Why I Will Choose Not to Go to the White Light When I Die

Important Note : I do not claim to know what happens at death. No one alive here today, in my opinion, knows for certain what happens. All anyone has is a belief, theory or opinion. Near death experiencers may have, at best, a brief glimpse into the intial stages of death. Furthermore, it is not my intention to create fear or anxiety about the process of death, but rather to honestly investigate and analyze ALL the data to enable people to make their own decision, one that resonates as truth for them so they can make the best choice available for them. Even if I am right and someone still decides to go to the light, the worst case scenario is feeling love for an indeterminate period of time and then being convinced to go back to Earth over and over again until one is able to recognize what is happening. A place like hell where souls are tortured was only seen in about 1 percent of NDEs and it was hardly ever their soul, just ones they saw which were basically punishing themselves out of guilt, and could leave at any time.

The aim of this article is to provide a much needed balance to this topic of discussion. Near death experiencers have espoused the idea that the light is wonderful and they can not wait to return to it when they die. That is fine. To each their own. I am just saying there may be a better option than going to that light.

This website is dedicated to exploring the question of whether the white light reportedly experienced at death is the BEST option or whether it may be a portal to an eventual reincarnation on Earth. It is an essential and logical question to ponder and not intended in any way to generate fear or paranoia. On this site, I will look not only at near death experiences, but also out of body experiences, pre-birth experiences, psychedelic experiences, alien abductions, meditation experiences, mythology and ancient texts. For example, many other transcendental experiencers, including The Tibetan Book of the Dead, reveal that light is just one of the two polarities of duality and that beyond the light exists a "clear" light of awareness which is the heart center beyond time and space, thought and emotion, a peaceful neutrality. It is indescribable, but is both light and dark or neither light nor dark, a type of so-called void which is a misleading misnomer that evokes the image of emptiness because it is nonduality: simulataneously nothing yet everything. It has been likened to a womb or pre-creation containing all potentiality. Why should we elect to go to an external light or authority figure when, as all disciplines suggest, our astral bodies are made of translucid, liquid light and we are connected to everything? And, more importantly, that we are living a dream and we have the power to manifest any reality through our focused Intention! So why would we want to hand over that Sovereignty to another being? And as quantum physics has shown us, there is an infinite energy present in every quantum zero point. This means that Infinity is within us. All we have to do is focus attention inward. From a larger perspective, the white light is an illusion as everything is a part of us and we are a part of everything. The nature of reality is holographic. It is consciousness, awareness. Consciousness manifests what we perceive to be reality.

I have come to regret the name of the site as it seems to generate anxiety in some people. The name was chosen nearly twenty years ago. If I could do it all over again, I would probably choose another name. But I do think it is important to investigate topics such as the nature of reality, consciousness or awareness, light and dark, duality and nonduality, and what purpose life on Earth serves. And that is exactly what I respectfully intend to do on this website. I have come to the realization that the light is probably not really tricking us per se. But, rather, as eternal, infinite Spirits we have chosen to forget our true, divine nature and play a game of hide-and-seek, pretending we are not "god". Knowing everything there is to know about everything probably gets "boring" after a while, if there is such a thing as boredom for an eternal spirit. After one has manifested every pleasure imaginable for eons, one might like to be surprised from time to time to really understand and appreciate what we truly are. So to do that, we experience in a limited form what we are not. We are, in a sense, tricking ourselves or allowing ourselves to be tricked because we still want to play the game and are not ready yet to wake up.

To alleviate the boredom and to better know thyself, we have split ourselves into a multitude of emanations who are characters or players in a divine drama or cosmic play. A neverending story. Of course, every interesting story needs drama and conflict which is provided by villains. And like every Hollywood movie contains a major twist in the storyline. Could this even be what the white light represents?

Which is more likely: that we are ignorant, blank souls that were created by a capricious god on a whim and need to learn lessons over countless lifetime in an Earthly classroom, or that we have always been infinite, eternal, divine Spirits that choose to have countless experiences in a vastly wide variety of forms and situations? In the first scenario, wouldn't we have already learned these lessons by now since there is an infinite timeline?

We live on a planet where life constantly feeds off each other in a deceptive manner in what we call the food chain. We humans like to think we are at the top of the food chain and that nothing feeds off us. We like to think that when we die, everything suddenly becomes automagically perfect and an ideallic heaven awaits, when everything on earth would point to that not be a likelihood. Millions of near death experiences and this supposed loving being of light is not at all concerned about the predatory nature of the food chain on this prison planet Earth? And in case you don't think this is a prison planet. consider the circumstance under which I may be editing this article for the last time. I sit here typing while virtually the whole world is in lock down, under martial law, and while an invisible enemy virus is on a rampage which could take up to a tenth of human life on this planet. I will either be quarantined here for two or three months unable to leave or I will be deemed an undesirable dissident for exercising my first amendment right of the freedom of speech and taken away to a prison camp.

Let me be perfectly clear. Virtually all near death experiencers come back saying that the Light is wonderful and loving, and that the near death experience is positive. And that there is nothing to fear at death. Most the quotes and examples I share in this article are the exceptions and not the rule. Many of them represent only about one percent of cases. But if there is something shady or nefarious going on, wouldn't the perpetrators indeed try to hide it as much as possible? Let's say someone here on Earth is a child predator who has abused dozens of children. In a court of law would we be interested in the thousands of pleasant exchanges he has had with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers to determine whether or not the abuse is happening? No. But if dozens of children came forward with personal testimony giving evidence that suggested the abuse is happening, then we would be very concerned. That is what I believe we have with the light being that the near death experiencers report about. Now it may very well be the case that there is not just one light that everone goes to. Like I said, there is much we do not know or cannot know about the near death or afterlife experience. For instance, it could be that not everyone goes to the same quality of light. Some say the light is misty or cloudy. Others describe it as pure. It could be that they go to the varying intensity of light that based on the purity of one's heart. One near death experiencer did say that so it may be unwise to make a sweeping, generalized statement that applies to everyone so please keep that in mind.

This predatory system where creatures must feed off each other on a daily basis is a system condoned by the white light since it sees all of it during life reviews. It does nothing about it. Near death experiencers who are touted for coming back and being nicer and transforming their lives in a positive, loving manner are rarely, if ever, instructed to change this barbaric system. How could they? How could one force animals to change their predatory behavior? They were created and programmed to be that way.

Perhaps they are just farming us for our light power energy the way most humans farm animals and don't think twice about eating a burger or a steak. They may not be doing it out of cruelty per se but as a means to survive.

Of course, it doesn't necessarily follow that what occurs on earth here in the 3d would be what happens in the afterlife in the astral realm.

I can't prove the light is the wrong choice to make any more than they can prove the light is the best choice to make. That is not my goal. I only just like to put some evidence on the table that should cause all to at least question the motives of the light or to help us all understand better just what is going on. For me, there are more than enough red flags to cause hesitation for me. In fact, there are too many red flags for me to feel comfortable going to the white light at all. Therefore, I will choose not to go to the white light when I die. After all, any position should be able to withstand an open and honest critique. It is in that spirit that I write this article.


We all rely on light to see. We're in the dark without it and seemingly lost. We owe our very physical existence to the Sun and the light and energy it provides. However, let us not lose sight of the fact that light is part of a duality, and can not exist without its twin counterpart, darkness. In fact, 96 percent of our universe cannot be seen and is what is termed as dark matter and dark energy. And we are told by scientists that it is is this dark matter that holds the universe together. The light could not function the way it does without this backdrop or background of seeming nothingness, but which is actually full of energy.

In this context, the sun is just an enabler and would we better off without a physical body since energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but change form? Perhaps we would exist as free spirits uninhibited by a body and gravity of Earth. Free to roam the universe and other dimensions at will. But here we are for better or worse trapped inside these bodies, at least for the foreseeable future until we release this mortal coil. But then what? What happens then? No one really knows for sure no matter what they will try to claim and convince you of. The closest anyone has come to knowing for sure are those who have literally died and then come back: near death experiencers. There are verifiable veridical cases where they NDER was able to see or hear activity during clinical death. One such case is Pam Reynolds. Some were clinically dead and then resuscitated or revived by doctors and nurses. For some, their heart stopped or their brain ceased having activity, albeit for only a short while. But they only received an initial glimpse of what death could be like.

And while there are variances in what they report having experienced once dead, there are many commonalities. No two experiences are alike which suggests there is a subjective element. Perhaps the soul creates its own experience based on beliefs, expectations, fears, wishes, imagination and intentions. Although near death experiencers say their experiences were more real than every day normal waking reality, the experiences still may have been a dream and life here on earth a dream within a dream. And when we sleep at night we have a dream within a dream within a dream. All is consciousness at different levels of awareness. Some are more vivid than others and the near death experience is more real and vivid than that you are experiencing right at this moment.

In order to have a balanced take we need to look at ALL of the near death evidence and not just the positive happy make you feel good stories. The negative, unpleasant and confusing ones are part of the phenomenon as well and need to be taken into account. When we want find out the truth about a case in court, we don't just examine the positive evidence. Rather, it is the most damning evidence that is most compelling and determines whether a being is innocent or guilty of a crime. People who accuse me of taking things out of context are also guilty of doing the same. Others say to even question whether anything is taking place is to create fear and anxiety at a time when peace and positive thoughts are the most crucial. No, I think we need to have examined the evidence long before that time and made up our minds well beforehand, and not just rely on hope and positive thinking alone.

I did not invent fear and anxiety. They existed long before I created my web site. Fear and anxiety are part of the system that the Light interacts with and constantly sends beings back - some say against their will, though it very well may be they were talked into doing so or influenced and almost always with no valid reasoning other than "it is not yet your time" or "you have a mission". Apparently, the light approves of this system or condones it.

On Earth As It Is in Heaven? Light As a Lure

We are all familiar with the axiom "as above, so below". This would also imply the opposite "as below, so above". Well, down here everything alive must kill to stay alive in order to gain more energy. There is a food chain and we humans like to think we are at the top of the chain and that nothing else can kill or extract energy from us. Yet many die from cancer every day and many more are hosts for parasites which siphon energy from us daily. Nature has become exceedingly proficient at more and more clever ways to extract the energy it needs to survive. Animals use many strategies to kill its prey, including power, speed and deception. Some of the tactics that fall under the category of deception include camouflage, mimicry, and hypnosis. Chameleons can change their color to blend into the environment. Some insects, such as the orchid mantis, are able to shape shift and appear as a flower. Others, such as parasites, literally use mind control. There are actually quite a few creatures on both land and sea that use light to lure its prey. These include the anglerfish, viperfish, dragonfish, black seadevils, cuttlefish, and gnat fly larvae. Some creatures use pheromones to drug their prey. Some use a hypnotic display of lights to stun and confuse targets. Some even use the promise of love or sex. There is a species that uses the flashing patterns of fireflies to lure unsuspecting male fireflies to their deaths. Mankind also uses light to kill. We've all seen what are called light traps or bug zappers. Nature becomes more and more clever and develops more refined techniques to fool its prey. But, for some reason, people are convinced en masse that a beautiful heaven awaits for them in the loving light.

Admittedly, the overwhelming majority of those who claimed to go to the light felt the light was loving and positive. Many even equate the being of light with god. But I suggest the light exhibits all the characteristics I listed above. The light has deceptively taken an appearance other than its true form, ostensibly to make the soul feel more comfortable. The light has given conflicting or even contradictory information about various topics including reincarnation and the meaning of life. Although they are very rare, there are even a few people who felt the light was trying to trick them. What should be most alarming is the several dozen cases where aliens were seen. One group of grey aliens claimed to be in charge of the recycling of souls. Also disturbing are the huge number of cases where souls were forced to come back against their will even though they wanted to stay. A few were given reasons that seemed like obvious manipulation involving tactics like appeals to authority, emotion and flattery.

The Light is NOT God or True Original "Source"

Although many souls believe the light to be god and a few were even told that it was god, there were others who asked and were told that the light is not god.

Near death experiencer Pam Reynolds said, "I asked if God was the light, and the answer was: 'No, God is not the light. The light is what happens when God breathes.' And I distinctly remember thinking: I’m standing in the breath of God."

Nanci Danison is a near death experiencer. In her book Backwards, she wrote, "I understood that rejoining Source would give me access to the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of the zillions of its other points of awareness or thought-forms in the same way I had shared merged energies with my five companions. And through merger I would know what Source does about its own existence and its source."

And in one of her talks she said, "This energy source existed alone. What I understand of its nature is just a little tiny bit. I'm not sure if that's because it doesn't understand its own nature or because that's all I got or that's all I remember. But my impression was that this energy is part of a greater energy source or a greater species of entities or... it's not the end-all be-all. There's something larger or greater, more powerful than it. But this energy source is definitely what we call 'God'."

Although the Bible says "God is light", it also mentions a void and movement of spirit and the sound of God saying, "Let there be light". Other religious texts such as the Rig Veda and the Tao seem to imply the Void as a Source prior to light.

Here are a couple near death experiences where the light was claimed to be the god humans worship.

Mary D wrote, "I heard several voices from different locations around me and within me. One said ‘everything will be alright.’ One responding to my unasked question ‘who are you?’ The response: ‘God of Abraham.’ "

Another man on NDERF named Israel wrote about a super evolved superbeing he was shown by an angel named Lamdiel. He talked about humanity merging with Yahve (Yahweh) in an NDE message from the angel Lamdiel.

"You, the entire humanity, are going to proceed with it. After the unification process with each other, you humans on Earth are going to make the main evolutionary step, the ultimate one as individual humans--you are going to bond with a greater, enormous spirit."

I was excited. "Who is that giant spirit? I felt as if my heart were racing although I was in my astral body. The angel smiled, then slowly answered my question.

"It is going to be a strong, huge, high intensity spirit from the third level of existence, from the forces level. That spirit is going to bond Himself with all of humanity on the planet Earth.

"It will create a huge new entity--one that will improve your lives tremendously and forever. This huge spirit is quite well known to humanity on Earth. Many people, unknowingly, already are craving to bond with Him. They consciously pray for His help, and love Him. In some part of their subconscious minds all people on Earth already know it. And whether they believe in any established religion or not, in times of great need most humans recognize His existence. They call him: God, Elohim, Yahave, Allah, the Heavenly Father, and many other names."

White Light is Impure and Incoherent

White light is actually considered, scientifically speaking, to be incoherent light. With his prism, Newton proved that white light was impure. I found 75 cases where the light and its surroundings were described as being cloudy or misty or having clouds and mist. This is another indication that the Light is not the pure, divine Light but an incoherent white light

God Can Not Be Seen... Can True Light be Seen?

It has often been said that God cannot be seen. It is a controversial topic, but it may very well be that unreflected light cannot be seen. It may be that only light reflected off objects or refracted through Earth's atmosphere may be seen. The astronauts said they could not see the sun or the stars from the moon. It has also been said that none of NASA's images of the Sun are in the visible light spectrum. We see the sun as shining white light, all the colors of prism combined, but it would seem that maybe true light unreflected would be black or clear. The experiment at the beginning of the book Catching the Light found that unreflected light is darkness. The Tibetan Buddhist monks say it is clear, colorless, pure, invisible and use words like transparent and colorless, but that it is not light like we think about light, but more like clarity of mind or pure awareness of the heart center.

The idea that we cannot see light but only light that is reflected off objects resonates with me. And may be why outer space between the sun and planets looks dark. I think my friend said he didn't see the Sun or Saturn when he was returning from his nde.

Gnostics and others say god is invisible, can't be seen. And most all see the light as a point source initially so how can god have a boundary? So if the light being of NDEs is seen as light, then it can't be god or true light. Just a lower level god, small 'g', of this world

I think light and even love are dualistic terms.

As I said earlier, in the book Catching the Light the author very carefully conducted an experiment to detect what light looks like when it is not reflected. His experiment concluded that pure light, unreflected, is darkness! Think of outer space. The light coming from the Sun travels through space and is reflected off planets and the moon so we can see them. But what does it look like as it travels between them? The darkness of outer space.

The following is from the beginning of the book Catching The Light by Arthur Zajonc and shows just how tenuous our understanding of light might be: "As part of what I call "Project Eureka", a friend and I have designed and constructed a science exhibit in which one views a region of space filled with light. It is a simple but startling demonstration that uses only a carefully fabricated box and a projector whose light shines directly into it. We have taken special care to ensure that light does not illuminate any interior objects or surfaces in the box. Within the box, there is only pure light and lots of it. The question is: What does one see? How does light look when left entirely to itself?

Approaching the exhibit, I turn on the projector, whose bulb and lenses can be seen through a Plexiglas panel. The projector sends a brilliant light through optical elements into the box beside it. Moving over to a view port, I look into the box and at the light within. What do I see? Absolute darkness! I see nothing but the blackness of empty space.

On the outside of the box is a handle connected to a wand that can move into and out of the box's interior. When I pull the handle, the wand flashes through the dark space before me, and I see it brilliantly lit on one side. The space clearly is not empty but filled with light. Without an object on which the light can fall, one sees only darkness. Light itself is always invisible. We see only things, only objects, not light." -- from Catching the Light

I am a bit skeptical as to the veracity of that emperiment. Even the act of observing something with consciousness affects the experiment. But, if true, it does make sense.

Scientists say that 99.99% of matter is empty space, a vacuum, as is outer space. But perhaps there is energy in the Void between everything and our instruments are just not sensitive enough to detect it? Maybe it is like echoes or faint vibration. Perhaps bleeding over from another dimension even. We still don't understand what dark matter is though it makes up most our universe. If this zero point energy is vibrating so slowly (or so fast maybe) that we can't detect it, as it approaches zero point or total rest, does it become Potential Energy, energy that hasn't been converted into the kinetic energy of movement yet?

Maybe we were unsatisfied in The Void and are looking for the perfect balance of good/bad, light-dark. Or just want an infinite variety of possible worlds to explore whenever we want. Who can say? Unfortunately, there is a lot of suffering in this world and it is not equally proportionate among all people. But maybe just feeling alive is preferable to sitting on the fence. Perhaps we get tired of both, and go back and forth often between the two.

Is Earth A School? Or a Predatory Parasitic Farm? Or a Reality Show For Entertainment?

The most common claim of near death experiencers is that life is a school where we learn lessons in order to grow spiritually. Although this may sound great and appeal to our ego, is it really true? Are we growing spiritually or becoming more selfish? You would think after thousands, if not millions, of years of evolution, we would have learned our lessons by now and graduated. Besides, this makes it sound like Earth is just a soul factory where blank, ignorant, incompetent, unloving souls are created in some cosmic kitchen somewhere and then sent to earth to "grow" through countless lives and untold suffering. What kind of half-baked story is this? What kind of sick, twisted, demented chef would create such a system let alone deem it a good one? By the way, this would contradict the idea that we are all eternal spirits with perfect, infinite awareness. People who are proponents of the earth school theory believe that experience is the only or best teacher there is. I know a person who has had over 100 out of body experiences and he says knowledge can be transferred instantaneously in the astral world. And why couldn't it be transferred via telepathy and empathy? Of course it could be! After all, is it not just information? Some may distinguish between experiential knowledge and wisdom. But even if this is true, does the classroom need to be so horrific and painful? Can't lessons be taught in a more humane and gentle manner? I would think so especially if the lessons were taught by a great teacher. I mean, do the students really need to kill to survive in order to learn to "love"? How is an animal punished for something it was programmed to do on instinct or created to do?

With all apologies to John Jennon, Instant Karma is not going to get you -- only if you believe it will and manifest that via your Soveregin Intention. If it was a decent system where one actually learned lessons at a reasonable pace, instant karma would help teach us. But karma -- if it even exists at all (and most likely doesn't) -- doesn't seem to work that way. Karma in sanscrit means 'action' so it could be that once we take action while in the void, that movement sets off the sequence of samsara, that is lussion of the ego. Just look at all the crooked, corrupt politicians running around scot free! Nor will slow, non-instantaneous karma. After all, how would anyone ever know if they were being punished for something they did and what the transgression they were being punished for? Near death experiencers would say you learn the lesson after the life review and perhaps class sessions (wait, more school in the spirit world?) What kind of lessons would be necessary to exist in a perfect spirit world anyway where all there is is love and there is no hate? Most things one learns here on earth are not applicable in the spirit world where the same laws don't apply and everything can be manifested instantaneously with Intention.

One could say that is the point of the test: to not be aware you are in a school and being tested. Otherwise, one would pretend. But I disagree. There is no reason for me to believe that. Why wouldn't we be aware we are here in a school? Why the memory wipe? Some say because we would judge others for things they did to us previously or that all those lives would be an overload. That seems a very cruel and unusual punishment and not necessary in order to learn. After all, the point is to learn, not to be tested. How does it matter in what way we learn? The setting of the learning can and should be conducive. Some would say this is the school of hard knocks.

Love & Light... Dualistic Terms

Jeremy: "I find myself 'somewhere' that I now call a tunnel. It was a grayish-dark-type color with blotches all through it. The best way I could describe this tunnel is it was like being wrapped in a space made from the static on your TV when it fails to receive a signal. Along with that is what I call a Universal humming that was pleasantly familiar somehow. At this point, I become aware of a sudden knowing and feelings of oneness with everything. I had no real sense of the Universe at that time. I was too young and stupid even to consider the cosmos. But today I think of the experience as if I was speeding up so fast through the Universe and I knew absolutely everything about everything. I became one with everything that ever was and everything that ever will be. I knew I'd left the physical world somehow because I specifically remember saying to myself, 'Wow, I've got to bring this knowledge back!'

"In the tunnel, I learned the secrets of the Universe, meaning of life, reasons for war and poverty, cruelty and everything else. Everything made complete sense and I needn't question anything. Then seemingly, out of nowhere, I found myself at the bottom of a short staircase. At the top of this staircase, stood Jesus Christ himself. I'm absolutely overwhelmed by joy and happiness. I'd never ever been so happy before. He stood, as a being of warm light. He was bright and completely welcoming, with arms out, as if to accept me. Just as I was about to run into his arms, BAM, (like a car that I never saw coming), I was 'squished' back into my body. There are no words to describe the feeling; it was just horrible..."

It's weird how the NDErs are zapped with this powerful energy, higher frequency, which they equate to oneness and unconditional love...understand everything about the universe...he said he understood reasons for all the cruelty, but when they return, it is all gone....

In her book Masquerade of Angels, Dr. Karla Turner reported on the remarkable case history of Ted Rice who was a gifted psychic and as a self-described "light worker" began to have nightly visitations from his spirit guides which led to illness so Karla put him in touch with a regressionist. In her book he recounts:
"In my prayers,” Ted continued, “I have openly confessed to God that I have been molded, shaped and engineered to be the ‘Light Worker’ they wanted me to be. I have been in preparation for forty years to do just what I’ve been doing, which is fascinating and mystifying people with my remarkable psychic abilities. Through psychic readings, I have led people away from the Christ consciousness into a world of metaphysical beliefs and ufology. I overpowered people mentally and left them wide open to invite this invading nightmare into their lives. And I did it all in the illusion and deception that I was really and truly helping my fellow man grow spiritually wiser through my so-called gift.” Ted’s outrage was evident, and so was his determination to fight against the perpetrators of such intrusions...With their deceptions and illusions, he thought, the aliens can successfully mask their real activities and leave the abductee’s consciousness with very little. And even under hypnosis, when memories are explored in a superficial manner, he knew that the emerging recollections were often partial and deceptive.

“She wasn’t a woman,” Ted said, “she was an alien, but they had her disguised to look more human. Maybe they thought it would calm me down, and I guess it did. But now that I realize how they were able to trick me, I wonder about a lot of the things other abductees report seeing. How much of it is fake? People recall seeing those beautiful blond human types on the UFOs, and hybridized, half-human half-alien babies and people, but I wonder if those aren’t just more cases of disguised ETs and false illusions.” “People sometimes are able to see through the disguises,” Barbara told him, “but most of the time they don’t even question what they think they see." Ted also said, "I want people to know the truth,” he replied. “I want people to know just how deceptive their space brothers really are. ... Just look at all the literature and information that is put out by people who truly believe that this is a good and wonderful thing for earth and the human race. I see now how easy it is for them to deceive us. All they have to do is glitter something pretty in front of us and we buy it. "

Karla wrote of one of Ted's friend's regressions:

"For Al, the most important event was a vision he’d had of Jesus, whom at first he saw hanging on the cross. Al remembered feeling great pity and love for Jesus, and then being astonished when the figure looked up and began to move away from the cross and toward him. The last thing he remembered was Jesus kissing him, and when the vision was over, Al felt very moved and blessed by the event. When Barbara helped him mentally return to that scene, however, Al described more details, and as the event grew clearer in his mind, he suddenly began to shake. The spasms increased, until at one point Al was jerking violently as the intense emotions surfaced. Barbara worked to calm him, and when he was able to continue, the vision he had recalled faded away and he saw something quite different. Instead of Jesus, the image transformed into a grotesque reptilian creature, forcing itself sexually upon the terrified man,,,All along he had believed that his experience was spiritual and positive. He had no conscious memory of the rape or the deception that hid it.

Is there any connection between the alien abduction and the near-death experience phenomenon? I found this gem in my paperback copy of hypnotist Edith Fiore's book "Encounters: A Psychiatrist Reveals Case Studies of Abduction By Extraterrestrials". One of her case studies, Sherry, was taken up into a craft in a beam of light and under hypnosis recalled: "It seems like I see a flash of light. I feel this pulsating pulling kind of sensation. I don't see anything. It's dark except for violet and gold light.... I keep on getting these feelings that I shouldn't be saying anything. I feel like there's some kind of block that I... I don't know if it's my own fear that I'm not going to remember or anything or... I feel real tense, real stiff. It seems like there's some kind of form that seems to be mostly light. I feel kind of frightened... much taller than I am, maybe eight feet or so... Now I'm seeing something different. Seems almost like a... leathery, almost amphibian-type skin. It's kind of greenish-yellowish and wrinkly large eyes, but they were ohhhh! [Grimaces] I really don't want to remember. It's pretty scary. The one thing that I do see is that the eyes are very caring and loving. And I really sense that they are... they really don't want to scare and they worry about that. The caring is really evident in the eyes. [Pause] The face I saw is gone. It was more amphibian like than anything else... I feel like they're... it's like light, some kind of light that's making me calm. It's calming. It seems to be emanating from whoever's around me. There seems to be a kind of merging of forms or something. It's like seeing an aura around somebody. It's not like seeing an actual form, and so the colors merge. But it's mostly like gold. It's not like I'm actually seeing anything, but I feel like I'm being operated on... I just get feelings of love... it seems like they only want me to remember them as light."

Val Valerian wrote this about the Greys being able to store energy: "The Greys are able to detect and perceive emotional responses from humans. Some of these responses (or the frequencies involved) the aliens find distasteful. In order to minimize their exposure to undesirable emotional wavelengths, the Greys will test humans and apply behavior modification techniques to block specific emotional states. Likewise, they will encourage emotional states in the child (and adult) that will result in emotional wavelengths that they can use. The Greys have the ability to "feed" on this energy. They have the ability to confine this emotional energy to containers that have internal fields that will "bottle" the energy, much like a magnetic bottle will hold a plasma. The effect of the use of this energy is like "vitamins" on the Greys. It gives them a boost in vitality. The Greys also have the ability to pickup and gather the energy emitted through the eyes (sometimes called eloptic energy, or biological energy). The Grey uppermost in the group hierarchy always takes the position in front of the abductee in order to absorb this energy, which is upgraded in quantity and quality by induction of emotional processes in the human. This process is not done as often with children as with adults."

David Jacobs from his book Secret Life on alien mindscans: "When an abductee asks, “What are you doing?” he may answer with a cryptic, “You know what we are doing.” When an abductee asks if they will ever stop doing this to her, the Taller Being might respond with, “You are very special to us” or, “This is very important and you are helping us.” At times the Taller Being will perform the physical exam himself, but Mindscan is the focus of his attention. Mindscan entails deep, penetrating staring into the abductee’s eyes. Abductees commonly feel that data of some sort is being extracted from their minds. We do not know what the information is, how it is extracted, or what the Beings do with it. One abductee thinks that they transfer it to other Beings’ minds...

"My eyes are open, but my mind is sort of gone. I have no will. I have no will. I am absorbed and I’m not fighting it. (Karen Morgan, 9, 1958) Some people say that they feel that the Taller Being is “stealing their memories.”

""Bonding During Mindscan: the Taller Being can elicit specific emotions in the abductee, such as fear and terror. Often he will create an instant rush of pleasurable emotions in the abductee that “bonds” her to him. As he stares deeply into her eyes, she may feel that the Taller Being is really a “good” individual. She wants to help him. She wants to be with him. She wants to give herself to the Beings’ “program,” to help in any way she can. She does not want to leave. Sometimes there is a romantic and even sexual quality to these thoughts. Some women say that they “love” the Taller Being.

"Love. By love, do you mean directed toward him, or just sort of amorphous? It’s for everything. Are you looking into his eyes also? He makes me. So he looks into your eyes and you get this sort of rush of pleasurable feelings again? Yes. When you have this rush of pleasurable feelings, is there sort of a sexual component to this as well? Yes. Is it because of the situation of the vulnerability of it all, or… ? I think from what he’s projecting… . "

Bud Hopkins wrote about alien orchestrated love relationships in abductees:

"In a few cases, a bonding with an alien being or spirit guide progressed into a love obsession where it was discovered later that the spirit guide turned out to be an alien masquerading as the "lover"."


In his revealing book "The Eye of Ra" the frequent alien abductee Truman Cash recalls through hypnosis many episodes from past lives. He writes, "When one engages in extensive past life therapy, one will uncover many different types of implant stations. These are spirit traps that are designed to trick a free being and then force the being into a body. The common denominator of these experiences is electronics. There are many different types of high-tech electronic methods to accomplish this; it appears that electromagnetics plays a key role in this process. What I find amazing is that beings without bodies can be effectively controlled with electronics.......

"For example, on December 3, 1995 I uncovered an incident that started out with me as a free being in space. I became interested in a very large, disk-shaped craft, so I entered it. I was then pushed by an electronic force field into a small confinement area near the edge of the inside of the craft. I was then "sucked" into a body via some type of electronic tractor beam. Then I was anchored in the body through a series of electronic wave pulses that felt like very intense electric shocks. It overwhelmed me and then just beat me into the head of this body.

"12,389 years ago I was out in space-as a free being-and looking down at Earth. I didn't notice that a very large, black, spherical implant station was approaching me, because my attention was focused on the planet. An invisible, electronic tractor beam locked onto me and began pulling me into a circular, concave structure on the implant station. The extreme power of this tractor beam overwhelmed me and made me feel awful. In spite of my abilities as a free being, I couldn't fight free. I was pulled into the entrance, which was a tunnel in the center of the concave surface. I was then accelerated down this long, curved tunnel toward the LIGHT at the end of the tunnel. (My colloquialism for this type of implant station is a "soul sucker. ")

"After being totally overwhelmed by this energy beam and pulled through this tunnel, I began to feel very lethargic. I then found myself in an implanting room, being compressed into a female body by a powerful, WHITE LIGHT energy beam that beat me into a body. This energy beam was so irritating that I felt like screaming. I began to try to fight back with the body. That's when they knew that the implantation was finished--because I was using MY BODY to fight back.
"Two tall insectoid beings that looked like praying mantises then escorted me to another part of the implant station. I was now in a very large, WHITE LIGHT room....12,389 years ago I was out in space-as a free being-and looking down at Earth. I didn't notice that a very large, black, spherical implant station was approaching me, because my attention was focused on the planet. An invisible, electronic tractor beam locked onto me and began pulling me into a circular, concave structure on the implant station. The extreme power of this tractor beam overwhelmed me and made me feel awful. In spite of my abilities as a free being, I couldn't fight free. I was pulled into the entrance, which was a tunnel in the center of the concave surface. I was then accelerated down this long, curved tunnel toward the LIGHT at the end of the tunnel.

"Through telepathic hypnosis I hear a very soothing, hypnotic voice whispering in my head: "Sleep. Don't worry. We'll take care of you. Don't remember. You have no past. You will not need to remember your past. Be here now. No more thoughts of the past. Forget the past. Move forward into a new life. You will begin a new life in the LIGHT. " After I was thoroughly inculcated in this WHITE LIGHT amnesia room, two insectoids approached me and told me that I was ready to begin my new life.

"This involves an alien, a bug-like one, a praying mantis-like alien. I have the impression of a voice, possibly programming. Something
flashed in my head. I'm just going on impressions. I saw that foggy LIGHT. I hear a voice say 'Go to the LIGHT, ' and I go to the LIGHT....."Start at the beginning of this incident and see if you can pick up more details."

"I'm not going to the beginning-about the middle of the incident. The phrase "Go to the LIGHT. " It's an implant station. I see a big round sphere, like a space station maybe. "

"What happens next? "

"The insect guy. I think right before that, I'm in an area that feels like a round room, and there's this intense, WHITE, blinding LIGHT coming from the walls. " (The room that I was in was a sphere with a diameter of about twelve feet. The walls of the inside of this sphere were radiating this bright, WHITE LIGHT force field.)

"There's a struggle to counteract the force of the LIGHT that's 360 degrees (around me), that's forcing me into this body. I feel it in my body-not just my head-in my torso. They're not just compressing me into a head. Oh man, don't go to the LIGHT......Down by my feet is a cocoon-shaped capsule. The conveyor slides me into it, and the top is put on. I'm shut in this capsule and shot onto this planet. I think it's Earth. "......"Return to the beginning of the incident. "

" Okay. I'm going into a big, huge sphere, space station. I'm going through a tunnel of LIGHT. At the end of the tunnel is this room-and a body--with intense LIGHT& power that just presses and pushes on me, forces me into this body. I can feel the body now, as it (the force field) pushes me in. It's caucasian, naked, male. "

[At this point I compare my present body and genitalia with the body that I'm being forced into in this incident.]
"Then this vesica piscis thing opens up. I walk out a ways. It's starting to make sense: It's programming you to be an infant and go out the birth canal."......"Why do you feel sad?"

"Because they put me in a body. They tricked me. They put me in a capsule and shoot it out of the . . . uh, shoot it out to a planet......"Return to the beginning of the incident. "

" I think the beginning is when I died. It's a battle with swords. I think a sword goes right through me, in my abdomen. I hear this ('Go to the LIGHT')-I'm out of my body--I don't know if somebody communicates this to me or what, but I'm going to the LIGHT, a tunnel of LIGHT, very fast. This LIGHT goes to this implant station that's just huge. Reminds me of a small planet or moon. It's just really huge. At the end of the tunnel of LIGHT in this room with glowing WHITE LIGHT, there's a body in the middle of the room. The LIGHT just pushes me into the body.......Don't go to the LIGHT. I was right about that. That makes sense--the Serpent Staff group.

The New Age LIGHT. It's part of the trap. "

".......I died in 1945 and went up to the implant station. It seems I always report in to the same one. The tunnel of LIGHT. I went into the room where the people are milling around. 1 went into the back of the head of one of the people. I'm being programmed: 'Be in the LIGHT. Always return to the LIGHT. Safe refuge. No fear. ' I can see why people are drawn to it. It's like taking a vacation, milling around in the WHITE LIGHT. There's no pain there. You're being programmed to be a sheep. You aren't exposed to stuff. There are other parts of the ship where you are rammed into bodies with force beams. "

"I leave my body and pulled into a tunnel of LIGHT. It just pulls you like a force you can't resist."
(It's like a soul-sucking tractor beam.) "It just sucks you in. It's almost the exact parallel to when I was first put in a body (12,389 years ago in the Atlantis incident where I was sacrificed.) There's a sphere about twelve feet in diameter (the LIGHT at the end of the tunnel). The walls of this device are glowing with a WHITE LIGHT. There's a male body in the middle of this sphere. I'm being squeezed into the body........"At first I thought they were LIGHT BEINGS. These are the praying mantis guys! They take me into the WHITE, misty LIGHT. I'm being programmed: 'PEACE, REST-soothing whispering in my mind. The words: 'GOD LOVES YOU. PEACE IN THE LIGHT. ' I'm being programmed that I'm with GOD now.
'ALWAYS RETURN TO THE LIGHT. ' I can see why people think going to the LIGHT is good, because it FEELS good. 'I WILL BEGIN A NEW LIFE NOW. THE OLD IS PASSED AWAY. YOU'LL BE SAFE IN THE LIGHT. YOU CAN ALWAYS COME TO THE LIGHT. ' You feel like you're really loved, and you're really special. " (When I said 'really loved' and 'really special, ' I said it in a soothing, but sarcastic tone. Their programming is very sweet, but very insincere and phony. I have observed the same kind of syrupy sweet, deceitful rhetoric from the channeled Pleiadians.) "So I'm taken out (of the big WHITE LIGHT room). I get the impression that they are LIGHT BEINGS, but they're not! "
"What is a LIGHT BEING?"
"A body that is just LIGHT. But it's not. They're the insect guys."

"It appears that electromagnetics plays a key role in this procedure. I suddenly realized that they were using the nervous system of the body-including the brain, of course-to implant beings into bodies. The nerves transmit electrical charges, which creates electromagnetic fields around the body. The chakras are simply nerve networks, which create electromagnetic fields.

"Many people today are reporting near death experiences (NDEs) in which they travel swiftly through a tunnel toward the LIGHT. When they reach the LIGHT at the end of the tunnel they sometimes report seeing "beings of LIGHT. "
They sometimes believe they have traveled to some kind of spiritual realm. From my own experiences these "beings of LIGHT" were insectoids. They only "appeared" to be LIGHT beings, due to their uncanny ET ability to create illusions in the minds of abductees, whether out of body or in the body.
This ability, as I have mentioned before, can be best described as "telepathic hypnosis; " other researchers use the term "screen memories. " Grays also possess this incredible ability to manipulate people's minds and emotions, and they often use this ability to create an illusion of benevolence and love."


Alien Love Bite

Do you think the aliens could pull off what the NDErs see in their NDEs? Such a huge being? And such overwhelming love?

Yes, absolutely.

They already do something similar to life reviews during abductions.

Ets already shape shift, present themselves as light, communicate telepathically, can evoke feelings of love. Plus they have been seen in NDEs.

maybe only 1 percent or less of them, but still they have been seen., even in the "throne room".

they can shapeshift into anything

Kenneth Ring in one of the chapters of his books lists similarities between near death experiences an d alien abductions.

There is a connection between near death experiences and alien abductons. Abductions often include the experiencer being taken up into a beam of light and alien beings can appear as light and send feelings of love. I believe the aliens are astral based and are able to shape shift. There are a few dozens experiences on NDERF.org where aliens were mentioned including these two:

Ruth: "I was taken to special entities who looked like the usual grays, but they had lots of wrinkles on their faces. They called themselves the Counsel, and said they were part of a group called "soul recyclers" helping souls to re-incarnate. "

James N: "I was taken to see a worm working controls of big cylinders that had every animal and peoples you could think of...and they were going down the cylinders from adults to babies....Fish also....I remember seeing all kinds of fish....As I was walking towards the worm I heard a voice say....you go back and be a better man..I was told by many the light was the creator/god....and the worm was a angel giving rebirth.. " end-quote

[SHAPE-SHIFTING ARCHONS -- A very interesting phenomenon is that at least a dozen or more said that the Light being was able to shape shift into any form it desires. They claim to do this in order to comfort the soul, but still could be construed on one level as deceptive in nature.

Andrew C: .. an inquiry to me as to which religious symbolic form I wanted the presence to appear in, a few options, then my image of Jesus Christ in a blue robe appeared.

Robert B: I saw the Light approach, I was enveloped by the light and an entity that was to prepare me for what I call my Interview with a supreme being later in the Light. This first being appeared to be the Virgin Mary. Only after asking, "Are you truly the Virgin Mary it instantly manifested true identity. I was nearly paralyzed with fear until again asking "please, what is happening to me what is going on here?"

Kathi B: So the thoughts came into my head: what kind of form or shape would make you most comfortable. ―What do you mean?‖ I thought back. Some require me to take the shape of a wise old man, others a woman and still others an animal, all of different races, ages, sizes or species. What about you? I thought without hesitation ―Human." With that the light began to simultaneously separate into amazing rays of color and intensify into a more solid form. Once the light reached the stage where it looked like a human form, a rather generic looking cookie cutter shape, like a gingerbread man, I thought, ―That is enough, I am comfortable with this form."

Natalie S: The personalities were non-physical in essence, taking on form if they intended to do that for a particular purpose. I perceived the way they looked according to what I preferred for my purposes. -- end-quote

Aliens have the ability to overlay a false screen memory in place of the memory of the abduction experience so that the victim doesn't recall the incident accurately or at all in most cases.
Dr. Karla Turner wrote in "Taken": "But intensive research shows that at the core of the human- alien interaction there is a clear pattern of deception. We know, for instance, that "screen memories" are often used to mask an alien abduction. Such accounts abound, in which a person sees a familiar yet out-of-place animal, like a deer or owl, a monkey or a rabbit, and then experiences a period of missing time. The person often awakens later to find a new, unexplained scar on his body. Uneasiness about the encounter will persist, however, and far different memories may start to surface in dreams or flashbacks, and then the person seeks help to explain the uneasiness. Quite often, hypnotic regression is used to uncover the events behind the "screen memory," and that is when a typical alien abduction surfaces. The most recent research in which I've been involved has turned up yet a second sort of screening process.....But from several recent cases, it is apparent that these recovered memories may well also be yet another screen, masking events that are much more reprehensible."

From David Jacob's "The Threat":
"Then, in 1981 Budd Hopkins published Missing Time, a study in which he examined seven abductees and found that a person could be taken many times during the course of his or her life and might have "screen memories" that masked other abduction events.
"Third, to render memory recall more difficult, the aliens cloud what memory the abductee has by injecting confusing and "false" memories into his mind. For example, if the person is abducted from bed, he might remember an unusually vivid and realistic "dream." Other abductions might produce "screen" memories of animals staring at the abductee—owls, deer, monkeys, raccoons. An abductee might think he saw an "angel," a "devil," or a deceased relative standing by his bed. Society provides a menu of explanations, and the abductees pick and choose depending on their background and culture.
"A primary reason for the Positive attitude is that most of these abductees have not undergone competent hypnosis to help them understand what has happened to them. They have only conscious recollections, which are often tainted with screen memories, false memories, fragmented memories, the remnants of imaging and envisioning procedures, and wishful thinking."
Whitely Strieber wrote in "Communion": "I did not know that the owl and the light were screen memories that concealed a traumatic experience. As described by Freud, the screen memory is a method that the mind uses to shield itself from things too upsetting to recall."

In her revealing book "Masquerade of Angels" Dr. Karla Turner wrote:

"Many people feel that the alien contact is truly good, but they are programmed to the extent that they’re unable to see anything else, no matter what actually took place....But very often I find there is another story underneath. And once you get past the screen, you then find out what really occurred. When people break past the screen and see the truth, they are usually in shock and terrified just as you were. And sometimes there are specific blocks installed at the same time, that can appear to be many different things. In your case, you saw strange colors and extremely ugly, grotesque faces that frightened you. But once you realized they weren’t real, that they were put there to disturb you and prevent you going further in your memories, you determined to get past them."

During an interview with Art Bell, Prof. David Jacobs said:

"One of the things we've discovered is that when people remember what happened to them straight out and it's just a conscious memory without any hypnosis whatsoever, it's almost always totally wrong....what we find is that because this is a clandestine phenomenon and because peoples' memories are blocked neurologically -- obviously, there's no other way to do it -- when they remember something straight out they remember bits and pieces of things and sometimes even those bits and pieces are distorted and they put them together into a seamless narrative and it becomes a concrete memory to them, and they'd stake their life on it. I mean, I've had people tell me, 'Absolutely', with fist in palm",'THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME. I remember it like it was yesterday and this happened and this happened and this happened and this happened'. And then we'll investigate this case -- you know, the situation, the memory, under hypnosis and they begin to realize 'it DIDN'T happen that way and they'll say, 'You know, I think I was wrong about that, This is not what I'm remembering. What I'm remembering now is something else' -- which actually itself becomes more logical -- and they can see the pieces that they had remembered and how it fits into a more complex story.... but for sure it becomes different.
And the problem then is that when people stake everything on their conscious memories they might be a little bit on thin ice and I just advise people just to be real careful because what you remember is one thing, but with competent hypnosis it might not turn out to be exactly as you remembered it -- and in fact it might turn out to be a lot stranger, which it usually does."


Stephen C: I didn't mention it before, but beings of the 'other' side, take a 'physical' form so that our conscious minds can understand

Lonny F: I was spoken to immediately and made aware of a presence. After we agreed that I would see him in physical form, he appeared. I think that having me make the decision to communicate with him, instead of him just appearing in front of me, was more for my comfort than anything else.

Hugo HSR: They seek you as if they were a good spirit, but they are not, because when they arrive near you they assume a shape that is frightening.... Tunnel without end, and in the distance it seems to be a blue light calling you for the good, but when you accept death it controls you through your eyes. When they are near you the tunnel becomes a sparkling red.

Kiko M: I examined the ditch carefully, then as I looked onto the other side of the ditch that's when shapes started to take form. I saw these black creatures that could shape shift from small to large and vice versa. I was aware that this was not a good place to be. It was like watching a stage play but with real demonic creatures. Robert B: I was told that I was there for 7 years and that each person would see only what they could understand when they came to her. Some would see her as Jesus some their fathers or moms every imaginable deity as well.

CS: I believe that they appeared to me (or I perceived them) in a form that I would understand at the time." end-quote

This example is not from nderf.org, but is from Howard Storm's book, "My Descent into Death": We can appear to you in human form if you wish, or in any form you want so you will be comfortable with us.‖ ―No, you‘re more beautiful than anything I‘ve ever seen.‖ endquote
This last one is a non-NDE quote from the www.alienresistance.org web site: "Although I never saw them as aliens they did appear as monsters, clowns, friends (that i didnt recognize but thought they were) and even lovers. So when I heard about alien abductions it wasnt hard for me to connect the dots that if they can appear as clowns an alien isnt much different." endquote]

A 1998 Art Bell interview with John Lear: "Inevitably in every warm and fuzzy life after death story, people rush toward the warm, inviting Light: down the tunnel into the Light. And once you said to me, John: 'Don't go toward the light. It's a trick. Go toward the Darkness.' John replied, "Now remember I qualified that by saying that's what Whitley Strieber told. "... right now I'm going toward the Darkness."
Later in the program Art asked John: "John, why the dark light? John said, "Because, according to Whitley, if you go to the bright light, you have made a conscious choice of which direction to go and, supposedly, according to him, at that point if you go to the white light, the Greys or whoever's in charge of this thing can decide what to do with you. Now they can either send you back into another body or they can put you into the black box... whereas if you go to the dark, you go right back into a terrestrial body and you continue on with whatever body you got into. " end-quote

I know John later said he will go to the light as that is where all his friends will be.

The grey aliens have been seen by at least a dozen near death experiencers, but keep in mind the beings can most likely take any form they desire.

Val Valerian in his Matrix book series writes, "It is they [Grey aliens] who await in the light when a human being dies. The human being is then recycled into another body and the process begins all over again... Hence the Light and Tunnel at death Trap. Scanning someone they wish to recycle as they near death, the aliens discover who the person was close to has died. They project the person(s) image in the white light tunnel and the image waves you in deeper. If you CHOOSE to follow you can be trapped and sent to another incarnation of their choice... these entities view Earth as a big farm."

Linda Moulton-Howe: Linda said the preying mantis aliens claim to be in charge of our spiritual evolution. Linda also stated, "...if the recycling of souls is the machinery in this universe, one could argue philosophically that entropy in this universe was designed so that there would be a recycling of souls to grow and strengthen and evolve."

A year after writing her book "Masquerade of Angels" the phenomenal abduction researcher Dr. Karla Turner in her last public lecture on the alien abductors stated: "The entities deliberately deceive us in their interactions with us. This is the number one fact that has emerged from my research into this field. If I am able to leave you with only that one message: 'that we are being deceived in many ways by these interactions' then I will be happy with my work today."
Dr. Karla Turner: "Aliens show a mysterious interest in the human soul... a young girl whom the aliens asked if they could borrow her soul... Two different abductees, totally isolated from each other... it happened to both come from the St. Louis area, both shown at the age of five a gigantic, metallic, spherical object somewhere in space and were told in essence it was the soul recycling center... a man who watched as his young body was killed and his soul energy released, captured in a container and taken to a new replacement body where it was reintroduced to the body through the technology of the little black box you might have heard about in some of these cases."

During a 8-28-1994 appearance on Art Bell's Coast to Coast A.M. radio show she speculated on the nature of the aliens' purpose for interacting with humans: "My best opinion is that it is some form, metaphorically speaking, of farming, that we have some source for something, qualities of physical materials, our energetic energy patterns, I have no idea... We might find that they could be considered more correctly perhaps 'interloping farmers' in the way that we as a species has taken over wild animals time and again and domesticated them, and genetically altered them for our benefit..."

We are all light beings techincally since our spirit is translucent, liquid light. But some of the light beings can take an alien form or even a religous form, whatever makes you feel comfortable. Sometimes the soul is given a choice as to what form one wishes them to appear as. So in some cases it could surmised that there is deception involved since they are not always taking their original form, if they even have one at all.

In hypnotherapist Edith Fiore's book "Encounters". One of her case studies, Sherry, was taken up into a craft in a beam of light and under hypnosis recalled: "It seems like I see a flash of light. I feel this pulsating pulling kind of sensation... It seems like there's some kind of form that seems to be mostly light. I feel kind of frightened... It's pretty scary. The one thing that I do see is that the eyes are very caring and loving. The face I saw is gone. It was more amphibian like than anything else... I feel like they're... it's like light, some kind of light that's making me calm. It's calming. It seems to be emanating from whoever's around me. I just get feelings of love... it seems like they only want me to remember them as light."

This is from an abduction account of Betty Andreasson Luca from Raymond Fowler's book The Watchers II: "Oh, we're running toward the light now. Oh-h-h! [breathless] I can see . . . the Elder is changing to a white light being and . . . the grey is changing into a light blue one [blows out air] as we're running closer to the light.
Oh, I'm starting to change into a goldencolored light! Oh, this is beautiful! Oh-h-h. [long sigh, exhales, sighs again] Oh, this is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Oh, there is such love. [Betty is in pure unadulterated ecstasy.] Oh, there is such peace. [long sigh] I'm just engulfed in light and blending into that light. Oh! [. . .] It is just fantastically beautiful. It's just so much love, so much peace and so wonderful." -- end-quote

In Edith Fiore's book Encounters one case involved a client who was an abductee. She was told by the aliens who called themselves The Planters, "Eat foods with the highest vibration on your planet. And you must talk to us. Talk to those of the light. That's who we are. And when you feel the light you will get your nourishment. Bathe in the light. that is the force of love. ... the more we pray in the light, this accelerates our vibration. ..They say that the animals are also part of this. We are to the animals, as they are to us They're in our care. And if we can love those things that are evolving toward the light, that will enable the love to come to us more, as well. .. I remember asking if the light had to do with the Earth and it was the universal light. In other words, there seemed to be one light for everybody, and even the [the extraterrestrials]." end-quote

[Raymond dedicated an entire chapter, aptly named UFOs & NDEs, in his book "Watchers II: Exploring UFOs and the Near Death Experience". The chapter compares Betty's UFO experience with those of Near Death Experiencers by including sections on the Presence of OBEs, Approaching the Light, Greetings by a Loving Being, Meeting Robed Entities, Encountering Beings of Light, Turning into Light, Communicating By Telepathy, Referring to 'Home', Encountering Timelessness, Wishing to Remain in the Light, and Understanding Love and Raising Environmental Awareness.

Another book which explores the connection between UFOs and NDEs is " The Omega Project: Near-Death Experiences, UFO Encounters, and Mind At Large" by Kenneth Ring,
PhD. He writes about one of his cases, "What on Earth -- or in Heaven -- do we have here? Is this an NDE or some kind of UFO encounter? Clearly, it has elements of both... it is not the only instance in my files. Among my respondents, I have found others who in describing what purports to be an NDE begin to talk about UFOs and aliens in the same context...Could it be that the world of the NDE and that of the UFO abductions, for all their differences, are not, after all, universes apart, but a part of the same universe? Could it be that NDErs and UFO experiencers have more in common with one another than we have heretofore suspected?" end-quote

Who is Truman Cash ?
Truman Cash is an abductee who had an experience with the white light tunnel and alien beings.

TRUMAN wrote,
"After I was thoroughly inculcated in this WHITE LIGHT amnesia room, two insectoids approached me and told me that I was ready to begin my new life. I saw that foggy LIGHT. I hear a voice say 'Go to the LIGHT, ' and I go to the LIGHT.........
The phrase "Go to the LIGHT. " It's an implant station. " Okay. I'm going into a big, huge sphere, space station. I'm going through a tunnel of LIGHT. At the end of the tunnel is this room-and a body--with intense LIGHT& power that just presses and pushes on me, forces me into this body. I can feel the body now, as it (the force field) pushes me in. ..
They tricked me. They put me in a capsule and shoot it out of the . . . uh, shoot it out to a planet......"
This LIGHT goes to this implant station that's just huge. Reminds me of a small planet or moon. .Don't go to the LIGHT. I was right about that... The New Age LIGHT. It's part of the trap. "
"... I can see why people are drawn to it. It's like taking a vacation, milling around in the WHITE LIGHT. There's no pain there. You're being programmed to be a sheep. You aren't exposed to stuff. There are other parts of the ship where you are rammed into bodies with force beams. " (It's like a soul-sucking tractor beam.)
"It just sucks you in. ... At first I thought they were LIGHT BEINGS. These are the praying mantis guys! They take me into the WHITE, misty LIGHT. I'm being programmed (to): .... 'ALWAYS RETURN TO THE LIGHT. ' I can see why people think going to the LIGHT is good, because it FEELS good. ....
You feel like you're really loved, and you're really special. ", '...Their programming is very sweet, but very insincere and phony.... "It appears that electromagnetics plays a key role in this procedure. I suddenly realized that they were using the nervous system of the body-including the brain, of course-to implant beings into bodies. The nerves transmit electrical charges, which creates electromagnetic fields around the body. The chakras are simply nerve networks, which create electromagnetic fields." end-quote


There are about three dozen near death experiences I found that mention seeing aliens. About a dozen actually mention the grey aliens that most people have heard of. Prominent near death researcher, Kenneth Ring, has written about the similarity between near death experiences and alien abduction accounts. UFO researcher Raymond Fowler has as well. One of the leading alien abduction researchers, Linda Moulton-Howe, recently stated on the air that the preying mantis aliens have claimed to be in charge of our spiritual evolution. Another researcher Prof. David Jacobs said his recent clients have started talking about a hybrid race and have started talking about how they met their "new best friend" yet don't know their best friend's last name or what they do for a living. He said the alien hybrids can control human thoughts and emotions. It is difficult to retrieve the true story as under hypnosis he and others have found the aliens embed screen memory implants as a cover story. The aliens have been theorized as being able to shape shift and have been seen cloning our boides and transfering souls into them...,

Ruth: I was taken to special entities who looked like the usual grays, but they had lots of wrinkles on their faces. They called themselves the Counsel, and said they were part of a group called "soul recyclers" helping souls to re-incarnate.
Jon B: After a few seconds I noticed a giant grey being descending at a 45 degree angle down towards me. As it got closer it conveyed to me a feeling of love so strong that I could not only sense it but FEEL it to. It was the strongest feeling of emotion I have ever felt even to this day... The light eventually surrounded us. From the epicenter of this light came the smaller being. It floated down and got into position behind me and out of sight. That's when the larger being said to me telepathically, "There's nothing we can do, you have to go back.".
Lynne H: Yes I just knew how the universe worked, that God could have been an alien, that negativity belongs to the body only, as you are pure love out of your body.
James N: "I was taken to see a worm working controls of big cylinders that had every animal and peoples you could think of...and they were going down the cylinders from adults to babies....Fish also....I remember seeing all kinds of fish....As I was walking towards the worm I heard a voice say....you go back and be a better man..I was told by many the light was the creator/god....and the worm was a angel giving rebirth.. " end-quote
This NDE is not from NDERF.ORG, but was an NDE reported by a woman named Shelley: "One minute your here and the next minute you’re somewhere else. They took me to a room in the sky and I say “they” because there was six of them there. There was 3 beings on the left and three beings on the right. They were dressed in heavy robes. They probably were 8 feet high and I was very much aware that this was not angels and it wasn’t the Mother Mary and it wasn’t Jesus. These were extraterrestrial beings...So, the first thing that they told me was. “We are harmony makers and chaos creators and we’re both essential to your experience.” I asked why one person got one experience and another person got another experience and they said that, “You will get the experience that will most bring you comfort.” end-quote
And this an alien abduction account written about by Raymond Fowler where alien beings take Betty Andreason up into a bright light and imbue her with intense feelings of love. Betty: "Oh, we're running toward the light now. Oh-h-h! [breathless] I can see . . . the Elder is changing to a white light being and . . . the grey is changing into a light blue one [blows out air] as we're running closer to the light. Oh, I'm starting to change into a golden-colored light! Oh, this is beautiful! Oh-h-h. [long sigh, exhales, sighs again] Oh, this is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Oh, there is such love. [Betty is in pure unadulterated ecstasy.] Oh, there is such peace. [long sigh] I'm just engulfed in light and blending into that light. Oh! [. . .] It is just fantastically beautiful. It's just so much love, so much peace and so wonderful. It's so wonderful. Oh, it's just wonderful. Oh. It is. It is. It is. [. . .] Oh, this is everything, everything, everything." end-quote -- Betty Andreasson Luca from Raymond Fowler's book The Watchers II
In hpnotherapist Edith Fiore's book "Encounters" one of her case studies, Sherry, was taken up into a craft in a beam of light and under hypnosis recalled: "It seems like I see a flash of light. I feel this pulsating pulling kind of sensation... It seems like there's some kind of form that seems to be mostly light. I feel kind of frightened... much taller than I am, maybe eight feet or so... Now I'm seeing something different. Seems almost like a... leathery, almost ampibian-type skin. It's kind of greenish-yellowish and wrinkly large eyes, but they were ohhhh! [Grimaces] I really don't want to remember. It's pretty scary. The one thing that I do see is that the eyes are very caring and loving. And I really sense that they are... they really don't want to scare and they worry about that. The caring is really evident in the eyes. [Pause] The face I saw is gone. It was more amphibian like than anything else... I feel like they're... it's like light, some kind of light that's making me calm. It's calming. It seems to be emanating from whoever's around me. There seems to be a kind of merging of forms or something. It's like seeing an aura around somebody. It's not like seeing an actual form, and so the colors merge. But it's mostly like gold. It's not like I'm actually seeing anything, but I feel like I'm being operated on... I just get feelings of love... it seems like they only want me to remember them as light." end-quote
Raymond dedicated an entire chapter, aptly named UFOs & NDEs, in his book "Watchers II: Exploring UFOs and the Near Death Experience". The chapter compares Betty's UFO experience with those of Near Death Experiencers by including sections on the Presence of OBEs,Approaching the Light, Greetings by a Loving Being, Meeting Robed Entities, Encountering Beings of Light, Turning into Light, Communicating By telepathy, Referring to 'Home', Encountering Timelessness, Wishing to Remain in the Light, and Understanding Love and Raising Environmental Awareness.
Another book which explores the connection between UFOs and NDEs is " The Omega Project: Near-Death Experiences, UFO Encounters, and Mind At Large" by Kenneth Ring, PhD. He writes about one of his cases, "What on Earth -- or in Heaven -- do we have here? Is this an NDE or some kind of UFO encounter? Clearly, it has elements of both... it is no the only instance in my files. Among my respondents, I have found others who in describing what purports to be an NDE begin to talk about UFOs and aliens in the same context...Could it be that the world of the NDE and that of the UFO abductions, for all their differences, are not, after all, universes apart, but a part of the same universe? Could it be that NDErs and UFO experiencers have more in common with one another than we have heretofore suspected?" end-quote
SHAPE-SHIFTING ARCHONS -- A very interesting phenomenon is that at least a half dozen or more said that the Light being was able to shape shift into any form it desires. They claim to do this in order to comfort the soul, but still could be construed on one level as deceptive in nature.
Andrew C: .. an inquiry to me as to which religious symbolic form I wanted the presence to appear in, a few options, then my image of Jesus Christ in a blue robe appeared.
Robert B: I saw the Light approach, I was enveloped by the light and an entity that was to prepare me for what I call my Interview with a supreme being later in the Light. This first being appeared to be the Virgin Mary. Only after asking, "Are you truly the Virgin Mary it instantly manifested true identity. I was nearly paralyzed with fear until again asking "please, what is happening to me what is going on here?"
Kathi B: So the thoughts came into my head: what kind of form or shape would make you most comfortable. “What do you mean?” I thought back. Some require me to take the shape of a wise old man, others a woman and still others an animal, all of different races, ages, sizes or species. What about you? I thought without hesitation “Human.”. With that the light began to simultaneously separate into amazing rays of color and intensify into a more solid form. Once the light reached the stage where it looked like a human form, a rather generic looking cookie cutter shape, like a gingerbread man, I thought, “That is enough, I am comfortable with this form.”
Natalie S: The personalities were non-physical in essence, taking on form if they intended to do that for a particular purpose. I perceived the way they looked according to what I preferred for my purposes.
Stephen C: I didn't mention it before, but beings of the 'other' side, take a 'physical' form so that our conscious minds can understand
Lonny F: I was spoken to immediately and made aware of a presence. After we agreed that I would see him in physical form, he appeared. I think that having me make the decision to communicate with him, instead of him just appearing in front of me, was more for my comfort than anything else.
Hugo HSR: They seek you as if they were a good spirit, but they are not, because when they arrive near you they assume a shape that is frightening.... Tunnel without end, and in the distance it seems to be a blue light calling you for the good, but when you accept death it controls you through your eyes. When they are near you the tunnel becomes a sparkling red.
Kiko M: I examined the ditch carefully, then as I looked onto the other side of the ditch that's when shapes started to take form. I saw these black creatures that could shape shift from small to large and vice versa. I was aware that this was not a good place to be. It was like watching a stage play but with real demonic creatures.
Robert B: I was told that I was there for 7 years and that each person would see only what they could understand when they came to her. Some would see her as Jesus some their fathers or moms every imaginable deity as well.
CS: I believe that they appeared to me (or I perceived them) in a form that I would understand at the time." end-quote
This example is not from nderf.org, but is from Howard Storm's book, "My Descent into Death": We can appear to you in human form if you wish, or in any form you want so you will be comfortable with us.” “No, you’re more beautiful than anything I’ve ever seen.” end-quote
This last one is a non-NDE quote from the www.alienresistance.org web site: "Although I never saw them as aliens they did appear as monsters, clowns, friends (that i didnt recognize but thought they were) and even lovers. So when I heard about alien abductions it wasnt hard for me to connect the dots that if they can appear as clowns an alien isnt much different." end-quote


Dr. Karla Turner wrote of one of her clients friend's regressions: "For Al, the most important event was a vision he’d had of Jesus, whom at first he saw hanging on the cross. Al remembered feeling great pity and love for Jesus, and then being astonished when the figure looked up and began to move away from the cross and toward him. The last thing he remembered was Jesus kissing him, and when the vision was over, Al felt very moved and blessed by the event. When Barbara helped him mentally return to that scene, however, Al described more details, and as the event grew clearer in his mind, he suddenly began to shake. The spasms increased, until at one point Al was jerking violently as the intense emotions surfaced. Barbara worked to calm him, and when he was able to continue, the vision he had recalled faded away and he saw something quite different. Instead of Jesus, the image transformed into a grotesque reptilian creature, forcing itself sexually upon the terrified man,,,All along he had believed that his experience was spiritual and positive. He had no conscious memory of the rape or the deception that hid it.” end-quote

There are some noticeable contradictions in the overall body of NDE reports. Some say Jesus had blue eyes, others brown and one said he had green eyes. Some say he had blonde hair, others white. One person said Jesus showed her the wounds in his hands while another person said they learned Jesus did not die on the cross... and others said he did. Some say Jesus and God are the same personage while others said no. Some say there is no hell or evil while others were shown hell and evil and say they know it exists. The vast majority say we judge ourselves while others were clearly judged by God or a Council of Beings -- in courtrooms. One person said they knew or learned there is no reincarnation while many others learned of multiple lives they had lived. Most say we have free will yet many were literally forced to come back to Earth against their will, or persuaded to come back after being shown family members that needed their help. Some were asked to do it as a favor and told they were very special or that they were the only ones who could do it.
This soul was told they were the only one that could do whatever it was that needed to be done: "Why me?" I said... 'It' said to me with a sad reply, "Your the only one that I have found strong enough to deal with this pain, You share the same feelings that I have felt, the feeling of loneliness, the feeling of being not noticed, that's why I have chosen you, From here on out you will never forget this moment, and others will never realize the true meaning to life, only you will understand life and only you can hold my existence." Here is another person who was told that no else could do it what needed to be done: I asked and I said, 'I’d like to stay.' They said, 'Maybe another time, but not now. You have a mission to do on the Earth and you must do it. No one else can do it but you.' I thought about it and I said, 'Ok. I’ll do it.' My mission is basically to share my story down here on the Earth, to tell everybody that they are love too.
Mukurarinda: He told me:'' I want you to go back on earth; there is something I want you to do, after you will finish it you will come back here in heaven and live here forever.'' I said: No, I want to stay here.'' He said, No'', just go back, I said NO'' I want to stay here, till He spoke in a cool voice and convinced me to go back on earth. " end-quote
Sometimes flattery is used and they are told they have a very important mission: Michael D: I didn't seem to fully understand what she was telling me. But, I enjoyed the loving feeling she was giving me. I seem to be decoding and understanding what she told me more as time goes by. I will try to put into words what she told me. She told me that I was very special. She told me that I had a very important task to fulfill in this life." end-quote
2 Corinthians 11:14, The Bible, New International Version: "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."
Tibetan Book of the Dead, an instruction manual on how to navigate planes of the afterlife.: "Be not fond of the dull smoke-colored light from hell... Remember the clear light, the pure clear white light from which everything in the universe comes, to which everything in the universe returns; the original nature of your own mind. The natural state of the universe unmanifest. Let go into the clear light, trust it, merge with it. It is your own true nature, it is home." end-quote
Glenda G: In the far distance, he saw what looked like a small area of green fog. His spirit turned horizontal and started moving towards it until it formed into a meadow with wild flowers and small trees... He was thinking, "This must be Heaven and I'm here because I've tried to be good to people. But then he started moving faster until the meadow was left behind him in a blur. As he looked ahead, he saw what looked like the Grand Canyon... he began to hear a sound like the wind. This wind got louder until it sounded like high pitched screams. One voice stood out, and he heard from below someone pleading..."Please! When you come, bring me a drop of water!" Then he knew that he had been tricked by Satan into thinking he was going to be in Heaven. Instead, he was on his way to hell
Kyal L: Experience was probably real I do not know if it was real or it was just a construct of my brain to ease me into death and it could be an illusion or a trap.
R.A: I initially believed that during this experience, I had been in the presence of God. But over the years I had some real struggles, wondering about which being – God or Satan – had been its source. I cannot prove which one it was, but I do tend to believe that in this case, it was God... I know the difficulty that people have with correct discernment when influenced by spiritual beings.
Paul: Religions teach of a false god that is not the true God of the afterlife, but probably a demonic entity in itself, who they pose as the true God... THIS IS NOT GOD! This is the description of fear and darkness. God is not a demanding blood thirsty bi-polar control freak bent on balancing some 'sin balance sheet'... Talk about a tormenting trap. This is spiritual enslavement, that forces one to live in an altered state of consciousness, as well as a spiritual cesspool of confusion.
Ross D: I turned up at this really bright bush garden type of place and I hadn't felt that good in my life or since next thing my granddad turns up and told me I had to go back I said no way in the world am I going back there you've got to be joking then two other blokes turn up and they had a sort of talk about it (they weren't talking it was like mental telepathy you only had to think it) Anyway they kept hassling me to go back in the end they said there is something you have got to do but they wouldn't tell me what that was, I think they tricked me because as soon as I thought about going back I was back.
Edie F: But when I got to the round circle at the end of the tunnel where I would have entered into the light, I got a big surprise. Standing in the circle with legs apart and arms reaching out toward me was a very bright multi-colored figure, almost like a cartoon character and similar to the Joker on a deck of playing cards, but with a big smile that for some reason was more comforting and gentle than scary. He gently caught me in his arms and said to me, "Back to the womb," as he turned me around and gently tossed me back down the tunnel." end-quote
Another fascinating experience was reported by Gary who saw lots of technology in the place he went to and that when he saw the movie The Matrix he had to get up and leave because it was so eerily reminiscent of his NDE. He writes, "People should be studying NDE's and finding out why we're trapped in these inferior bodies." On his form he was asked the question "What could a national organization with an interest in near death experience (NDE) do that would be of interest to you?" He pleaded, "Find out what is happening."
Finally, this NDE is the anomoly of all anomolies. Fred B had a series of NDEs while using ketamine. Each time he was able to see further into the experience until he was able to see through the illusion and realized he was sitting in a moving chair and part of a cinema or theatre production being cheered on. And beings were calling him a 'cheater' for using his methods: http://www.nderf.org/NDERF/NDE_Experiences/fred_b_ketamine.htm " ...I would be in a dark (black) holding area, usually sitting in what seemed like a tunnel-shaped cinema. There would be light at the end of the tunnel-shaped room. I would start hearing humming and feeling a loud-deep vibration all around me. The chair would then move towards the light (almost like a convoy that you see in some amusement parks). The light would get closer. On my way down the corridor, there would be video images* projected on each side of the wall captured throughout my life and shown to me as the chair is moved down the corridor. * Every time I've experienced this experiences, the video would show the same images from one experience to the other. From what I understand while sitting on that moving chair, is that the significant events in my life in Earth are being showed to me, as a reminder of what just happened. In the first 3 experiences, I wouldn't distinguish the 'television/cinema' setting, nor the fact that I was in a room. I was too overwhelmed by these images of my life. The sound was actually really intense: as if it was injected through my brain, not produced by a speaker. After the 4th experiences, I started looking around and that's when I noticed the surroundings... After 5 experiences, I realized that the light was simply coming from an opening in the dark wall, leading to a long brightly lit spiral corridor. It was the contrast between being in the dark vs. walking in a bright surrounding that made me feel overwhelmed by the light.... The sixth and final phase would then happen. I would be welcomed as a hero in the middle of a giant open-air stadium with approx 90 000 spectators. Loud music would be playing while I was wheeled on stage. I remember then feeling totally immerse in the experience, as if my body on Earth didn't exist anymore. (I was able to analyze that kind of information after 5 experiences). People that I knew on Earth: parents, friends, coworkers, would be waiting for me on stage. They would all be happy to see me again. Giant screens would show images of my life on Earth - as if these people were also watching my progression on Earth while I was there. And then, the same thing would happen. As the ketamine in my system worn down (I wasn't able to administrate an extra dose while in experiences experience without stopping it), I would feel my body (on stage in the stadium) dissolve and 'melt'. In the 1-6 experiences, I could see people in the stadium becoming horrified or sad. I would hear voices saying 'we don't know what's happening'. In the 7+ experiences, I would come back to the same dark room but I would be wheeled down the spiral corridor. There would be no humming or cheering. I would be sent down in a backstage area where people (staff, employees?) would be ushering my body in an open space. I would hear the words 'cheater' being pronounced by some of them. In the 10th experiences, I was send to the same holding room. My parents were present - crying and saying that I shouldn't have artificially induced this 'transition' process, that I cheated and that this was the last time we could see each other. I would then see all the stage equipment being dismantled and was left alone. I remember seeing a newscast on a TV screen besides me where 2 anchors (that I know here in Quebec) announce that I was officially off 'my mission', that the program had been discontinued and that I would never come back to that area. There was an argument about how the rest of my Earth life would be 'not so bad' because when I first left for my mission, 'I had choose a good and comfortable planet'. My body then dissolved back....
Fred goes on to write: "We exist somewhere in a system where humans have a purpose to produce energy. We are connected to a 'Matrix' computer to artificially create universes within our brains and therefore produce energy to power a system. For what? I didn't get to see it. The more 'copies' of yourself you produce within the Matrix, the more energy you produce. An afterlife definitely exists Yes We are sent on Earth for some reason. People in this alternate universe are watching our lie on Earth, as we would watch a reality television show. This mission on Earth lasts shorter than our life in the alternate universe because time is different. After multiple Near Death Experience, I was able to 'explore' deeper and deeper into the ramification of it all. I could see that we exist in many many copies in many universes. But the origin of it all would be a great laboratory, somewhere in a mountain setting, where humans would be sleeping in little boxes, connected to a 'matrix' kind of system, to produce energy." end-quote

There is one account which was labeled as an STE, a spiritually transformative experience: What emotions did you feel during the experience?....Immense Love ...I saw a beam of white. It came out of the sky and touched me on the shoulder...One responding to my unasked question who are you? "God of Abraham." My research colleague who eats, drinks, and breathes ancient texts has strongly identfied the god of the Old Testament, Yahweh, with Nergal, a Mesopotamian REINCARNATION Ghandi said, "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind"
Ruth: "I was taken to special entities who looked like the usual grays, but they had lots of wrinkles on their faces. They called themselves the Counsel, and said they were part of a group called "soul recyclers" helping souls to re-incarnate." This was by far my most profound NDE, as I could see the silver cord that attached me to my body."
Alok B: This experience just continued to help me follow my Hindu beliefs of reincarnation, all is recycled-water, oxygen, nitrogen, and souls.
Pamela M: I felt alive on so many levels, and like I was about to recycle sort of speak....
Sandra J: I don't believe in god at all. but I do believe in an after life a recycled life...This life I'm living is lived once, I may get recycled but I won't remember it so just enjoy what you have and love those that deserve it and not to worry about the small stuff... I was afraid to tell people. everyone I knew was religious I was afraid they would make fun of me. Tell me I was dreaming. I know I wasn't. But when I finally told people they listened and we discussed an alien connection and life after death. We discussed we are recycled souls that get put into earthly bodies. Maybe some female souls get put into men's bodies and vice versa and always having that feeling they were in the wrong body. " end-quote

Euphoria, Hypnosis

Virtually all the components of the near death experience can be found in the alien abduction experience of Betty Andreasson Luca as chronicled by UFO researcher, Raymond E. Fowler. Betty was taken up into a blinding white Light by grey aliens and experienced intense feelings of love, euphoria, and ecstasy.

The Love Drug?
Chinduai (also chingkwi, chingkwoi, chinweh, etc.): the name of an exceedingly rare plant, said to be a powerful love-charm; the love-charm itself"
The book Prehistoric religion: a study in pre-Christian antiquity; an examination of ... By Philo Loas Mills relates: "Here it is the Areca or Dampong-Palm which is the most powerful lifegiving tree, while the Chinduai or Love-plant is a dangerous stimulant, which causes people to lose their reason and to fall into violent love. Both are remotely connected with the "Island of Fruits" in the distant ocean, and are very probably guarded by the same protectors. They are "Soul- Trees" having the power of life and death, though the soul-"bird" is not mentioned.'"

This is reminiscent of what we call aphrodisiacs. We are also well familiar with drugs which induce feels of euphoria and love.

Near death experiencers almost universally describe a blissful euphoria or ecstasy associated with the Loving Being of Light. Is it possible that the euphoria is a false sense? Near death experiencers almost universally describe a blissful euphoria or ecstasy associated with the Loving Being of Light. Is it possible that the euphoria is a false sense?

Gene J: "Perhaps it was a euphoric trance of some kind. It was as if a Spirit had consumed my whole being. I felt as if I had automatically become “Super Holy”! I almost felt like I became all knowing of everything once again. I had no questions because I knew all the answers.
I was feeling God-like, and powerful. I felt like I had a direct connection to the powers that heal. I couldn’t even believe the way I was feeling, but for some reason, it all seemed to come together."

Joe D: I'm sure some sort of deal was forged that day, but instantaneously I was overcome with a euphoric feeling of what I can only describe as complete contentment.
David W: a feeling of liberation opposite the death, or even a feeling of invulnerability. At the time, one has the impression a little intoxicating to have won a fight against the grim reaper. Nothing else on earth can get to you. A feeling like a light euphoria. end-quote

Here on Earth we have drugs that can generate states of ecstasy. In fact most people know of the drug MDMA as ecstasy because of the blissful states of ecstasy and euphoria it generates. It has also earned the nickname the Love Drug. A 2009 study confirmed that MDMA causes the brain to release oxytocin, which is the human hormone linked to feelings of love and compassion. The short-term effects of MDMA include: Euphoria – a sense of general well-being and happiness ; Increased sociability and feelings of communication being easy or simple ; increased empathy or feelings of closeness with others ; a sense of inner peace ; False sense of affection; and Impaired judgment;

NDES show us a HYPNOTIC spell and technology, a TRANCE state and some overwhelming induced euphoria. That's the classic Stockholm syndrome. There are some NDEs which mention the hypnotic allure of the tunnel or eyes of the beings. It could be as if we are put under some sort of spell or trance. And there is also the possibility of the Stokholm Syndrome where captives fall in love with their captors. Here are a few mentioning a hypnotic trance.

"A roaring noise began to escalate and within an instant, I became aware of an intense bright Light off in the distance and I turned my focus toward its captivating dance. The Light’s prism of energy and illumination began to spiral and grow and I immediately put forth all my senses into its hypnotic allure. I began to feel the most utterly peaceful, loving sensation and I yearned to move toward and inhabit this Light and the love it emanated." -- Peg A

"The pull of this light is so captivating and overwhelming that I have no choice but to completely surrender to it. It reminded me of shimmering liquid mercury...The attraction I feel towards this light fills me with total awe." -- Michael F

"I was watching those eyes and I could hear people talk but it was as if in a trance gazing at that elderly man." -- Cristina

"The light was hypnotic, persuading you to enter but the feeling of love felt stronger". -- Nora's

"The one in the center had a hypnotic pull with his eyes, he was mocking me for something. Like I had lost a bet with him." -- Tina

Forced to Go Back AGAINST THEIR WILL(?) & Given No Valid Reason Why

Near death experiencers are often told they have to go back. It is not yet their time. They have a mission. There are too many instances like this for me to be comfortable going to the light. But that was one of the best examples there. I have some others I've compiled and presented in articles and shows. Different tactics are used: flattery, appeals to authority and emotion, etc...

“I went into this tunnel, and I came into this room that was just beautiful. God held me, He called me by name, and He told me, ‘Mary Jo, you can’t stay.’ And I wanted to stay. I protested. I said, ‘I can’t stay? Why not?’ And I started talking about all the reasons; I was a good wife, I was a good mother, I did 24-hour care with cancer patients. And He said, ‘Let me ask you one thing -- have you ever loved another the way you’ve been loved here?’ And I said, ‘No, it’s impossible. I’m a human.’ And then He just held me and said, ‘You can do better.’ ” -- Mary Jo Rapini

As my friend wrote to me, "You can't win that argument."

Merge and Become One with the Hive Mind Collective Soul Eater?

Souls often get an urge to merge with the white light which is said to be a collective soul of all humanity. Is this the white light's way of getting bigger and stronger, by by convincing souls to merge and absorbing more and more souls? Is it like soul eating? Perhaps, the like the Borg, it only wants a soul of a certain level of purity or power? Maybe it sends them back until it is a clean enough meal. It is a healthy eater. The borg wanted perfection before assimilation. Once you are eaten or merge, do you become a cell in that body/hive mind and no longer have an individuality?

Many near death experiencers report that the being of Light is a collective soul comprised of billions of human souls. -- Now for what I consider to be a very important topic and that is not only do the overwhelming majority of experiencers in the Light experience a sense of connectedness or oneness. I have found quite a few who speak of a "collective soul" in which millions of souls, perhaps all, are connected in a sort of hive mind or as part of some kind of super organism. This evokes comparison to the borg on Star Trek who assimilate souls into their Collective and also to certain species on earth such as ants, bees, schools of fish, and flocks of birds. Some NDERs felt they would lose their individuality if they decided to go ahead and merge with the Light. Once you are part of the collective, what if the collective decides that you should return to earth to learn what it is like to suffer as a victim of torture? Do we lose our Sovereignty, our free will, our very soul?
Jean: I "knew" that what I had found was the sum total of all "knowing" or wisdom of all people for all time - past, present and future. All wisdom comes from this pool of collective knowing and all we learn goes into the pool for the use of everyone.
Ryan G: This Light Presence of pure, unconditional Love seemed to be in me and around me, all-pervasive, extending into infinity. I thought of the light more as a collective soul.
Annie P: We are a collective "Soul Group" experiencing the balancing of duality.
JMH: I started wondering where I was and looked outside my light pod, which had no inside or outside, but for sake of description I will say pod, and I saw others just exactly like me, and a great light pod in the center of all of us, millions of us, floating in the otherwise dark void with a pure golden light connecting each of us to the center pod. The golden
Chantal L: All the knowledge of the universe was inside my being. I no longer felt as a separate individual. I felt as if I was part of a collective consciousness. I sense billions and billons of beings and we were all One. The feeling of oneness on the other side is amazing!
Jill D: What happened was that I became part of (or returned to) the presence that was so amazing. The closest analogy I can come up with is Odo in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, when he would go to his home planet and return to the collective. Only everything in the universe is part of this collective. In essence the universe IS the collective. end-quote

Gwen J: What I remembered was that I had completely merged again with God. It was a void, darkness, but unconditional love. I was no longer a separate being. I was where I belonged, where I came from. It was perfect. When it was time to return I had to again differentiate from God and become a separate soul again. Yet I was still a part of God....The void was God, all is God...the void is unconditional love. -- Gwen J
Brice W: It was revealed to me then that our prime purpose for existing was to ever progress upwards through many dimensions towards the light of the ultimate absolute reality (which is God) while always retaining our blessed uniqueness. In the end we will all merge with all things, restore harmony to creative existence. We would then still be ourselves but also have access to the infinite knowledge power and presence of the creator God as we finally withdraw once again into ourselves. ....
Justin U: I was ready to start to merge with the love and light, but not fully and seemed to for a while the feeling of oneness and love and bliss and knowing is profound. I knew if I merged totally "I" would disappear would become one will it and all. end-quote

i've been watching scientific shows on predators on earth especially in the ocean that use light to fool their prey, also use it as a defense mechanism and to communicate.

Inconsistencies, Contradictons, Lies & Deception in the Light

I think there are some cases which do reveal some of the tricks, traps and anomolies.

Here are a few cases which do:

"At last, light is seen ahead. It is not the light of heaven, it is the lure of hell." -- Private Dowding


"The only thing that puts any doubt into my mind is that possibility that Satan can simulate the love of god and lure people into deception (that's what people say anyway). so yeah i was in two minds about it for awhile" -- Skeeter

"There was a blue sky and some clouds, floating and moving slowly in the sky that seemed quite low, and that seemed above all false, as if hiding something. I had the sensation that this place was used as a place of welcome for children or young people and that this environment had been build to reassure and appease them." -- Nolwenn

"He was thinking, "This must be Heaven and I'm here because I've tried to be good to people. But then he started moving faster until the meadow was left behind him in a blur.....He found himself out in the middle of the boulders floating over a great expanse of blackness below...Then he knew that he had been tricked by Satan into thinking he was going to be in Heaven." -- Glenda G

"Once again on the flower meadow I said, that I would love so-o-o much to stay in heaven, and asked, if there wouldn't possibly exist a 'speedier process' for me? Andreas promised to let me eventually decide myself. Of course, I knew that it was a trick. He would only let me decide when it would be clear that I wanted to remain on earth. But, nevertheless, it comforted me." -- Franziska R

"The Light has played a devious trick on me. The Light allowed me to expand and become one with the universe, and then rammed me back into my frail, earthly body. At the time, it seemed like a very cruel experience to put me through. I was very angry at the Light." -- Andrew P

"Suddenly I realized that the bright sun in front of me was the shiny moon and that the red sun had the moon safely under control making in fact one sun. This was the message that the sun had wanted to get across. Then the being of light wanted to talk to me on a man-to-man basis. He placed me on top of a high mountain where I had to sit on a large piece of rock. I asked him why he had wanted to destroy me, and he told me that there existed also evil but very
powerful and cunning beings who were his enemies with whom he had been constantly fighting. He also told me that I had to warn my world against them, and I automatically nodded in agreement. He said that his enemies had wanted to play a trick on him by using me as a kind of trap, but he had to defend this world and the black one." -- Guenter W

"Experience was probably real I do not know if it was real or it was just a construct of my brain to ease me into death and it could be an illusion or a trap." -- Kyal L

"I initially believed that during this experience, I had been in the presence of God. But over the years I had some real struggles, wondering about which being – God or Satan – had been its source. I cannot prove which one it was, but I do tend to believe that in this case, it was God" - - R.A

"Religions teach of a false god that is not the true God of the afterlife, but probably a demonic entity in itself, who they pose as the true God... THIS IS NOT GOD! This is the description of fear and darkness. God is not a demanding blood thirsty bi-polar control freak bent on balancing some 'sin balance sheet'. Pressure does not originate from him. Pressure is fear based which originates from darkness. God is supreme and not a petty spy. He isn't a vigilant behavioral scientist accountant or a karma thought police with a penchant for revenge tantrums. And he is not represented by the twofaced liar strutting around a church-house. What a racquet. Could you imagine having this advantage in your personal life? If you don't do things my way, that means you're overtaken by a demon, and you risk the wrath of an angry god who may then allow the Devil to give you cancer...even though He wishes He didn't have to allow it, He simply has no choice, you forced His hand! How convenient for our rulers. Talk about a tormenting trap. This is spiritual enslavement, that forces one to live in an altered state of consciousness, as well as a spiritual cesspool of confusion." -- Paul

"I looked up at my benefactors and found that they were dressed in Black gowns and had a screen over there faces which if you looked closely at had a mirror like substance that reflected your own image back at you." -- James S

"St. Gabriel was telling St. Peter that I had not read The Gospel of Mark yet. St. Gabriel was holding a huge open book I assumed to be a Bible and they looked at it. It seemed as if Gabriel was convincing Peter I could not enter heaven yet." -- Trish R

"My whole soul or being was immersed in this love. He lifted me up and gave me a kiss on my mouth. This being of light loved me deeply, infinitely deeply, and more and more intensively. I was happy! I could have stayed in this beam of love forever. ....Gradually the loving became weaker and I felt that something was wrong with me - something that made it very difficult for the light to continue with his love. He was trying not to tell me why. Finally,
however, he was not able to keep it up any longer and he quickly said:" You have a smelly breath" and "You need a bath." I received the impression that I would have to take a bath similar to that I was used to on Earth, but by dipping the whole body....."I thought to myself:” This scoundrel of a voice! He has betrayed me by forcing me into this world. There is no way back! This is final! " -- Guenter W

Marc : NDEs testify and reveal the CONTRADICTIONS OR INCONSISTENCIES ; which ones ? There are some noticeable contradictions in the overall body of NDE reports.

Some say Jesus had blue eyes, others brown and one said he had green eyes. Some say he had blonde hair, others white. One person said Jesus showed her the wounds in his hands while another person said they learned Jesus did not die on the cross... and others said he did. Some say Jesus and God are the same personage while others said no. Some say there is no hell or evil while others were shown hell and evil and say they know it exists.
The vast majority say we judge ourselves while others were clearly judged by God or a Council of Beings -- in courtrooms.
One person said they knew or learned there is no reincarnation while many others learned of multiple lives they had lived.
Most say we have free will yet many were literally forced to come back to Earth against their will. Others were shown specific events in the future of the Earth or their own lives. One said he was shown what would happen to his family members if he chose to come back and also what would happen if he chose not to come back. If the future is known do we really have total free will?

Edie F: "But when I got to the round circle at the end of the tunnel where I would have entered into the light, I got a big surprise. Standing in the circle with legs apart and arms reaching out toward me was a very bright multi-colored figure, almost like a cartoon character and similar to the Joker on a deck of playing cards, but with a big smile that for some reason was more comforting and gentle than scary. He gently caught me in his arms and said to me, "Back to the womb," as he turned me around and gently tossed me back down the tunnel." end-quote

Another fascinating experience was reported by Gary who saw lots of technology in the place he went to and that when he saw the movie The Matrix he had to get up and leave because it was so eerily reminiscent of his NDE. He writes, "People should be studying NDE's and finding out why we're trapped in these inferior bodies." On his form he was asked the question "What could a national organization with an interest in near death experience (NDE) do that would be of interest to you?" He pleaded, "Find out what is happening."

Finally, this NDE is the anomoly of all anomolies. Fred B had a series of NDEs while using ketamine. Each time he was able to see further into the experience until he was able to see through the illusion and realized he was sitting in a moving chair and part of a cinema or theatre production being cheered on. And beings were calling him a 'cheater' for using his methods:
"In the 7+ experiences, I would come back to the same dark room but I would be wheeled down the spiral corridor. There would be no humming or cheering. I would be sent down in a backstage area where people (staff, employees?) would be ushering my body in an open space. I would hear the words 'cheater' being pronounced by some of them. The sixth and final phase would then happen. I would be welcomed as a hero in the middle of a giant open-air stadium with approx 90 000 spectators. Loud music would be playing while I was wheeled on stage. I remember then feeling totally immerse in the experience, as if my body on Earth didn't exist anymore. People that I knew on Earth: parents, friends, coworkers, would be waiting for me on stage. They would all be happy to see me again." end-quote

VR Video Game "Earth" Addicts

We are addicts to this multi-player virtual reality simulation game we call Earth. Look at all the kids addicted to video games here on Earth... not to mention binge watching Netflix episodes and watching hours and hours of tell-a-vision everyday!! And it's more than just a game -- it's reality television for the spirit world. A soap opera filled with suspense, drama and conflict. And some spirits wish to come here to participate inside the movie as actors, immersed inside the 360 degree hologram.

It may be as simple as that. We will soon see a rise of a whole industry of virtual reality games and that will only boost those addictions. So that's basically what we are doing here addicted to this Earth's VR game. Nothing super-mysterious or spiritual.

One can argue that the pilots get trained with flight simulators and so that's what we are also doing here - learning and training with these VR games. The question is then - why do we do it so many times (incarnations) and why do we forget all we learned and every time start from scratch? Maybe we do get more mature with every incarnation in some ways buried in our unconscious psyche structures even though we lose explicit memories. And also, even if it's a training simulator, we do get addicted to it in the process.

There are almost certainly an almost unlimited number of different planets and species at all kinds of different levels at various places and times outside the timeless void. If we wish to play the game, we could and should choose a much better choice than this, but perhaps we were getting bored with having it so easy all the time and wished to mix it up a bit more for a change of pace. We don't really know.

The multiverse is sort of divided into the Samsaric worlds and Nirvanic planes (where liberated souls abide). Once liberated, we can stay as formless awareness, or we can continue experiencing forms and performing conscious activities in the Nirvanic realms without incarnating and falling into illusion of separate self existence or developing attachments and passions. There may be various activities we can do there - creativity (creating and exploring beautiful forms), helping souls in Samsara telepathically or by the powers of manifestation (without incarnating there), etc.

So we can argue in various ways, and in reality it may be that all of these perspectives are partially true. But regardless, for us there usually comes a time when we just naturally feel and know that we are done with this VR game. There is nothing else in it for us to learn or experience and nothing that we want from it or nothing here we are attracted or addicted to, so we become ready to say goodbye to it.

Clear Light of the So Called Void

People constantly ask if we don't go to the light, then should we just stay in the darkness or void? It is important to understand that Light and Dark are dualistic terms. You can't have one without the other. In fact, pure, unreflected light is actually perceived as darkness. For any action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if one decides to go to the "loving", "good" "light", then how long can one stay there before the inevitable oscillation or opposite reaction must occur? And does an opposite realm of relative dimness or darkness have to exist in order to maintain this "positive" light? Is a hell-like realm of darkness necessary where beings suffer? Welcome to earth. Near death experiencers routinely report being forced to come back to earth against their free will on an undisclosed "mission" they have yet to fulfill and, therefore, it is "not yet their time". Most are sent back against their will or coaxed into doing so. Some say they were given a choice, but how do we know they wouldn't have been forced to come back had they chosen to stay? In this world when someone is forced to do something against their will, it is a crime. If we take money against their will, it is stealing or robbery. If we take sex against their will, it is rape. If we take a life against their will, it is murder. But somehow this being of light gets a free pass as being loving? Love is also a verb, an action. We should look at the actions. There are cases where the light beings impersonate religious figures. There was one case where the near death spirit had to ask "Are you really the Virgin Mary?" before it showed it's "true" idenitity. Some would call this lying or being deceptive.

Is there a viable alternative to going to the white light? Yes, there is. There are actually many viable alternatives. Between the two poles of a bar magnet -- positive and negative -- lies a "neutral point" or "null zone", a center where the charge is neutral, balanced. This is the knowledge of the "null edge". Many near death experiencers have also reported being in a realm that they described as a "void". But the word "void" is a misleading misnomer because this so-called void is actually everything at the same time. It is non-duality. It is outside of time and space. Beyond good and evil. It is impossible to put into words.

Some quotes from NDEs in the so-called Void which is actually nothingness yet everything simultaneously:

"the Void is less than nothing, yet more than everything that is! The Void is absolute zero; chaos forming all possibilities. It is Absolute Consciousness... pre-creation, before the Big Bang."

"it didn't have an environment, no sense of light, no sense of sound... 'pure neutrality'...It wasn't into the light, it wasn't into the darkness"

"vast void that was both dark and light. It was silent and still, strange but peaceful"

"I noticed how everything came to be. There was nothing in the void. All of a sudden, the light was created from the void... I became everything and everyone. "

"EVERYTHING was ''known'' to me, but that there was NOTHING at all. It was like being a part of absolutely everything at once,... A glimpse into both everything and nothing"

"I entered the void-darkness-abyss. It was everything, yet nothing. It felt as if it were raw un-manifested energy... I felt in balance between the two."

" if forever were to be an instant or a thousand years was immaterial and irrelevant. I felt, 'Abide with me, here, now, for I am at peace, and we are one'."

"... no Time, and existence is purely Being...When I die, if this is what I will feel for all eternity, I await it."

"void. It was neither dark nor light...just nothingness... No thoughts. No Emotions. Within me was complete emptiness; I seemed to be completely free."

"I dared not think about anything because that would have meant that I would have manifested out of total awareness and bliss. Being in this state was beyond bliss, you want to stay there and not do anything to disturb it."

"I found myself in a black void completely at peace... no pain, no worries, no sense of self, it was fantastic... "

"highly conscious in a dark void, but I was not afraid... apparently the Buddhists call this the Bardo."

"pitch-black void, with me glowing softly within it. I felt complete relief, love, warmth, security, acceptance...I was able to surrender to this darkness without fear. "

" It amazes me that a dark space, void of people, and being all alone, was the most beautiful loving experience I could ever have... "

"It was a void, darkness but yet I felt it contained all light at the same time.. I was where I belonged, where I came from. It was perfect."

"Upon realizing the truth contained in the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead' (which I had not read before having my NDE) I adopted the doctrine of Vajrayana Buddhism, swore a bodhisattvas vow, and dedicated my life to the benefit of All. This is because the experience I had matched the description of the passing through the bardo of death described in the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead'."

"Everything seemed to be coming or existing from the same complete source that I seemed to be a part of now. "

"completion. It was perfecting the harmony in which I was part of now. It was as if my being had become a vacuum, opening up, allowing everything that ever was, or was to ever be, inside... I was complete; I was what I believe was the highest existence of peace that could ever be, for my mind was silent and I was simply being, and nothing more. I was a part of everything that ever was and with that I had no expectations nor thought, I was existing within everything and had no form or shape, just a complete perfect state of being."

"Calm, peaceful knowing. I was happier there in the void than I'd ever been on this planet. There was assurance, wonder, and almost a bliss. "

"I didn't exist, actually. I was aware that I existed only as a thought.. it was neither black nor light; it was perhaps a void... I was not afraid; everything was peaceful beyond understanding."

"Darkness is just a word to describe the “void” (of possibility, lack of limitation, complete wholeness)....“natural wholeness” or “sky-like essence"

"it was neutral. It felt like I was there a very long time: or, in a timeless type of way. It felt like I'd always been here and would always be here... it seemed I was in there (seemed I was dead) for forever. It's like I could have been in that void for eons and eons and eons. "

"All I could see was darkness with a void of light, so it was like black and white, except the white was strangely illuminated."

"darkness that wasn't darkness, a void that wasn't a void but was everything and everywhere all at once... most amazing, profound, deep experience"

"I felt unity with everyone and everything... it was the most beautiful thing that could have ever happened to me - the happiest day of my entire existence... I felt were pure joy, ecstasy and bliss "

"The darkness was so heavy it was like tar, like a void, complete lack of creativity; the Great Nothing in Never Ending Story, a space of indifference."

"a void, or place that was neither light nor dark, of no dimension, or infinite dimension and form....no-dimension."

"Keen understanding that I was "in" what the Buddhist call The Void. A no place where there is no such thing as time."

"... in that space between a physical body that had already been left behind in another dimension and a void, which I perceived as a black empty space... now free from the illusion, returned to where I have always belonged: to the huge Ocean of Luminous Consciousness whom we call God."

White light NDE: "I asked if God was the light, and the answer was: 'No, God is not the light. The light is what happens when God breathes.' "

Sumerian: "Learn to see beyond appearances, my firstborn, to reach out for the True Essency, learn to reach out to the Source where yourself came from, the Union of all Opposites, The Holy Complementarity that was lost.' "

Hindu: "Brahman is Life, Brahman is Joy, Brahman is the Void. Joy, verily that is the same as the Void, The Void, verily that is the same as Joy."

Bible: "In the beginning 'Elohim' created the heaven and earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."

Kabbalah: Ayin means "nothingness". According to kabbalistic teachings, before the universe was created there was only Ayin, and the first manifest Sephirah (Divine emanation), Chochmah (Wisdom), "comes into being out of Ayin."

Gnosticism: "The One is a sovereign that has nothing over it. It is god and father of all, the invisible one that is over all, that is incorruptible, that is pure light at which no eye can gaze.... The One is the invisible spirit."

Esoteric: 'LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss!"

Taoism: " The manifestation of Tao is the form of being, Which originates from the non-being of the void, the Great Tao... Great Tao is formless, It is invisible and has no name... It is the original void of “non-being.” This “Oneness” is the Tao which is invisible, and formless."

Tibetan Buddhism: "Now thou art experiencing the Radiance of the Clear Light of Pure Reality. Recognize it. O nobly-born, thy present intellect, in real nature void, not formed into anything as regards characteristics or colour, naturally void, is the very Reality, the All-Good.
Thine own intellect, which is now voidness, yet not to be regarded as of the voidness of nothingness"

Nikola Tesla: "Black is the true face of Light, only we do not see this."

Pure Intention

I know not everyone will agree with this article and that's okay. Some might rather be in denial and unable to face an ugly truth and prefer a beuatiful lie. It is an uncomfortable truth to live with, I understand. Others will just arrive at a different conclusion and genuinely believe there are justifiable reasons for their position. After all, we have the power to believe what we choose to believe or prefer to believe. But does that make the Truth less truthful? I don't know. I suppose, if that is what one chooses to believe, then that becomes reality for them. If they choose to believe that god is an old man with a fluffy white beard who sits on a cloud with angels who play harps, then that very well may become their reality. Who can say for certain? I do think there is evidence that suggests that when we die, we create our own reality with our Intention. If we create our own reality with our Intention, then why can't I do that here and now you ask? Maybe we can and don't know it. I think it is harder the lower in consciousness and the more enmeshed in a physical reality within which we try to create said reality. We have to deprogram ourselves from our life-long conditioning and belief system we have built. If we somehow subconsciously don't believe or feel we are worthy to experience a pleasant reality, then perhaps we are not able to at this time. But beliefs are prisons of the mind. If we are convinced we are evil sinners and that a judgmental god is going to condemn us to an eternal hell, then perhaps we are unable to overcome that guilt until we are able to let go of that faulty belief system. Or if we believe that Jesus is our savior and an entity that pretends to be Jesus asks us to return because he needs us to as a favor or we are the only one that can do it, then we will almost certainly follow his instruction. Most Buddhists believe we will return to earth hundreds of times until we balance out all our larma and are perfect. And then once one achieves liberation, many are convinced they should become what are Bodhisattvas who return to help others who are trapped in samara until every last soul is freed. But here's the rub: if it is true that in the afterlife we can instantly manifest any reality with our Intention and we choose or wish to be a Bodhisattva, then didn't we just unknowingly manifest a bunch of trapped souls that need liberating? Or if we search for a source or god aren't we manifesting dualism or separation? We need to be very mindful of these possible traps of our belief systems that have been given to us by so called royal masters when it could very well be that we are sparks of divinity ourselves. After all, near death experiencers and out of body experiencer report that the "soul" or "spirit" is a light. We are light! But here's the thing: we don't even need to take form at all.

So given that we can manifest our own reality with our Intention, we are only limited by limiting beliefs because our Imagination can imagine anything and everything! Focused Intention, not having erroneous Belief and strong Will Power are the key! Or we can rest in the Awareness and imagine nothing. This awareness is always arising.

A friend recently wrote to me, "The mind is very tricky because we are going to create the situations we are imagining and that we believe in.... the heart is the entry door to the Matrix, and the heart is also fighting the brain + stomach (= ego); this is why the Neem and all the anti-parasitic treatments are the perfect allies for the heart because they are killing parasites interfering with the heart’s will and neurons; because the heart also is a brain (it has neurons). The main Matrix’s exit is the heart. So, fears are created to make us “project ourselves outside of ourselves” (if you follow us and our bad English). So those projected fears become nearly all the time our reality. We believe in them so badly. The only way to find peace again when we feel stress is to simply put your hand on your heart and to calm yourself by listening to your own heart bit; and especially the second bit where you can almost feel that you are “vacuumed” inside your heart. And if you train yourself every time you feel stress (by stopping everything you do and putting your hand on your heart), after a few seconds mental calm comes back, and it is the heart’s neurons that are taking over. A it is one lost battle for the ego. And it is a stronger and stronger connection each time with your heart’s neurons. The only thing to do during those times is to concentrate your thoughts on the inside (when stress is present). Because it is our own worms making us worry. The Exit from the Matrix is an individual process. Be convinced that everything will go well. We are on the same train for the Exit. We are very different from others. And we will succeed.

"No falling into any panic for all of us. We know, and when the right time comes, even if it is sooner than later, than we will stop eating. WE DON’T HAVE THE CHOICE BUT TO STAY VERY POSITIVE -- IF NOT WE ARE COMING BACK (sorry, he wanted me to put it in capital letters ☺ ). The more you will « make function » your heart’s neurons, the more you will be confident, optimistic and detached from the scenario."

Near death experiencer Mellen Thomas Benedict stated, "That's when the angel said, 'My name is Mellen. You need to look at the light.' And it pointed to my heart. I didn't see a body, but it pointed to my heart area where it would be. And it explained to me that the Light starts in your heart and then connects to this other -- I saw a dot of light way out there somewhere -- that they're connected and I was panicking. And with the help of that quote 'angel', I found to focus on the light and make that connection. The kunas may call that the active thread or call it the silver thread. We're connected directly. That light actually starts in the heart. It doesn't start on the other side. It's all connected from what I learned. And so I followed that thread but for me, it wasn't a tunnel of light."

The heart being the center of the true nature of our being is reiterated again and again in Tibetan Buddhist texts. In Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding, Longchenpa wrote, ""From the standpoint of enlightenment, the heart essence from which everything arises, there is no duality, and any attempt to quantify things would be endless. Buddhas, ordinary beings, and the universe of appearances and possibilities are evident, yet do not waver from the single nature of phenomena, just as it is. Everything is connected in oneness-the perfection of phenomena. This is the supreme quality of awakened mind. When anything manifests, cut through all conventional exaggeration. All outer phenomena are to be known as the inherent radiance of the nature of mind, empty and nondual, while inner phenomena are nothing other than awareness as such. Within the nature of phenomena, nonexistent as one or many, the realization of a single basic space is revealed to be the key point of awareness."

"With no dualistic perception, in that very moment there is abiding in the heart essence, ultimately meaningful and fundamentally unconditioned."

"Ineffability is shown to be the heart essence of what is ultimately meaningful: In the awakened nature of mind, which can be neither affirmed nor denied,
timeless awareness without dualistic perception abides as a matter of course. In naked awareness, involving no causality, abides the unique sphere that is neither positive nor negative. In unobstructed awareness, without limit or center, the wholly positive enlightened intent of dharmakaya abides as a matter of course. In enlightenment-self-knowing awareness, the heart essence of ineffability- the totally pure and nonreferential intent of victorious ones is clearly evident. The very essence of awareness, which is empty yet lucid and can be neither affirmed nor denied, is beyond the dualism of outer object and inner subject. It is itself free of cause and effect, whether positive or negative; there are no karmic consequences or habitual patterns."

"Because the nature of mind is spontaneously present, the fundamental ground, the heart essence, is encompassed within·awakened mind. "

"Since everything is wholly positive-there is nothing that is not positive- the basic space of the vajra heart essence is the spontaneous presence of everything."

"In awareness, the ultimate heart essence of enlightenment, there is no holding to extreme views, but rather freedom from bias based on characteristics... In enlightened intent there is no occurrence of or involvement with hope or fear, and so there is uninterrupted openness, regardless of what arises. In this naturally arising, unbiased, and unrestricted state- what simply is- there is never a chance of being caught within the cage of reification."

"Openness is revealed to be unbiased, free of dualistic perception. This awakened mind that embraces all phenomena, moreover, is without extreme or bias and is subsumed within supreme openness.... The seal of awakened mind, beyond which no one goes, is timelessly applied through supreme and wholly positive spaciousness, is embraced by the enlightened intent of the guru, protector of beings and spiritual master, and is itself sealed as the ever-awakened state, the vajra heart essence... The decisive experience of openness is the ultimate heart essence... There is no division between inner phenomena arising and being free..."

"Natural openness is the infinite dimension of space. In the ultimate heart essence, with no extreme or bias, there is no framework of view, empowerment, mandala, mantra repetition, levels, paths, samaya, training, or progress. Rather, there is expansive openness in supreme spaciousness."

"Although happiness and suffering manifest, they are within the heart essence of enlightenment, not wavering from a single, naturally occurring timeless awareness."

"The Tantra of Heaped Jewels states: Given ineffable emptiness, the source of phenomena, there is abiding in timelessness within the natural basic space of the supreme secret... The original awakened state in all its timeless immediacy- supreme timeless awareness that does not abide in any specific way- is such that from the very beginning of the ground of being, its mode is one of timeless abiding without deliberate settling. People who reify this as a specific state will come to reify enlightenment- the heart essence of this secret of all buddhas. It is certain that original purity, the natural state of rest, is enlightenment-the heart essence, dharmakaya."

My Buddhist friend sent me yet another great summary of ways to achieve liberation after death, or at least avoid reincarnations and be reborn in the realms of pure forms according to the Mahamudra Tibetian tradition, from Kalu Rinpoche's Luminous Mind: The Way of the Buddha: [at the moment of death:] "When the two principles reabsorb in the heart, the consciousness loses its faculty of knowing. This is the experience of black luminosity, similar to a midnight blue or a dark night. In an ordinary being, the mind sinks into total darkness. At this moment the seven kinds of thought connected with mental dullness or stupidity cease. Any spectacle that might arise in the mind will no longer be considered good or bad. This whole process of dissolution, from the beginning up to the experience of black luminosity, is called the bardo of the moment of death."

"At the end of the dissolution, the clear light, or mind's basic nature, is revealed. All beings have an experience of the clear light, but the ordinary being does not recognize it. But even if it is extremely fleeting and goes unrecognized, this experience of the clear light occurs to every being. On the other hand, if a person has recognized the true nature of mind within his or her lifetime-that is, has realized mahamudra, the mind can recognize the fundamental clear light at this final moment of the bardo of death and, to whatever degree this recognition is stable, can remain absorbed in it. For such a yogi, the daughter clear light, which was experienced during his or her lifetime, and the fundamental mother clear light unite."