite dimension and form....no-dimension."

"Keen understanding that I was "in" what the Buddhist call The Void. A no place where there is no such thing as time."

"... in that space between a physical body that had already been left behind in another dimension and a void, which I perceived as a black empty space... now free from the illusion, returned to where I have always belonged: to the huge Ocean of Luminous Consciousness whom we call God."

NDEs & Dissolving the Ego

If one wishes to manifest one's own reality at death, in my opinion it is essential to have awakened to the illusion of reality as we know it and realized that we are Infinite Spirit experiencing Itself as a multiplicity of egos. If one hasn't come to this realization while on earth, then it will be difficult not to be pulled back into the matrix system again and again.

I think we will immediately be in the void immediately at death. But there have been a few who were brought back from the void so perhaps it may not be totally outside the matrix system. It may be benficial to have a few tools in our arsenal as a backup plan. One could set Intention on being free from the matrix or, alternatively, returning to one's true spirit essence or origin. Some use the word 'Source', but, for many, that term connotes an external entity. And the word 'source' has 'saurus' as a homophone so I tend to avoid using the word. Astral travelers like Robert Monroe and William Buhlman have advocatedusing internal mantras like 'clarity now', 'higher self now' and 'move inward' as a ways of increasing one's frequency and ascending. These are certainly tools to keep in mind.

But more than just a Gnosis or realization needs to takes place, it may also be critical to have dissolved the ego or attachment to worldly attachments that manifest as fear, anger, hate, greed, lust, pride. One must let go of the desires, grudges, and earthly belief systems such as religion and politics. These belief systems are prisons for the mind. Because of religious belief systems, it is likely for most to have their expectations to be manifested. Christians, for example, expect to meet their maker and to be judged or perhaps saved by Jesus. Therefore, they will attract that experience to them. In fact, 3-4 percent of near death experiencers report meeting Jesus during their NDE. If Jesus were to ask these souls to please go back to earth again to help spread the message of repentance and redemption, almost every single one would, after a little coersion. Some people who have extreme guilt could even create a temporary hellish experience if they feel they deserve that because of a multitude of "sins" they committed during their life. People who believe in Eastern religions like Hinduism or Buddhism are convinced they will be living many lifetimes until they have perfected themselves and burnt off all their karma. And who can live a decades long life without having done some things they are ashamed of or regret? "Bad" things. None of us are perfect. Karma touches on the concept of "false guilt". All because of this false guilt, we lower ourselves and feel we deserve to suffer, to atone for our "sins". Many Buddhists just hope to be born again into a better life situation. Even some who believe they will be liberated from the cycle of samsara have been convinced it is a good idea to come back as a Bodhisattva to help others. But if we create our own reality with our beliefs, then we would be creating a bunch of souls in need of being saved for us to be able to save souls in need of being saved.

We are all too often asking someone else to save us whether it be aliens, gods, Jesus or the government instead of doing the work ourselves. If we have to play the role of savior, then this role will only create souls that need to be saved, "lost souls". Religious people put all the responsibility on their gods. They worship them in hopes of having a"blessed life" full of perfect health and wealth. Jesus Christ, Buddha and other teachers showed us the way to escape this matrix yet they cannot do ALL the work for us. It is up to us to use their teachings to find liberation.

Similarly, if we are "seeking" the truth, we, by definition, do not know "the truth". But truth could be subjective in the sense it could be whatever you manifest with your Intention. Also, if you are seeking to be saved from or exit the matrix, then in your mind you are perpetuating your actual experience of believing you are imprisoned in a matrix. If as a Spirit we have sovereign power, then it is crucial that we not handicap ourselves with limiting beliefs.

Additionally, one must, in my opinion, resist the attraction of the white light because once one goes through the tunnel and enters that domain, one has projected and externalized a consensus reality with other beings, whether real or imagined, in charge. There is typically a powerful being of light that sometimes presents itself on a throne and replays one's life for a life review. This being of light is said to be a collective soul, perhaps what has been called the World Soul. Sometimes one is judged by a council of beings and told they need to come back to earth to complete an unknown mission. Many persuasive tactics are frequently used to convince the soul that they need another life on earth, presumably to learn more and grow.

But perhaps the biggest obstacle to exiting the matrix may be that we are our own worst enemy. It very well could be the case that we are addicted to this world. Dissolving one's ego could be a very scary process. It is essentially losing one's identity as a human being and potentially dissolving into the oneness or unity of the Nothing or Void. How many of us would be totally content with, what from our earthly perspective might seem like, loneliness and boredom? Is that why we left the nonduality or oneness to begin with? The lure of knowing what all is possible may have been too much to ignore. Our curiosity could have got the best of us. The alluring play of separating into different perspectives and personalities to play the dramatic game of hide and seek. "God" may be schizophrenic with a split-personality disorder.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead describes what happens immediately at death: "O nobly-born, listen. Now thou art experiencing the Radiance of the Clear Light of Pure Reality. Recognize it. O nobly-born, thy present intellect, in real nature void, not formed into anything as regards characteristics or colour, naturally void, is the very Reality, the All-Good. Thine own intellect, which is now voidness, yet not to be regarded as of the voidness of nothingness, but as being the intellect itself, unobstructed, shining, thrilling, and blissful, is the very consciousness, the All-good Buddha."

Thine own consciousness, shining, void, and inseparable from the Great Body of Radiance, hath no birth, nor death, and is the Immutable Light -- Buddha Amitābha. Knowing this is sufficient. Recognizing the voidness of thine own intellect to be Buddhahood, and looking upon it as being thine own consciousness, is to keep thyself in the [state of the] divine mind of the Buddha.

Repeat this distinctly and clearly three or [even] seven times. That will recall to the mind [of the dying one] the former [i.e. when living] setting-face-to-face by the guru. Secondly, it will cause the naked consciousness to be recognized as the Clear Light; and, thirdly, recognizing one's own self [thus], one becometh permanently united with the Dharma-Kāya and Liberation will be certain..."

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying states, "At the moment of death, the Ground Luminosity or Clear Light dawns in all its splendor. The Tibetan Book of the Dead says: "O son/daughter of an enlightened family ... your Rigpa is inseparable luminosity and emptiness and dwells as a great expanse of light; beyond birth or death, it is, in fact, the Buddha of Unchanging Light."

The author warns, however, "The reason the moment of death is so potent with opportunity is because it is then that the fundamental nature of mind, the Ground Luminosity or Clear Light, will naturally manifest, and in a vast and splendid way. If at this crucial moment we can recognize the Ground Luminosity, the teachings tell us, we will attain liberation. This is not, however, possible unless you have become acquainted and really familiar with the nature of mind in your lifetime through spiritual practice. And this is why, rather surprisingly, it is said in our tradition that a person who is liberated at the moment of death is considered to be liberated in this lifetime, and not in one of the bardo states after death; for it is within this lifetime that the essential recognition of the Clear Light has taken place and been established. This is a crucial point to understand."

"... what is revealed is the primordial ground of our absolute nature, which i-encompassing space of truth. The Tibetan Book of the Dead says of this moment:
'The nature of everything is open, empty and naked like the sky Luminous emptiness, without center or circumference: the pure, naked Rigpa dawns.' "

"Even though the Ground Luminosity presents itself naturally to us all, most of us are totally unprepared for its sheer immensity, the vast and subtle depth of its naked simplicity. The majority of us will simply have no means of recognizing it, because we have not made ourselves familiar with ways of recognizing it in life. What happens, then, is that we tend to react instinctively with all our past fears, habits, and conditioning, all our old reflexes. Though the negative emotions may have died for the luminosity to appear, the habits of lifetimes still remain, hidden in the background of our ordinary mind."

Here are some NDEs which mention the ego:

"The way I just described it may sound like non-existence to some, but it is the only true existence of grand and unspeakable peace, security, and understanding. The ego’s perception of the world is a collectively reinforced illusion. To be without want or desire is not nonexistence. It’s a state in which all our wants and desires are fulfilled." -- Ron K

"As he performed his healing ritual I could see my cancer fighting him. They were these black things that looked a lot like Squids with single sharp black fangs on the end of each tentacle. He was pulling them out of my tissue. (Later on, he told me that they were this black greasy substance.) ... Then, as days went by, I started noticing a dark shadowy thing down a lone alley or tunnel. I didn't know what it was at first. Then, as it came closer, the more selfish I felt. It was my Ego!" -- John K

"Was going to merge with the light/love, seemed to be mostly about to, knew when I did I would cease to exists as "I" and become one and part of all, ego would be gone totally. Never crossed fully seemed to choose without realizing it to come back as sadness at pain on earth and in death, and wanting to show, tell others about the reality of the light/love so they could would look for it to." -- Justin U

NDEs & Creating Reality Through Intention

Many near death experiencers who aren't distracted by the light and its beings realize they are able to manifest reality instantaneously via their thoughts, emotions, desires, imagination, intention and will power. The key though is to be as detailed and specific in your mind about what you wish to create. Being vague could end up in vague or incoherent results. If you mess up, you can uncreate what you created. For example, specifying that one have total freedom throughout the experience and if a body is desired that it need no requirement for food and nourishment from an external source. If a world is desired, then specify that it is always loving, kind, compassionate, joyous and be free of suffering, pain, sadness, boredom, loneliness, war, death, disease, catastrophe, lying, stealing, jealousy, anger, greed, hate, hunger/thirst, jobs and money. A world where one is always completely free and able to have whatever body one wants and the total ability to change its looks at will. Specify that one has immediate access to unlimited talent, ability, skill, knowledge and power to manifest anything one needs at will. Please keep in mind many of these are dualistic terms so one may need to specify that the ratio of positivity to negativity remain at 100% for the entire duration of the experience unless one wishes to adjust the percentage by a small amount to provide a challenge. But one would always have the ability to change or tweak the positivity percentage back to 100%.

You must visualize the completed form of what you want to will into existence. Avoid using language as it has been spelled with negativity. Use your imagination and focus your intention.

"Travel was easy. Simply by desire." -- Dr. Jean Renee H

"It was an energy travel - like we set our intention and away we went." -- Pamela B

"Travel is also by thought both into the physical and ethereal dimensions of realities." -- Alan M

"I felt that I could move at the speed of light... It was as if I was propelled by thought, rather than body. What existed was pure will. "-- Bryan Z

"High speed travel... Gliding rather than walking, and flying. Easy transition from standing to flying, as if by thought or wish. " -- Anne S

"... I realized that we all constantly manifest what we call physical reality just by virtue of our thoughts, and that the only reason we are fooled into believing it is real is because of the limitations of human senses... So I experimented with consciously manifesting some more to test its truth. I proved to myself that we do indeed have the ability to manifest what humans perceive to be physical reality by focusing our attention and intention on doing so...." -- Nanci D

"What your soul desired to see, was filled at that very moment. Everything that your soul needed was met before it could be asked." -- Mark H

"As I was being shown how to manifest anything I wanted and that it would be instantly granted, I thought of a piece of my mother's chocolate cake. Instantly, my mom was there with me in heaven handing me a piece of her, heavenly chocolate cake.... As my orientation went on, they explained how on that celestial side of the veil, anything we desire is instantaneously provided. We just need to feel the desire." -- Duane S

"I understood that thoughts create form." -- Lori E

"I was in physical reality because it is time for the physical being to mature and accept their responsibility for their creation and to realize that they create their reality." -- Patsy D

"We are 'confronted' by everything that we create. We are that powerful! I was shown that I am not yet fully able to control my negative emotions in a reality where ultimately everything happens in an instant. So, I was sent back to continue my learning." -- Malla

"I did not understand why my thoughts would manifest afterwards. Everything I would think of would appear and it concerned me so I made a promise to myself that I would keep positive thoughts and images because I learned that our thoughts are powerful either negative or positive." -- Jenneane E

"The way I just described it may sound like non-existence to some, but it is the only true existence of grand and unspeakable peace, security, and understanding. The ego’s perception of the world is a collectively reinforced illusion. To be without want or desire is not nonexistence. It’s a state in which all our wants and desires are fulfilled." -- Ron K

"Immediately I was surrounded by an earthen works tunnel in vivid, vibrant color and detail, with the proverbial light at the end. Though the tunnel was just as real as anything I have experienced on Earth, I knew that I was not in a tunnel. So I wasn't fooled by its appearance. Upon realizing that I wasn't 'fooled,' a flood of 'knowings' about manifesting reality inundated my mind. I realized that we all constantly manifest what we call physical reality just by virtue
of our thoughts, and that the only reason we are fooled into believing it is real is because of the limitations of human senses. " -- Nanci D

"I could move effortlessly…and adapt to any environment I happened to be in at any given moment. I would simply think about something and it would instantly manifest…or I’d think about a place and there I’d be! Oh, what a sensation to experience such power—to be anywhere I wanted to be and to create anything I wanted to…and to feel so totally free!" -- Juliet N

"A voice sounded, 'You create the world that you know. You have been given the most wonderful gift; the ability to project your self outwards into physical form.' "-- Malla

"I heard words in different orders, thoughts became imaginings and imaginings became manifestations. I used the things he or it gave me in that place and they were things most forget to use when they are bound. I was only a mind in that world, but a mind that could manifest desire.... I saw that we have created false truths and realities because we loathe what we think is the truth. We have nearly, if not completely, ruined our lives, hearts, minds, and souls to keep feeding the illusions. We keep this false love and realty alive, just to do it." -- Scott W

John Davis: During His Near Death Experience He Toured The Other Side

John Davis is a near death experiencer who was clinically dead for 7 minutes. His supposed spirit guide gave him a tour of heaven or "the other side" which is on the other side of the white light when you die and don't come back to earth. He saw a lot of marble on the other side... marble buildings, domes, columns, desks. Marble contains quartz crystal and could be used for technology.

He was shown an Orientation station with Gardens for family reunion; a Life Planning building; a Planetarium building; an Akashic Records Library & 'Holodeek'; Life review movie theater screens; a Past Lives movie theater; Castles with books of life; Sports fields; and Pet meadows. Jesus appeard to him in another meadow and told him to go back and tell everyone "there is no death".

All of those possible manipulations are not my interest in this article, but what possibilities there are for us to manifest with our own Intention and will power. On Jeff MAra's podcast show John said, "My guide explained to me that we all have work that we do, but we don't do it because we have to pay bills. There's no economics there. You don't have mortgages. You don't have electricity, utility bills. You work at doing things that you absolutely love to do... He took me to these sports fields where people could play any kind of sport you could ever imagine and they were miles and miles long. You could play golf. You could play rugby, football, soccer -- anything you wanted to play. These sports fields were there because we have bodies over there and those bodies are better than our bodies are here. They're stronger. They're lighter. And you if you wanted to, you could play sports all day long and never get tired. It was wonderful.... I wanted to be back there. It is so perfect, so full of love and non-judgment, total acceptance. Family friends are back there. Your animals are back there. Anything you want to pursue in your life. Whether you enjoy music or riding or hiking or swimming, you can do all of that there. They have beaches. They have oceans there. It's almost like earth, but it's so much better. It's much, much better than earth...

It's that kind of world where it's exciting. It's joyful. It's love. Anything you want to do there, you can... even though there's a lot of beautiful things here, it's nothing compared to what it's like on the other side. It's absolutely a paradise. The beaches that they have there -- the sands are pure white and the water is crystal blue. Beautiful. I just did not want to go back.... on the planetarium ceiling, they were showing me the planets from orbit. And all of them just started showing up, but every one of them had life on them. That's when they said there's far more life in the universe than you realize. And what's also amazing about that is there are other planets that we can go to that we can have lifetimes on. Millions of them. The universe is full... when they were showing me the planets, my guide was telling me that it's unlimited. Millions and millions of planets. So you could spend in your entire eternity forever just studying the planets. There are so many of them. "

On Julie McVey's podcast UnOrdinary Made Ordinary, John said:

"Part of what I saw there was the things that people do and there's there are so many things you can do. You can take classes. You can go to lectures. You can go to musical festivals. You can go hiking. You can swim. You can paint. You can write. Anything that you love to do on earth, you can do over there. It's all there also. And I was just so blown away that you did everything that you would like to do on earth you can do. And the other the other part that was amazing is that you work over there, but not like you do here. We have to work here on earth to pay our bills. You've got your mortgage, your utilities, insurance, all that. But on the other side, you work just for the simple love of what you do or what you love to do. So if you like to spend your time hiking or be in nature, that's what you can do. And you spend time with loved ones, your friends, doing all kinds of marvelous and fantastic activities. The other side is just full of life and you can be busy just like you are now in your life. You can be busy and stay active and do things and it was just such an incredible experience to learn that learning is a lifelong process not only here, but also on the other side... The other thing is the other side is perfect. It's an absolutely perfect loving, joyous, wonderful environment. There are no challenges. There are no difficulties. There's nothing you have to work through because it's perfect. So people choose to come into earth and other planets to experience and learn. Maybe they want to learn what it's like to lose a loved one. You don't have it on the other side. Nobody dies. Nobody gets old. Nobody has cancer or disease...

John says it is like a paradise. "People can go to music festivals. You still play instruments ... I could see nature. That's how I knew that people could hike because there are lakes. There are lakes over there and here's something that's probably one of the most fascinating aspects is: the topography is like the earth. The same kind of mountains, but there's no war. There's no hunger. There's no homelessness. Nothing is wrong. It's a perfect environment. It's the absolute opposite of what it's like here and there's no disease or illness. It's just an absolutely perfect environment. It's almost like another planet like earth, but it's more beautiful than anything you could possibly imagine here. It's like a paradise... You don't have to eat. You don't have to drink, but you do. You still can, okay, and you can still taste .... Everybody on the other side are in their 30s... This is hard to hard to describe, but thought is real over there. You can actually think and you can create structures and you can create things with it. "

So, as you can see from John's NDE tour of The Other Side, there are millions of much, much better worlds we could incarnate on or we have the power to manifest similar creations of our own. What he saw on the other side is an example of what we can potentially manifest on our own.


I know a very experienced out of body experiencer. He says in the astral plane you can uncreate anything you create. Learning and practicing meditation, astral travel and lucid dreaming are excellent ways to learn how to maneuver and manipulate the astral plane. There are also books on dream yoga. We need to learn how to take control of the dream we are dreaming and create the reality we will into existence with our will power.

Now I know that OBEr who wrote me emails and said we can use superpowers such as teleporting, running like the Flash, invisibility, and enacting a protective shield, etc said that we can create and then immediately uncreate anything we mess up so it could just be a matter of practice. But I have to say I think the better option may be to remain in the highest dimension in the Stillness in a blissful state of pure, potential energy and then if we are not satisfied with that state then go to the pure realm to do non sensual activity such as math or music.

He wrote, "When you have a lucid dream or out of body experience is that if you're alone in your own world your subconscious will manifest stuff. Places and people so that you have families surroundings or at least some surroundings. Sometimes you're in space or just in an empty void. Either way the world is created entirely by you. You can take control of this process and manifest what you want. But if you don't your subconscious will at least manifest something. Unless you find yourself in a consensus reality created by other beings. In that case you will see and interact with the world that they have created. You can change these types of places. But as soon as you stop focusing on the changes they will revert back to the way they were. Whereas if it's just you in your own world you can make it whatever you want it to be... There is another state where all of your senses shut off and you're just alone with your own thoughts. This is commonly called the void. You can end up here if your astral body is destroyed. Which doesn't happen that often. When you're in the void it's like you're the only thing that exists. But when you are seeing and interacting with a world it is just a projection. Whether it's created by you or by other people really doesn't matter that much. The only thing you really need to do is make sure you never come back to this screwed up world. Even the scariest and most hellish worlds I've been to in the astral were paradise compared to this world. So don't come back here."

He said, "I find one of the most fun things to do during lucid dreams and OBEs is to practice doing crazy superpower that you've seen people do on TV.
I've done most of Superman's powers and most of the Flash's as well. Flying is fun but running down the street at supersonic speeds is pretty damn awesome. When I'm moving that fast it's like I have superhuman reflexes. It makes it so I don't crash into anything. Other times when I'm running really fast it's like everything else slows down. The faster I move the slower everything else gets. It's pretty much just like how they show it on The Flash. I always wondered how he could run so fast without crashing into anything. Now I know. So having superpowers is really awesome. There was also one time where I was being shot at during an OBE and I caught the bullets with my bare hands like Superman does. That was pretty cool."

"And then one time during an OBE I was in a cathedral and I wanted to get outside so I flew straight up and smashed through the ceiling with super strength.
I also once ripped a huge machine apart with my bare hands. The interior of it was super hot but it didn't bother me. The thing with extreme temperatures in the astral is that you feel extreme heat or cold but it doesn't hurt. That's one reason why fire and brimstone isn't very scary. The one thing that Superman can do that I haven't tried yet is X-Ray vision. That would be really awesome. I have been able to zoom in with my vision though. So yeah I think it's really awesome to just try to do superpowers during lucid dreams and OBEs. You'll definitely learn really interesting ways to deal with negative entities. And you'll find there is nothing you can't do."

"I've manifested thought forms of beautiful women lots of times. A few times I've had them go haywire and try to attack me but it's pretty easy to deal with that when it happens. One time I manifested a chick and her head turned into a dog's head and she started biting my hands off. I just imagined her the way she was originally and she changed back. You don't really feel pain in the afterlife. And on rare occasions when you do you can make it stop on command. I had an OBE once where I was being riddled with bullets. At first it hurt like hell. But then I intended for it not to hurt anymore and after that I barely felt a thing. I could still feel the impact but it didn't hurt. One time I actually caught bullets with my bare hands like Superman. That was pretty interesting. While you don't usually feel pain over there you do feel pleasure and astral sex is absolutely amazing... Yeah it seems like they can't really force you to do anything. They can try to influence you but if your will is strong it won't work. The more I think about it I think that the whole thing was them testing me. To see if they could force me to reincarnate again. But they couldn't. I'm sure they're not very happy about that. That means when I drop dead I have nothing to fear. I know i can avoid coming back here because I've already done it. Still I won't lower my guard. "

"There is one place that I would like to create when I'm over there. There is a planet in Star Trek called Risa. It's a pleasure planet. The women there are stunningly beautiful. But what makes it really special is that the only thing you have to do to get laid is to show the locals a small statue called a horga'hn. Displaying one indicates you're seeking jamaharon. So that's the planet I would want to create. Plus it's beautiful. It has two suns, beaches, resorts, It's the perfect vacation planet. Hell if I vacationed there for a week I'd need another week just to recover from the vacation. So it's a very nice place. So that's what I would create."

Here is a compilation of some more things he wrote to me in Feburary, 2021:
"I've recently learned a lot more about the physical world and how it was created. We created it. And then forgot we created it and some nasty negative entity called the demiurge took the credit. My psychic abilities are going crazy lately. So I'm able to see things most people can't. The physical world isn't physical. It's just dense energy. The physical world is a super dense programmed dreamworld. The only difference between the physical world and a dreamworld you go to when you fall asleep is that the dreamworld is less dense. So the physical world is just another afterlife world.

"It is a dense programmed consensus reality. Created by the subconscious minds of the population. Some people's subconscious minds were pissed when I figured this out. The reason it seems so limited is because the programming is being enforced by the subconscious minds of the population. But we can take conscious control and turn it into a paradise.

"The only reason the physical world seems physical is because there is an energy field that blankets the planet that creates the illusion that it's physical when it isn't. If you can see through this energy field you will see that it is just a dreamworld. There is also an energy field that suppresses psychic abilities and makes it difficult for people in the astral to interact with us. But we can override the programming and do these things anyway.

"Also I had an out of body experience recently where I created a world that was more dense then the physical world. Although it didn't have the negative programming. So I could sense that it was just energy. I've also learned that the archons are using our energy that they harvested from us to program the matrix the way they want to.

"I've learned I can actually manipulate energy enough to reverse the aging process. I'm in my late thirties and when I do this I feel like I'm in my early twenties. Although to do something more extreme like reverse the aging process of an eighty year old until he's in his twenties would probably take a lot of energy and a group of awake people working together to override the programming. And the programming tries to reassert itself so you have to be vigilant.

"Anyway after doing this and telling other people how to do it the matrix hurled an insane amount of negative energy at me. Fortunately because of my experience in the astral I was able to neutralize most of it. The energy they used is energy they harvested from us. So I realized that they were using our energy to program the matrix. But we can wake up and take control instead of having our reality dictated to us.

"So the matrix is an illusion. It is not physical. It just uses programmed energy fields to create the illusion that it is when it isn't. So if people would wake up we could reprogram the matrix into a paradise.

"I've been practicing manipulating energy and reality. And I can actually make small areas of the physical world less dense. I did that today and I felt like I was walking on air. The matrix AI fought me and was trying to make me more dense. It turns out there is energy that is what makes the physical world dense. I had to maintain laser focus to defy it and get less dense. But I was able to get really less dense. So much so that I could feel the energy in my physical body become less dense and move further apart. I think that if someone could get really less dense to a point where they were lighter then a feather they could walk on water. So I think I figured out how jesus did that assuming he was a real person. You can also make a small area of the physical world a lot less dense and do some really crazy shit. Like grow arms and legs. That would take a lot of energy because the more you defy the matrix AI the more energy it takes. So it would be easier with a group of people. So we can do some pretty amazing things. If millions of people knew how to do this we could reduce the density of the physical world so that we can use our god like abilities. Then the elite wouldn't stand a chance of being able to control us. If everyone knew how to do these things their system of control would be gone by morning. They know this and that is why they have kept us ignorant of this knowledge for thousands of years. But once enough people wake up we can free ourselves and reprogram the physical world into a paradise.

"I meant there is an energy field that makes the physical world dense. I can sense it with my psychic abilities. There is also an energy field that suppresses psychic abilities. Which is probably why I didn't sense that an energy field was making the physical world dense. There is also an energy field that makes it difficult for us interact with people in the astral. I had an experience recently where there was an entity in my house and I could sense it. But I couldn't see it or hear or touch despite that I knew it was standing right in front of me. Also I've learned that the reason the sheople can't seem to wake up is because the matrix AI can mind control weak minded idiots. It can't mind control strong willed aware people though. So the sheople under the influence of the matrix AI. So we are drowning in programming and energy and psychic manipulation. But we can override it and use our abilities anyway.

"I've also learned that the physical world isn't physical. I can sense that it's just dense energy shaped by something similar to force fields. It's basically a holodeck just not a technological one. It's created by the subconscious minds of the population. The matrix AI tried to memory wipe me when I figure this out but couldn't. So we have been monumentally lied to about pretty much everything. Reality itself is not what most people think it is. When I'm around programmed people who believe that the physical world is physical it starts to become more physical. Because their subconscious mind is trying to impose it's programming onto me. When usually it's more dreamlike because I see through the programming. So reality is nothing like what people think it is. The entire system of control is based on a limited reality program. When that program goes the system goes with it.

"It just takes focused intention. Just repeat the words "less dense" for a few minutes and you start getting less dense. I can also use these techniques to reverse the aging process. Just spend a few minutes imagining yourself at a younger age. It really does work. Although to reverse the aging process for someone who is really old it would take a lot of energy and probably a group of people working together.

"I don't have any videos on my youtube channel. I just created a reddit account. I'll be posting some interesting things there. It's https://www.reddit.com/user/DeleteTheMatrix.

"I just had a very crazy experience. Someone I know wanted me to help them with something this weekend. I didn't want to. But I could psychically sense their energy trying to impose on me. They are trying to overwrite my reality without even knowing it. My psychic abilities are off the charts lately. This leads me to believe that everyone has their own reality bubble. And that when we interact with other people if we try to impose our will on them (which is bad) we are energetically trying to overwrite their reality. This must also be why the elite tell us their plans. We are sovereign beings and they have no right to interfere in our reality. So they tell us in entertainment so they can say see we told them what we were going to do. If you're an idiot and too stupid to see I guess they think they have a right to screw with you. But if you see it and don't consent they have no right to impose on your reality. So I have learned a lot lately."

"There are no limits to what we can manifest. We are only limited by the limit of our Imagination which is unlimited! One could manifest the Judeo-Christian heaven if that is what you desire. You can go to your safe space. Visualize your Happy Place. It can be anything you like, maybe a deserted island. Or maybe one similar to the home life Captain Kirk reconstructed in Star Trek: Nexus. Or Valhalla. Or the Elysian Fields. Or the Pleroma of the Gnostics, the Eternal Light Realm and the Light of Lights. Or the Buddhic Fields. Or the Summerland. Or any world from your favorite fantasy story. The world of Fantasia from The Neverending Story. Or create the blue Na'vi on the planet Pandora from Avatar. Or Middle Earth shire from the Lord of the Rings. Or the fantasy world of Narnia. Or a chocolate factory, complete with oompa loompas. But here is where we need to be careful. One could say the oompa loompas were slaves of Willy Wonka. What if the oompa loompas conspired together to overthrow you and put you to work making chocolate? There are an infinite number of fantasy worlds one could imagine and create.

More Reader Feedback

One emailer wrote, "I agree...why not exist in a balanced void where one could say manifest a vast, soothing zenlike garden with many forests and bubbling streams that extend forever...that's seems like something far better than a light/dark 2/3 hellrealm lorded over by an insane demiurge..."

In short, maybe one should not set intention on going to the void or a void since, literally speaking, that may not be technically true. By its very definition, 'nothing' doesn't exist. How can nothing exist? And the souls who say they were in a void at death.... How can it be a void? After all, they are there! Their consciousness, their awareness. If they are the only one there and they have no form then that is most likely their true essence! Pure and naked. The void is a misnomer, but describes their surroundings or what is around them. There is no space there.... and thus no time. They are outside space-time in the eternal now. Infinite awareness. Infinite energy. Pure energy. Pure awareness.

My buddhist friend has another take on what to manifest upon death. He wrote:

"All our experiences here on Earth and in the astral realm whether OBEs or lucid dreaming -- It's all fake, all hallucinations, dreams. Our life on earth is a hallucination too and there is an infinite amount of other hallucinations on all planes of existence going on in this unlimited Awareness. There are no truths in them, nothing really to discover, they are all faked fantasies. Universal consciousness split into multitude of centers trying to entertain themselves with dreamy trippy fantasies, that's all :) Yeah, if you somehow got into a bad trip you need to figure out how to get out. But the key point (any drug tripper knows ): do not get scared, always remember that it's all just a trip, a fantasy, nothing is real here. But it's also true that in this trippy game some beings take advantage and exploit others, as long as those exploited believe that it's all for real.

"All material world as well as the astral world is 'manifested' by some 'light beings' (Source and his close co-workers). So what it means is that it's a collective intentional mental manifestation (intentional fantasy) that one group of beings manifest and other beings participate in and experience (with the majority of them taking it for real). In other words, something fantasized and faked by one group of beings is taken for granted as true and real by others. A virtual reality game. So who cares what those 'manifestors' are manifesting here? It's all just a fake fantasy. There is not even a least bit of any truth in it. There is nothing really to learn here. And each of us has as much manifesting power as those guys do once we are released from the limits of this earthly reality game. We can manifest for ourselves whatever fake stuff we like (if we really want to entertain ourselves) instead of fooling ourselves into stupid and childish manifestations of those other beings.

"The whole world is only Awareness dreaming fake dreams. There is no truth and nothing to know in those dreams whatsoever. The real mystery is the very nature of this Awareness, how it exists, what's its cause, but there is NO way to know this from inside of the fantasies and dreams. It's like you can not know who you are in 'reality' from inside your dream (plus the fact that our 'reality' is just another dream). If you say that 'God' manifests the world because it wants to know itself then this is not a good argument because there NO way this Consciousness can know itself through exploring its own fantasies. There is nothing really to learn in these fantasies. There is NO way the Consciousness can get "out" of itself, look at itself at a distance and see what it really is, how and where it exists, what is causing it. But it can certainly entertain itself for the eternity with these unlimited manifestations inside its own mind.

"Because it's all FAKE. It's a childish fantasy only. There is nothing real and true in it. There is a good word for it, exactly as Buddha said: 'It is all FABRICATED'. But if you look at how Buddha taught - he almost never engaged into discussing the content of those fantasy worlds and he himself had no interest in their content. Instead he always pointed to the core problems: how fantasies occur; is there anything real in them; what is their nature; how they trap and deceive people; how to free ourselves from their 'magic' falsity.

"The material realm is a 'collective manifestation of a group of Light Beings' - the astral scenes that NDErs are experiencing is either manifestation of the NDErs themselves, or other 'Light Beings' who try to make the scene 'comfortable' for the NDErs, or both.

"The bottomline is: it is ALL manifestation. And what is manifestation? A fake and fabricated virtual reality. That's what the majority of souls are doing here - being 'mystified', or simply deceived or deceiving themselves to make it interesting, and creating so much confusion, ignorance and suffering in that process. I don't buy into that.

"There are other, more healthy ways to entertain ourselves. Creating fake mysteries, exploiting and deceiving ourselves or other beings, or, as another extreme, going into a coma/vegetable state of formless nothingless are not the only alternatives. You can entertain yourself without mystification and lies. There is endless potential for creativity: art, music, math. It's also manifestation, but you know it is fake, so what? Music is all fabricated, fake, but it's so much fun to listen and play. Creativity is beautiful, unlimited, positive and with no suffering, no lying, no exploiting of other beings. Healthy, never boring. "

It is incredibly important not to get caught up in a consensus reality co-opted by other beings. As out of body experiences expert William Buhlman states in his book Adventures in the Afterlife:
"It's important to learn how to consciously move and lock your awareness within any individual energy environment. You unknowingly did this when you entered the first nonphysical reality immediately after your death. When you embraced this construct and accepted it as your own, you became one with it. In doing so, you unconsciously locked yourself in a structured consensus-thought matrix created by a group of like-minded souls."

"Yes, all of these things are your projections. Now can see how easy it is for untrained souls to become completely trapped within their own thought forms. This is a common problem for billions of souls dwelling in the physical and astral projections. Few souls are aware of the creative power of their own thoughts. The self-created manifestations of forms make for convincing illusions in all dimensions; many humans remain imprisoned in this labyrinth of the mind"

"Many people are relieved and overjoyed to discover that they really do continue to exist after death and, as a result, gladly accept the first nonphysical reality they experience as their 'new spiritual home'...

"However there is one very serious problem with this comforting scenario that few are aware of and no one addresses. You have just accepted and adapted to a thought-consensus environment on the astral plane. You have just accepted a reflection of spirit instead of the true essence of it. You have done what billions have done before you. You have merged your consciousness with a nonphysical reality far from your true spiritual home. By doing so you essentially guarantee the continuation of your form-based existence and your reincarnation. The end result is that most people accept the denser spiritual realities of the astral plane as their new home. They settle for and adapt to the physical-like areas of the astral plane because these environments are familiar and comfortable. Thus they chain themselves to the astral realms of form and substance, and the ancient cycle of rebirth is maintained and assured."...

Jurgen Ziewe

Out of body experiencer Jurgen Ziewe describes his astral travels on his website, "My environment can be anything I like it to be...

"I am simply in a state which can be anything and everything. And everything means everything, but it is not chaos because I reside inside of everything at the highest, the core level, which is manifested by the laws of cosmic order and harmony. I am in concord with the supreme intelligence of creation, at the hub and essence of life. Consequently I can be in anything and experience it from the inside out. Laid out before me, in absolute freedom and in its essential beingness, this state may be experienced by me as nothing but light and imbued by the most incredible sounds, because I am in my purest state and, simply by an act of focus into the space surrounding me, I can create, visit, experience and become anything I wish to...

"The pure ultimate state of being is just that, “Being”. Nothing moves. It is Stillness in essence, which simply does not exist when our focus is firmly fixed on the exclusive worlds of thought, intellect and emotions, where we so easily get trapped. It is a stillness with infinite potential, completely unattached to the dramas of the world and in it’s core state it has no attributes. It is difficult to understand why this is so, when at the same time it is everywhere and everything and expresses itself as pure love throughout?...

"It is an illusion to think our life and our opportunities for self expression end when we are done with our personal issues, our attachments, when we enter true reality in enlightenment, our authentic state, our home state. But life only ever just unfolds. Life is not empty, it is full of significance and mystery and we can make it anything we wish. We, the creative outward flow, which is unconditional love, are free to participate in all creation. We don’t waste away in a featureless, empty space, bored out of our wits with bliss, we become co-workers with the creator, in absolute liberation. We are free to choose how to go about it, free to decide where to go, which group of souls to join and what to do. How is this boring?...

"We can join communities of kindred spirit, cooperate on unimaginable creative projects and can visit any part of Infinity we wish for or are called to. We are the working army of absolute consciousness, the co-workers of God...

"Our awakened consciousness may still experience the pain, but without the suffering. We no longer seek to escape from reality, but instead we begin to appreciate its deeper meaning. Instead of trying to escape from reality in futile distractions we welcome it with an open heart in eager anticipation of what reality will offer and teach us next."

In his book Multi-Dimensional Man, Jurgen wrote, "Humans find their identities here. They spin their webs of philosophies, religions and beliefs. Some get caught in it like a fly in a spider's web; some use it to spin their dreams and spend many lifetimes to unravel and fulfill them." The voice whispered to me.

"But my attention had already wandered towards one of those hovering portals. The temptation to explore one of these vistas was overwhelming. The mere thought was enough to overpower me, and I entered one of the irresistible tunnels, which was huge and bright, and lined with impressive columns on either side, and above and below. Peering through the columns as I traveled along, I saw the scenery spread out infinitely and I could have taken any of those side opening pathways and entered a new heaven of staggering diversity and wonder. People here could spend eternity exploring these fantastically heavenly universes, experiencing their never-ending joys and freedoms, not getting tired or bored for a single moment.

"I found myself accelerating through the vaulted tunnels. Occasionally, I drifted past hosts of heavenly creatures like schools of fish, rejoicing in song. On all sides new realms opened up like galaxies. I glanced into openings into other worlds, each one as vast as the one I travelled through, promising unimaginable pleasures. I was lured from all sides by fine soprano voices, which combined with all the other joyous songs creating a complete symphony. It was surely here, I mused, that our great Earthly composers received their inspiration."


Here is a meditation story I received via email:

"It was summer in Wisconsin and was 11 years old. One afternoon, I decided to do a meditation that involved manipulating my breathing in order to radically lower my heart rate (I think my target was 36 bpm.)

"I don’t recall if I was inspired by something I read or if this was another one of my creative experiments aimed at increasing awareness. For example, around this time, I spent an entire afternoon wandering around my family’s two-story farmhouse and the yard with cotton balls and a blindfold over my eyes. I also remember being around the age of five and meditating in full lotus position at my favorite aunt’s house. I got startled out of my meditation when she came into the room, screaming at me: "What the f*ck are you doing? Get up! This is so creepy!” She was clearly freaked out. I think that because I adored her so much, I stopped meditation practices for a while.

"Anyway, at some point in my breathing experiment, I felt my consciousness leave my body entirely. The “place” I went to was deep black nothingness — at least for a few moments. I kept focusing on my breath, but I started to get concerned, like I might “lose my mind,” that’s what “I” thought could happen. In order to “ground” my “self” (which I must have equated with my mind), I began adding single-digit numbers. So, imagine that I added 2+2=4. Then, to my utter amazement, the digit sum projected into the blackness as a real, living being in the shape of the number 4. The number appeared a bit cartoonish because it was bright yellow with orange spots and had rounded edges, but it was fully three-dimensional. Actually, it moved and breathed, again, much like an animation but it was definitely alive.

"I tried to maintain courage in the face of the possibility that I would totally flip out and not be able to get back into my body, and I added two more numbers: 3+4=7. Same thing happened with the number 7 projecting out into the void, except it was a different color. I think it was bright orange with purple spots that were shaped differently than the spots on 4. It’s like they had their own energy signatures. I remember the numbers 2, 4, and 7. Then I think I stopped, perhaps because I didn’t know what to do with the numbers as they slowly danced around in the abject darkness. I didn’t think, hey, maybe I should talk to them, or anything like that. I was pretty stunned to be “watching” three living, breathing numbers.

"Eventually, I brought my consciousness into my body in an unremarkable and gentle way. I never did that experiment again."



So we explored the possibility of manifesting an afterlife, only if one chooses not to stay in the so-called void forever, if for some reason one is not satisfied. As an "eternal" "infinite" Spirit one does not need to take on a form at all. There is no need to have a mental, etheric, astral or physical body at all. I guess we'll find out once we're in the so-called Void if Wishcraft is just "wishful thinking" and not a "willing participant" in the matrix game. It's not technically "wishing", but rather "willing". The wish or desire/want (what you perceive to be lacking) becomes "reality" with will power. You aren't lacking anything, but you temporarily fabricate a game of illusion for your own entertainment. I'm not sure I would recommend manifesting anything. If you read the near death experiences I have included in this article, they all seemed perfectly content indefinitely. But if one did choose to manifest an external reality, we looked at what options might be available.

I don't like this earth system with all its limitations and rules and regulations.

I would prefer dying to my ego and staying "forever" in a neutral void beyond time and space and thought and emotion if it is peaceful and somewhat blissful. And, if it is not satisfactory, then 'I' could once again separate from the oneness and manifest a better world than this one. Why not an all-positive one all the time? That sounds illogical to our way of thinking, but if all things are possible, then why not?

My buddhist friend offered some valuable thoughts on how to escape this matrix and stay in the void: "So I think the only realistic way is to ascend to higher dimensions/vibration levels (Pleroma, Pure Lands) or to the Void (formless awareness), but to be able to do that we need to dissolve and clear our psyche from all attachments to whatever pleasures, desires or addictions we developed on this dimensional plane, and do it in this life. If we don't, it will be too late to raise our vibration level or go to the Void/clear Light after death, because our karmic attachments (=addictions to emotional and sensual experiences) will pull us back. We will be bored there, and boredom is nothing else than an addiction abstinence syndrome. We need to establish our consciousness on those planes and learn how to live on those planes or in the Void now in this life, so that immediately after death we will just step out there easily and naturally and will be able to stay there without getting pulled back. There are no discontinuities in the life of the psyche, the psyche is very inert, it develops gradually and can not suddenly jump from one level to the other as a whole (as though there may be dramatic enlightening experiences showing us the ways ahead, but then they usually fade away and we go back to our normal state). In other words, like Buddhism says, we can not escape our karma (= psychic structure of our souls), we need to reach a stable state of enlightenment state of consciousness in this life in order to attain liberation after death. And realistically, in the early Buddhism schools it was believed that it usually takes many lives to achieve that, and only Dzogchen claims that with a dedicated and efficient practice it may take only one life (but it is still the whole life, takes years and decades).

"Another thought: it is possible to reach the Void experience while in the body, but it is very difficult, requires extraordinary meditation practice efforts and never lasts long. Dzogchen offers more realistic approach: we do not need to experience Void, what is actually needed is the Rigpa state where we stay in the awareness of awareness and experience the world as a stream of empty dream-like phenomena. There is no point to stop the thoughts or perceptions, just let them flow and stay in awareness of them, but do not take them for real and do not get involved or attracted by them, just watch them from the level of awareness. By consistently doing this the addictions, desires and attachments (karma) will gradually dissolve over time, their pull will be weaker and weaker, and the Rigpa state will become more and more easy and natural. If we achieve stability in this state, then we are already on the highest vibrational level, the Trikaya, in the Clear Light of Awareness. We can just remain there at the moment of death and choose if we want to continue watching the flow of forms on the highest vibrational planes or go to the formless Dharmakaya/Void state, both are fine. This is why I think Dzogchen is the most efficient practice for achieving liberation.

"I think it's a misconception to think of 'karma' as some previous bad actions that we need to counter-balance with good actions in the next lives (so that it becomes a rationale for next reincarnation). I believe that 'karma' is simply our psychic structure, residing in the unconscious, that contains our addictions to the sensual and emotional experiences (desires, attachments, behavioral and thinking patterns, etc) and our delusions about the reality of ourselves and the world, which is very inert. And this structure pulls us back into the dimensional planes where it itself resides, including the pull/desire to reincarnate. I think it is naïve to assume that even if we would suddenly ascend to the Void/Clear Light after death, this structure would immediately dissolve and we could automatically stay in the Void forever. Buddha and Buddhists understood that very well, that is why they were so insistent and focused on the practice in this life. The thing is: even if they are wrong and we can magically dissolve the psychic karmic structure when we go to the Void, that we are all set. But what if we don't? What if Buddha was right? Basically, you can consider the 'practice in this life to dissolve the karma' as a backup plan."

There are the Buddhic planes where the "gods" live. But manifesting anything is possible from the pregnant void. It's really up to you and your imagination. Just be careful because if it involves duality, then one would have to choose how big of a seesaw one wants to ride, whether one with minimal swings between the poles or large ones. But the key is never forget you are Pure Awareness experiencing itself as a separate identity, or an "id entity", and never ever forget that you are playing a "fine game of nil".

NOTE: Please send me your thoughts on this article and what reality or world you would Imagine and Intend for yourself in the afterlife at waynejbush@protonmail.com and I just might add it to the article.

Some Email Responses:

From Brian:

"My reality that I intend to experience would be a world where no living things are eaten to survive. No need for liquids, solids, or gases to nourish myself. Here on Earth, there is so much fear on not getting enough protein, iron, zinc,vitamin D, etc.

I want a body, spiritual or physical, to be complete and perfect. Now, the words perfect and complete are subjective so everyone is encouraged to manifest whatever form they feel comfortable with.

Back to my dream world, I'll like create music just by my thoughts and these thoughts/sounds manifest in front of me or even around me. I'll be creating symphonies with other beings around me. Basically, anything to do with the arts.

Here's a summarization from Wikipedia:
The arts refers to the theory, human application and physical expression of creativity found in human cultures and societies through skills and imagination in order to produce objects, environments and experiences.
Major constituents of the arts include visual arts(including architecture, ceramics, drawing, filmmaking, painting,photography,and sculpting), literature (including fiction, drama, poetry, and prose), and performing arts (including dance, music,and theatre), culinary arts (including cooking, chocolate making and winemaking).

Maybe the ego could exist, as long as it doesn't create conflict or tension between other beings. The power of intent is our most valuable asset, our most valuable gift. It's a free gift that harnesses the ability to manifest our desires. ��

But there's an old adage saying: Be careful what you wish for.

Be careful what you wish for means that even though you may think you want something, when and if you do finally get it there may be some unforeseen consequences.

Regardless, have fun, be cautious of malevolent spirits that want to trick you and understand that we are infinite spirits. Like Wayne said, never forget you are Pure Awareness experiencing itself as a separate identity, or an "id entity", and never ever forget that you are playing a "fine game of nil". "

From Justin
Hi Wayne,

How are you? I saw your article on manifesting reality in the afterlife and thought I’d shoot you an e-mail. When I die, I plan on putting out the intention of going to the highest aspect of myself. Hopefully, that will bring me to either the 8th or 9th heaven. I believe the 7 heavens are part of the Kenoma, belonging to the Demiurge and his archons, while the 8th and 9th heaven are the higher realms above the firmament that’s separated from the lower realms. I firmly believe that we’re all destined to return to the Pleroma eventually, but I think when that happens, we will all go together after the Kenoma is destroyed at what the Gnostics refer to as the “Consummation of the Age”. I believe we all have the spark of Sophia inside of us, and ultimately, she’s the highest aspect of ourself having descended into matter and gaining wisdom through her experiences as all of us. Until that happens, I’m quite fine with remaining in one of the higher realms and manifesting my own reality. I plan on creating my own world, similar to Earth, but without the aspect of duality.

I would also like to mention that I’m publishing my first book that’s scheduled to be released sometime next month and I would like to know if it would be OK if I reference your website, trickedbythelight.com?

Your website was part of what inspired me to write my book and I would love to mention it in the preface with the intention of making more people aware of your work. I just want to make sure you’re cool with that, and if you’re not for whatever reason, just let me know and I won’t put it in.

Thanks and keep up the great work!

My reply to Justin:
Hi, Justin

Thanks for sharing your ideas and intention. That's the rub for me. I am drawn to both Gnostic and Tibetan Buddhist teachings and while there may be some similarity between the two, there may also be some contradiction. The Tibetans speak of nonduality and the void whereas the Gnostics speak of the Pleroma or Fullness and that this is a copy of that realm.

Do you think the so-called void the NDErs talk about is part of the Kenoma or is the same as the Pleroma?

I think your intention would be successful which reminds me I wanted to also include an option of an Intention to be "free" and "safe" or return back to the original home of our Spirit and an Intention to be free of the matrix.

Of course, you can reference or quote my site for your book. It sounds like a great book. Keep me updated on it. Can I add part or all or your email in my article? I could just use your name Justin or no name at all. Doesn't really matter, but I think the content of the message adds a nuance to our options for sure.


Hi Wayne,

Yes, for me personally, the Gnostic texts resonate most with me.

My understanding of the void is that it’s part of the Kenoma and also part of the upper realms (what I refer to as the 8th and 9th heaven). It’s basically the part of those realms where nothing has been created yet. The Pleroma is something totally separate from the Kenoma/void/upper heavens. Like you said, it’s the Fullness.

The Pleroma is where the Aeons exist. I don’t believe it’s possible to go there during an NDE because I don’t believe separation exists in the Pleroma. If one were to enter the Pleroma, I believe we would merge as one with Sophia, who is our Source. Though she’s not the Source of everything; that would be the Monad, the one the Gnostics call the Ineffable/Unknowable.

I believe we’re all destined to return to the Pleroma, even those who haven’t woken up, but I think we’ll all go together when that happens, as we would lose our individuality at that point.

I think the movie Beauty and the Beast was giving us this message. If you consider the Beast to be the Demiurge, Belle to be Sophia, and the Beast’s servants to be us humans, you’ll recall at the end of the movie that everyone was restored to their true selves. Even the Beast! I believe part of Sophia exists in him since he ultimately emanated from her, so if all Spirit is destined to return to the Pleroma, then I believe his Spirit will be restored, while his Ego will be consumed.

If you’re familiar with “On the Origin of the World”, it talks about how Yaldabaoth’s heavens will fall and he will be thrown into the abyss with the Archons, where they will then destroy themselves. This is supposed to happen in the end-times, and some of it seems to parallel the prophecies in the Book of Revelation. I think this is all pre-destined, and in that sense, it really is like we’re living in a movie.

Thank you for allowing me to reference you in my book. I will certainly keep you updated on the finished product. :)

Yes, you can certainly use what I wrote in my e-mail in your article. You can reference my name if you’d like.

I check your site frequently for updates and it’s always a pleasure reading your articles. I look forward to more great things from you!


From Ivaylo:

"what reality or world you would Imagine and Intend for yourself in the afterlife"

I'm thinking about this a lot, and the main thing is very simple - non physical reality is a must. What we call here "physical", is the root of the problem. It runs deeper then most assume. I can describe this physical world with a single word - ignorance. We are born knowing nothing, fully dependent on our parents and the society, many have false self-confidence, and the only sure thing is that we will die and forget if not all, most of it. While we are alive, we are imprisoned between two fake/illusory worlds - the animal nature and the "social contract".

Problems of our animal nature

The core program in our nature is survival (as opposed to entropy). Our body's only goal is to survive as organized blob of matter and replicate its DNA in the process... at any cost. It must adapt towards the environment regardless of a choice, or face extinction. Those that go instinct, do not leave their DNA, so our body is inherently programed by those that survive (just like the idea of the "original sin" - you become a copy of those that did anything for their own body to survive). This body, using our physical brain is entangled somehow with our true self and true mind. This physical aspect is of course expression of our self in this particular realm, but this makes it very difficult to differentiate "you" from "not-you". What choice was really yours, and what was just an instinct of the body left by our ancestor DNA? This is why Buddhism is so concerned with the so called "not self". Your own brain will try to convince you that "life is good", you must search for "happiness", "find love", "work hard", "fight" etc, etc. It will use even your most intimate desires, dreams, intentions, values, and translate them into one or other form of simplistic survival instinct... basically - eating, making money/resources, sex drive. Most people are oblivious to the extend their body controls them. They would say "I love someone", but it's nothing more then a connection their body made because of family bonding or "gene hunting" (to create the next gene-ration). There is something coming from our real us - love, moral values, creativity, conscience... but it's then channeled into this primitive animal nature, which leads only to even bigger disappointment. Our body doesn't understand these things, they are not part of this realm... It knows just "attachments". I.e. we are attached to our parents, to the so called "partner" that our body desires for procreation, to the job we identify with, to the home we hide in... Our body desires stability since it exists / opposes a world of entropy and constant change. This is what really stands behind the idea of "attachments". It's again - just our simple surviving program kicking in, trying to hold onto something that makes us feel safe in a world that constantly changes. Having such physical "double", that literally drugs your brain to do things... even if we talk about life as "roleplaying", this assumes that you are in control. But in this reality - we are not. The real you is actually the pawn, the puppet, moved by the physical body (which is the real master). This is the major "bug" in our realm - forcing you to forget who you are, and become part of the pointless and endless recycling and fight over matter. I do not consider the idea for the self to have an "avatar"/"ego"/"role" inherently wrong. This is what develops personality on some other level, a way for the self to express individually. I actually believe something deeper is developed in this process. Even behind the role, people are very different. The opposite of this process, is of course the void, the so called "pure being". But there is no "challenge" in it, there is no development, nor any movement. This is why playing "games" is so attractive. However, you don't need a physical world to have this. The mental level creates it, and it's much, much bigger then our physical universe. Sadly the Buddhists themselves do not get the real meaning of their own teachings about the "not-self". What we see from the popular faces (as always) is absolute ignorance, just like what comes from all other "leaders of humanity". You dissociate with the whole thing not by stop thinking, becoming "empty", not judging, etc, etc. It's simply by differentiating from the physical not-self. It's not our thoughts that "attach" us to something. On the contrary - we drawn in a see of so many different thoughts, infinite possibilities, infinite roles (and Buddhists actually acknowledge this, and treat it as another "problem"). So how our thoughts "attach" us to something? Directly - they obviously don't, our physical brain is manipulating them which we know as the matrix. However, Buddhism IMO was infiltrated by atheists who promote it being about "not having a soul". Which turns it into a total absurd. IMO - the same thing was done to Christianity - it was overtaken again by totally different groups. One must be extremely cautious and try to read the books directly, in their original language or find exact translations (which is almost impossible). Avoid the "gurus" and their own interpretations.

Problems with the social contract

This contract is of course built over our animal nature and our physical needs/shortcomings. We live together not because we chose to, but because of survival and the potential to become "human". Without the society, we can't make it out of the animal kingdom, and develop reason and culture. But the other side is - we become too dependent on society, which can easily turn against us. In any case, there is no choice involved here either. Without the society, we can't develop long enough "memory", in order to progress and accumulate reason and knowledge about the world. With all its shortcomings, the society provides you with longer history of the human experience. You just can't achieve this in your mere 60-70-80 years of life by yourself. At the same time, one should not forget, that the purpose of any society is to protect and propagate itself (mainly - its leaders at the price of the sacrificial lambs...). Just like nature, it doesn't care about the individual, but only it's own survival. You can see it observing your colleagues, friends, or family... everyone around you has the "job" to keep you here and force you to think inside the box. If you deviate, if you think for yourself, if you act the way you feel internally, they will turn against you, in order to defend the system and its rules. They "love" you when you are mediocre, when you are down there with them, sharing their ignorance, their believe system, their way of living. This is why people went ascetic in the past, breaking any relationships with the "worldly matters". It's just all fake, a theatre, superficial. Also, society is used better by some, then others. For example some learnt how to preserve their wealth and power using the blood lines. Most of us are being born... well - slaves, working drones. And there is no way to change this since people are kept purposefully at this low level of existence by using media propaganda, force, stress, fear... whatever it takes. They even destroyed the family unit for the common people, the only way to preserve and accumulate power in society through a blood line. They keep theirs, but we... we must be just exchangeable units with not family, no country, no culture, no conscious. All these processes happening now - they are not random, they are not about ideals, or some sort of social struggle and progression. It's just as it has always been - struggle for power. But here is the deal - you *must* walk the path and understand all this on your own, realize your own ignorance and the collective madness. It's a process, and society plays huge role as a mirror.

There is also a constant opposition between these two factors - the good cop and the bad cop. Society wants to control nature in order to "prosper" and create "safety" for the people. Using quotes, since quite often - we get exactly the opposite. We live in the worse environment and worse bodies in the human history. Most people have either physical or psychological illnesses, or both. At the same time I wouldn't go with this "mother nature" nonsense either, since nature is just as hostile, immoral and lacks wisdom. Some mistake this blind process of evolution with wisdom, how moronic and of course - ignorant... Both are bad - it's false dualism. We must constantly try to balance between the two, but of course - most of it is not up to you, but the society.

So, for me, these are key elements. Understand why the physical reality is inherently "fallen", and can't be "fixed" (so we can live happily ever after)... On the contrary, you are born slave of the body and the society in this realm, and there is no way around it. Born also into amnesia and ignorance about yourself, about what this world is. And the only purpose of all? Keeping the Wheel/Samsara spinning, keeping the matter recycling, nothing more really. There is no "goal" (just survival), even worse - you can't imagine your own goals, since the physical system itself dictates them via the two simple opposing forces - organized matter versus entropy. We exist in this very sick and thin balance between the two - life and death, but not for too long, to actually understand the game. It's all just an illusion, figures of sand, constantly created and destroyed, while we desperately try to hold on it. And it's not even your own illusion, your own imagination, your real fight. It's someone else's. But maybe this is exactly the thing that makes it appealing for so many people here. They do not want to be in control, they want to be ruled over - by parents, politicians, authorities, the nature, gods, lovers, friends, etc... This makes it more interesting to them, more "real" maybe - someone else to be actually in charge of their dream, someone else to tell them what to do. They believe the external more then they believe in themselves. My observation is that on psychological level, this is one of the most powerful human traits. Our history is all about games of control/power, and of course - we live in exactly the same situations today. Most people lack will on their own. They prefer their will to become part of the will of a group, and play these drama games, surrendering to their most primitive instincts like fear and anger, desperation and hope. This is another aspect of getting out - build will on your own, stop depending on external forces and expectations. Your intentions should be very specific towards yourself. It can't be general or a product of a collective believe. Nobody else can create such thing for you, which means nobody else can "save you".

There is this question in our minds - should we try "helping" other, can they be "helped"... To huge extend - I don't think so, since they do not really want help. They made it that way, it's a matter of their own "choice". IMO, the idea of choice is very important in this realm. I say "idea", since it's an illusion like everything else. By saying "choice", most hide their own weaknesses and dark desires. We've all lived with people that have this objectively dark / destructive behavior (if it's too difficult to see our own). For example - they drink too much, they smoke, they do not eat properly, they do exercise, they are irresponsible, they are gullible and easy to manipulate. You know its wrong, they know its wrong, but they just don't have the will. On the contrary - this sucks them even deeper and on some level - they even enjoy it in a sick way. There is strange psychology involved here - they want someone to tell them what to do, but at the same time - they refuse the truth since they will see their own weakness that way. So they want to be lied, and this feeds the darkness. People here just love any sort of a lie, in order to keep this "condition". You can do nothing, but move along, and do not take part of this behavior. You do this towards a person, you should do it towards this whole world, since it's all like that. I very very rarely see a quality person here, like they are all gone, and what is left is frankly just trash. Yep, this is bad, but it happens for a reason. And in a way - it proves something important - that we are really free - these people left here deserve and desire to be here. I don't buy the idea of the "prison planet". I see it more like drug addicts and drug lords. It's just a transaction, like the idea about selling of the soul. In some sense - all addicts do exactly that. And how to reach someone without a soul... Let them be who they are, let yourself be who you are."

More from Ivaylo:

"I think we all have quite different motivations to be here. Most seems to be here because of the body, and the experience of the ego. Imagine having a great meal you can just order in a restaurant and enjoy. You put close to zero effort for this. Human love is very similar. It just happens, no matter if this is your own family, or "romantic". In a mental world, where you create your own experience, it will be a lot more work on your part. You must build your own experience from literally zero, i.e. - the void.

I think, I'm exactly the opposite - I like challenges. And everyone finds them in different ways. A typical examples are sports, where people love to compete. So this is another another kind of dualism that binds us. While the previous group wants it easy, others wants it difficult. And actually, this is what my friend explained to me about gaming. Since I'm in this business, I asked this friend (who is huge gamer) - how to make an addictive game that people want to play. He said - there must be something for these two types of people. The first one wants it to be easy, so the game should make them feel more powerful, capable, smart then they actually are. But in the same time the game should create a challenges for the other group of people, that prefer to struggle on their own, and pay the price for every little success. Although the game is not balanced at all on physical level, it balance itself out because of metaphysical factors, i.e. our individual consciousness and what kind of game it prefers to play. Easy - difficult looks to be the most major duality that is created. Even the rules of the game doesn't matter so much.

As you can imagine, both groups will have their own pitfalls on the path. How long would you challenge yourself in such unfair game, putting so much effort for nothing? And how long the easy going group will just go through life without thinking and doing even the minimal work? Despite our own personal preferences, we are forced towards some sort of a balance and fairness. You can't be too lazy, but you can't win a desperate fight either.

IMO, we live in a time where these two groups are splitting more and more. Balance can not be sustained any longer. And it's painful for both groups. But it's for the better IMO. It will make both groups realize, that the situation is dysfunctional. If we do not have the same main goals and work towards them, there is no point to play the game together at all. The easy going group will accept the totalitarian system that is in the works IMO. Those that put the effort and work will depart and leave this place for good. The ruling elite is here for one simple reason - the huge majority wants it easy. They are ready to sell themselves for "safety" and "conveniences". And the physical reality just amplifies the situation, although generally speaking, this is on mental level of course. But when you are so weak as a human, it's even easier to push these sort of agendas, and prey over the lack of personal responsibility, laziness, fear.

Yep, while alive, it's a prison. Even worse, since in a normal prison, they can't steal from you your identity and memories. This is why it's so important to prepare for death, when you are free from the body. Especially in these times we live in today. Maybe I'm negative, but I think it will become only worse. We had a "good cycle", i.e. a lot of smart people worked for creating this modern world we enjoy, especially in the US. Now it's over. The majority kept it easy, just consuming, allowing very negative things to happen, slowly, and now... fast. At this point, there is no going back towards the "old normal". Society everywhere is fragmented, there is no common language. I'm trying to adapt, but of course, all of us have a cross line. At some point, one would prefer to be dead and get over with it. So time is precious and must be used for the important things. At this point, I'm trying to be as self sufficient as possible and most of it is actually - try to live with as little as possible. Develop skills. For example, I learnt how to cut my own hair few years back. I know how to cook, how to can foods. I try to stay healthy (dropped 20 pounds), since the medicare system is a disgrace and you can't depend on that either. Bought a bike, so I don't need state registration, insurance or gas. Stuff like this will buy you time, but I just don't believe there is something better that awaits us after the current turmoils. Just interesting times to observe and think about life, think about yourself..."