Journal of An Astral Traveler: How to Navigate the Astral Plane and Deal with Negative Entities Such As Archons

Also: Reprogramming The Matrix and Shifting Timelines

Important note: One should take extreme caution if deciding to follow any of these atral traveling techniques. They could be dangerous if one does not know what they are doing. And few do, including myself. I am not trying these techniques.

For the last 2-3 years, I've been in contact with someone who has had hundreds of out of body experiences and has graciously shared them with me. This person wishes to remain anonymous. He usually texts the messages via phone so I took the liberty to correct some of the auto-correction mistranslations. It will take a couple hours to read all this material and it may be a bit exhausting at times, but I feel it will be worth your time as there are some good nuggets of information contained in them.

He has developed quite a few useful techniques in how to deal with negative entities such as archons. He has had many encounters with the white light and knows how to avoid a mindwipe. He believes he has encountered the Demiurge a few times. He has been to other worlds and even created his own paradises. He has sensed various energies that are used to cause us to forget our dreams and from accessing our true potential. He says there is a new positive energy coming to Earth that is replacing the old energy. Because of this, the old system will fall and be replaced.

As you read this, I think it would be helpful to keep in mind that every person will have different experiences just as every person has different dreams based upon their individual experiences in life and, more importantly, what their attention is focused on. I think in this person's case, they are a fan of watching superheros like Superman and The Flash. If one spends a lot of time watching shows like this (or horror shows on TV), it shouldn't be that surprising that one would have dreams, lucid dreams and OBEs that involve having to fight off villains with superhero powers. He knows he can raise his frequency and avoid the entities, but is learning other ways to avoid them so he will be completely prepared for the afterlife when he dies. I personally don't think one needs to worry excessively about entities in the afterlife.


"Hey, I've been following your work for a while now. And you're absolutely right about the light being a trap. I've been having out of body experiences for about four years now and I've seen things most people can't imagine. Including the light. At present I've seen it seven times. Both in dreams and out of body experiences. Every time I see the light it tries to wipe my memory. Unsuccessfully, of course. I've found that everyone has the ability to wipe their own memory or someone else's memory in the afterlife. I've tried it on myself and it worked. It caused my memories to start fading. The thing is that if you try to wipe someone else's memory and they don't want you to, they can resist through sheer force of will. This is why they can't wipe my memory. It's kind of like the jedi mind trick. It only works on the weak mind.

So for me the light is bad because it tries to memory wipe people against their will which I consider to a be a form of psychic rape. It doesn't usually do this during near death experiences but there are a few in which it has. Most likely these guys can tell whether someone is only temporarily dead or permanently dead. And they proceed accordingly. If they know someone is temporarily dead, they will most likely feed them a bunch of B.S. to reinforce a religious belief system. If they are permanently dead, they will most likely roll out the memory wipe to prepare them for reincarnation. In my case I think they're testing me to see if the memory wipe will even work, which it doesn't.

So. anyway, about my experiences with the light. As I said. I've seen it seven times. Two of those times it tried to pull me in. The first time the light itself was pulling me in. The second time there were invisible entities trying to pull me to the light. Both times I was easily able to get away and got the hell out of there. I have considerable experience navigating the afterlife and dealing with negative entities. That's why I was so easily able to evade the light. A near death experiencer, unfortunately, wouldn't have my knowledge and skill. So it would be harder for them, but they could still evade the light if they realized what was going on and didn't want any part in it.

One thing I should point out is that there isn't just one light. There are a lot of lights. I've seen them have different shapes, colors etc. My guess is the light is a construct someone created to fool people. In the afterlife thought creates reality. So creating something like the light would not be difficult. I've had out of body experiences where I created entire worlds. Anyway, I hope this information helps. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send me an email.

Yeah, it is possible to lower and raise your frequency at will. If you end up in some negative astral world, you can easily leave by raising your frequency. I've been to what people call hell more than fifteen times. It doesn't scare me because I know I can't get hurt. You also don't feel pain in the afterlife. At least it is very rare to. In the few instances where I have felt pain I was able to make it stop on command. Once you realize this, the fear of going to hell goes out the window. Places like this only scare near death experiencers because of their ignorance.

Honestly, I have never been anywhere in the afterlife that was anywhere remotely as bad as this world is. And I have been to some pretty scary places. So whoever thought up the idea to use fear of going to hell to control people must have thought it was hilarious not to mention ironic. In my experience, the lower the frequency that you're on, the more likely you are to end up in these types of places. I had an out of body experience once where I lowered my frequency on purpose. Shortly after a guy showed up and told me he was there to take me to hell. I punched him in the face for his trouble. So, yeah, you can easily do the opposite and raise your frequency and then you won't run into negative stuff nearly as often.

Also it's important to realize that you can go wherever you want to. You can teleport at will. Either between worlds or between two points in the same world. I have used this several times to evade negative entities by rapidly teleporting around them. Eventually, they give up and leave you alone. So you have a great deal of freedom in the afterlife. You can go wherever you want to. So just mindlessly going to the light is foolish and insane.

No, I have intentionally jumped into thought forms of people and other creatures that I created. I was able to take control of them, but I could leave whenever I wanted to. Generally, you don't have to worry about getting stuck in anything. I've fallen into black holes and even they couldn't hold me. That is, of course, by far one of the scariest things I've ever done. From what I can tell, the physical world is unique. It's the only place where people have to deal with such insane limitations. In the afterlife you have no limits. How exactly this world came to be I'm not sure. I haven't seen any kind of net. Keep in mind though that you can move from one world to another at will. So a net wouldn't do any good. I have had a lot of out of body experiences in space. But, unfortunately, they weren't anywhere near earth.

I don't have experiences in the real time zone very often. I did have one a few days ago where I was out of body in my bedroom, but I could barely see anything. There is something about the real time zone and especially when you're near your physical body that sometimes makes it hard to see and move around easily. It's like you're stuck in mud, but the reality itself is mud. It's really hard to explain. I can tell you this in case you're wondering. I've seen a lot of planets from space and they're usually round. Although I have seen a few that were flat or semi flat. I haven't seen the earth from space so I don't know what shape it is.

I've also been on spaceships which is really cool. But I haven't seen many aliens. All the times I've been on ships there was either no one there or the crew was human. A few times I actually created space ships like how I create worlds. One such time I was able to make the ship's engines disappear with a thought. So if you want to know how powerful you are in the afterlife, think Q from Star Trek. You can pretty much do whatever you want to.

I think it's most likely nefarious. Not that some people don't come here on their own, but most are tricked into it.

The thing is if you like stuff like that, you can do it in the afterlife. Pretty much anything you can do here, you can do over there. You can eat, drink, have sex, get drunk, etc. You can do all the good things that people like to do here. So there is no point in coming here. And if you're someone who likes chaos, there are places over there where all they do is fight each other. It's like a war zone you might see in this world. Except, over there, you don't feel pain. I've had my astral body ripped to shreds and it didn't hurt. The astral body is just a construct so if it gets destroyed, you will usually go into the void (It's like a timeout zone where you can't perceive anything with your senses.) until you manifest a new one.

So if it's conflict you want, you can find plenty of it over there. Sometimes it's just people fighting each other for entertainment like they're playing a video game. And then sometimes you run into entities that are much more nefarious. So you can play games of chance with other people in the afterlife without giving up your freedom. I've heard Robert Monroe once met a guy during an OBE who came here and got addicted. He lived a life as a Roman soldier and wanted to come back and do it again. Personally, I think that's completely insane. That's like someone who just got out of jail intentionally getting arrested so they can go back because they're addicted to being in jail. Anyone addicted to this world needs serious mental help.

You can't erase someone's memories if they don't want you to. They've tried to do it to me during dreams and OBEs over a dozen times without any luck. Even in a dream state when I'm mostly out of it, I can still resist the memory wipe. I think the most you could do from the astral is to help the recently deceased so they aren't tricked into reincarnating again. Unfortunately, as long as there are people who are easily fooled, there will always be people trying to fool them. The only way it will stop is when people stop being fooled.

Yeah, that is a really good question. From what I understand when someone is near death the beings that run the whole reincarnation system descend on them like vultures. So you would have to be really quick to get to them first.

Yes, the normal way people communicate over there is telepathy. This takes two forms. Telepathy with words and telepathy without words. When you don't use words, you're transferring ideas and concepts directly and it is a very efficient way to communicate. It is also harder to lie when you're communicating like this, but not impossible. It is possible though to block someone from reading your mind if you don't want them to. And a lot of shady entities will do this when they're trying to deceive you. But if you know what you're doing, you will be able to tell if they are honest or not. I had an experience a while ago where there was an entity near me, but it had made itself invisible. Something that is pretty easy to do. But I could still sense its presence. So much so that I knew where it was and was able grab hold of it regardless of the fact that it was invisible. I could also sense its negative intentions toward me. So these guys are not all powerful. I've gotten into many confrontations with them in the astral and won almost every time. They operate through deception because that is the only way they could hope to control anyone in the astral. Oh, hey, by the way, if you talk about any of this stuff, don't use my name.

Yeah, stories like that are common. Strangely enough I haven't run into any of my dead relatives while out of body. But most of them are crazy so I really wouldn't want to. One thing I have noticed is that they are able to not only fool near death experiencers but also people who have out of body experiences. In some cases they have even fooled experienced out of body travelers. They were able to fool Robert Monroe back in the day. And then you have people like William Buhlman who I agree with on about ninety percent of what he talks about. But when he starts getting into reincarnation, it's clear he doesn't have a clue.

So they are very skilled at deception. They can't fool me though and it's not from a lack of trying. I was watching a few videos on youTube earlier today from people who had out of body experiences and went to hell. And it absolutely scared the crap out of them whereas I've been there more then fifteen times and it doesn't phase me. It just goes to show how they use people's ignorance to manipulate them.

I've done things while out of body that were far scarier then going to hell. And of course you have near death experiencers like Howard Storm who went to Hell because he went along with a bunch people he didn't know. He could have handled that situation so much better if he knew what I know. Even in a situation where you are surrounded by hundreds of negative entities, there are ways to deal with it. The easiest, of course, being just to teleport out of there.

So I think the only way it's going to stop is when people stop being ignorant. The problem is that with a lot of people the ignorance is held in place with either a religious or scientific belief system. Until people are willing to let go of their belief systems, they will keep making the same mistakes.

Well, you can end up unintentionally manifesting your worst fears. I've done that and it's no picnic. Well, actually anything over there is a picnic compared to this screwed up world. But it's still not much fun. I once had like ten out of body experiences in a row which would have been fun, but I kept unintentionally manifesting black holes because they scare the hell out of me. With good reason. I once saw one rip a planet to shreds from orbit.

The good news is you can get rid of anything you create. I eventually learned to create and destroy black holes intentionally and now I don't run into them as often. So you can manifest things that are really scary, but you can just as easily get rid of them. So it's not that big of a problem.

Yeah, I'm not sure why anyone would think otherwise. If you couldn't get rid of negative stuff you create, then it would be a big problem. Fortunately, that's not the case.

I once had an out of body experience where I was in my bedroom, but there was a dog on my bed. At first I thought this is cool because I like dogs. Then it started growling and acting like it was going to bite me. So then I disintegrated it with a single thought. The dog was nothing but a thought form.

In the astral you can create thought forms of people and animals and creatures or pretty much whatever you want. And interacting with them is just as real as two people interacting in this world. But they're not real people and they're not self aware. They're just a program. They're like a non player character in a video game. I can usually tell the difference between them and an actual entity because with an entity you sense a presence. With a thought form, you don't. You can do some cool stuff with thought forms. The only problem is that sometimes, if you're not careful, they can go haywire. In such a case you can either fix them by intending for them to revert back to the way they were or you can get rid of them which is what I did with the dog that was trying to bite me. If you couldn't do either of these things there would be a whole lot of negative thought forms out there. And there are already, but it would be even worse.

People create thought forms all the time without realizing it and those thought forms can take on a life of their own. They will then seek more of the energy that created them. So negative thought forms will seek more negative energy. These things aren't a problem in the astral. You can get rid of them with a single thought. But they will often feed off of the energy of people in the physical world because we can't see them.

But, yeah, in the astral you can create whatever you want and if you don't like it you can get rid of it. I once created my own hell world on purpose just to see what would happen. It was pretty interesting. It was just a really dark and creepy place. But when I was done with that I created another reality that was much nicer and the hell world I had created disappeared entirely. Now imagine if I wanted to scare the crap out of a near death experiencer or someone who was recently deceased. I could bring them there and shape shift into the devil and pretend to be the devil. That's exactly what they do. I can do pretty much everything they can do. That's why their parlor tricks don't impress me anymore.

So the way I look at it is these beings are no different than me or you, except they have bad intentions and are very good at deceiving people. I think some of them are just thought forms though. I ran into the greys recently and they have minds like a computer. So they may be just thought forms that are controlled remotely by some entity. It could create as many as it needed and they would do its bidding because they are mostly mindless machines. Still, of all the entities I've run into, the greys are probably the scariest. They definitely have strong psychic abilities and they would easily be able to influence the minds of most people. But not me. I have way too much practice resisting stuff like that for it to work on me. I've had entities literally try the Jedi mind trick on me but it didn't work because I was too strong willed. So they actually tell you some of this stuff in movies.

But, anyway, I hope this clears some things up for you. If you haven anymore questions let me know.

Hey, you may be interested to know that I saw the light again. I saw it in a lucid dream (dreams are actually low awareness out of body experiences. I've had many dreams turn into fully conscious OBEs.). This time I was the one creating it. I was having a dream that I was with some people and we were in some weird looking place. So I thought we should go somewhere much nicer than this. Instantly, we ended up in the light. This time though it wasn't trying to wipe my memory. It had that warm feeling that near death experiencers describe. And the colors were moving and shifting in spectacular ways. It was really beautiful. It reminded me of the Stargate SG-1 episode, The Light, which was obvious that it was really about the light people see after death.

I always suspected that the light was just some kind of construct that they created. Now I know it is because I can do the same thing. I'll have to try to create it when I'm more awake during a fully conscious OBE. That would be really interesting. This is the only time I've seen the light and it wasn't trying to memory wipe me. I've seen it in dreams and OBEs and every other time it was trying to wipe my memory. My guess was that they can turn the memory wipe effect on and off. It seems that I was right.

So when people see the light they're just seeing something that these guys created. And you can create anything you want over there. I once created energy in my hand that had the effect of wiping my memory. I tried it on myself and it caused my memories to start to fade. The light is just a much larger and more complex version of that. So, knowing what I know now, if I was like them (which I'm not), I could easily create a white light and use my ability to shape shift that everyone has in the astral to pretend to be god. I've seen other entities pretend to be god twice and do it very well. But they couldn't fool me. Unfortunately, most people fall for it. Of course, I would never actually do such a thing. But they would.

I guess I really am learning all of their tricks. I'm sure they're not happy about it. In fact they frequently harass me in my dreams. They will often pose as dream characters thinking I'm too stupid to figure it out. But I can sense their negative intentions toward me. They used to just try to scare me, but that didn't work very well. Although they still try it occasionally. I had a weird looking entity jump me in a dream the other day. I just teleported away from it.

But. for the most part. they've moved on to being more covert about it. Stil,l when they're nearby, I can sense how much they hate me. They're freaked out because almost no one understands how they do what they do as well as I do.

But, anyway, I think I understand how the light works even better now. It's a shame it fools so many people. Eventually maybe people will figure it out.

I'm glad I can help. I just want people to know the truth. I guess some people might come here because they want the challenge. But, if you ask me, those people are out of their minds. Most people though are tricked into it. Unfortunately, so many people are so far gone that they wouldn't know the truth if it was glued to their head. Trying to inform these people is usually a waste of time. They're going to have to figure it out for themselves. And I damn sure wouldn't come back here for another round just to help them. I wouldn't do that for anyone.

One of the problems of being an omnipotent being is boredom. I mean, just look at Q on Star Trek. He was always doing something crazy to keep himself entertained. Still given the choice between boredom and pain I would pick boredom every time. Coming here because you're bored is like sticking a fork in a wall outlet because you're bored. Neither is a good idea.

You actually talk to people you run into about this stuff. I would be afraid they would try to have me committed. Like I said, most people don't want to know. The good thing about knowing is that you won't make the mistake of coming back here.

I've gotten into dozens of confrontations with the beings that are behind this in the astral and I've won pretty much all of them. They are far from all powerful. And knowing they're out there and how to deal with them will save you a whole lot of trouble in the long run. You would think people would be tired of this crazy world and would want something better.

Another thing to consider though is that some people might not even be real people. There is a theory that some people in this world are non player characters in which case they're pretty much just a computer program. Trying to inform them would be a waste of time. It's not in their programming. As I said, you see beings like this in the astral all the time. It's taken me a while, but I can usually tell the difference between them and an actual entity. That wouldn't be easy to do here though.

Regardless, the people that are real need to know the truth. I've had about a hundred and thirty OBEs give or take. But I have lucid dreams all the time too. I've found that using my abilities is the same between lucid dreams and OBEs. In OBEs everything is just way more real because I'm much more awake. In fact, I often use lucid dreams as an opportunity to practice skills that I later use in OBEs. That's probably one reason why I'm so good at this. I've only been at this for four years and already I've seen and understand things that people who have been doing it for decades don't seem to get. That's something I didn't expect. Believe me, I wish more people who have OBEs got this stuff. I never wanted the responsibility of being one of the most knowledgeable people in this field. But it seems I have it regardless.

I usually have about three OBEs a week, if not more. The truth is everyone has out of body experiences when they fall asleep. The trick is to either stay awake while your body falls asleep or to wake back up afterwards. I've done it both ways, but I usually do it the latter.

I had one last week where I was half awake and, all of a sudden, I start floating toward the ceiling. Usually though, I just fall asleep and wake up in another reality. I've noticed that when you're half asleep and you stop perceiving things through your physical senses that there is a phase shift that happens where you switch to your astral senses. Most people are too out of it at this point to notice. But I've trained myself to be awake enough to observe this. The Wild method of lucid dreaming takes advantage of this to help people have lucid dreams. But I've been able to use it to have OBEs as well. So I think that's the best way have OBEs.

I have no idea why anyone is here. You can find that out when you leave this wold and can access all or your memories. Or you could be hypnotically regressed to just before you were born. There are some people who do that. Unfortunately, most of them don't get what's going on either.

You won't come back here just because you think about it. When I'm in the astral and I want to fly or teleport somewhere, I have to actually want and intend to go there. It doesn't happen just because I think about it. I had a lucid dream recently where some lady had me tied to a chair. She told me to answer her questions or else. While this was going on, I was thinking that I could teleport behind her and surprise her. But I sat there and let her ramble on for a few minutes knowing I would have the upper hand. Then when she threatened to electrocute me, I teleported behind her and knocked her out. I didn't teleport behind her when I first thought about it because I didn't actually want to.

Intention is how you get around in the astral. If you think about a place, but don't actually want to go there, you won't go there. It's like if you think about moving you hand, but don't actually want to move your hand, your hand isn't going to move. So I hope that makes sense.

Yeah, it's ironic. There is more access to information then ever, but people are more ignorant than ever. Unfortunately, I think that's because most people want to be ignorant. The best you can do is help those who want to know the truth.

Most of the entities I run into are not interested in talking. They're either trying to scare me or trying to deceive me. Neither of which works.

Yeah, I've read Micheal Newton's book Journey of Souls and there is some useful information in there, but it's obvious that neither he or the people he regresses has much of a clue about what is really going on.

Yeah, it took me a while to learn how to get around in the astral. It took a while just to learn how to fly. Now I'm pretty good at it. And I didn't learn teleportation until later. It's even easier than flying though. The thing is: limiting beliefs will hold people back more than anything. If you believe that you can't fly or teleport, you're going to have a hard time doing it.

I once questioned my ability to fly in mid air and it caused me to drop like a brick. In the beginning though, I had trouble just getting off the ground. So if someone has a lot of limiting beliefs when they leave this world, they're going to have a hard time getting around in the astral. And most likely if they run into scary looking entities or end up in one of the many scary looking astral worlds, it's going to scare the crap out of them. You see this with near death experiences a lot. An experience that wouldn't phase me scares the living hell out of them. There are some things in the astral that scare, me but I can count them on one hand with fingers to spare. That said, none of those things can actually hurt you. They're just really scary.

The point is that this guy wasn't informed enough to know how to get around really well in the astral. Even if you are someone who lies and cheats, you don't have to come back here. You will have trouble getting to higher frequency realities, but there are plenty of lower frequency ones you can go to that are pretty nice. You don't automatically go to hell because you're on a low frequency. I had an OBE once where I intentionally lowered my frequency and I could still go wherever I wanted.

Now if I wanted to get into higher frequency realities, I would have to raise my frequency. But that wasn't my goal at the time. So it was pretty much ignorance that led that guy to reincarnate again. You can be someone as nasty as Adolf Hitler and as long as you know how to get around in the astral, you can leave this world and never set foot on it again. Of course, this world does attract people like that. So it doesn't surprise me that someone like that would come back here. People like us though just want out of here and won't be coming back to this hell hole.

Man, I just retrieved what I think is a prebirth memory. I was a having a dream and in that dream I was in the astral just minding my own business when a bright light shows up all around me and wipes my memory. Then I end up here. I somewhat remember reincarnating and it was like being born into heavy mud.

So I think my subconscious is trying to tell me something. If this is true, then they ambushed me, wiped my memory, and brought me to this hell hole. Well that's never going to happen again. No wonder they are so concerned that the memory wipe doesn't work on me. Because if that's how they plan to get me to come back here, they're going to be very disappointed. I am very good at resisting the memory wipe. I've had a lot of practice. If they try this again, I'll be ready for them.

Just through sheer force of will. The stronger your will is, the less effective the memory wipe is. It's like the Jedi mind trick. It only works on the weak mind.

Speaking of sheer force of will, I just had a dream that I was with some strange people. Then this woman comes over and gives me an injection. It wasn't a needle. It was more like a hypospray in Star Trek. Whatever it was just went through my skin. Turns out, it was a sedative. But before it could knock me out, I could sense how much this chick didn't like me. It was like she wasn't bothering to hide it anymore. So I fought it off. And while I was doing that I got into a fist fight with her. And I was winning. She told me how annoying she thought I was and that I should just give up. Then after a few minutes I woke up. So that was pretty crazy. I had to fight off a sedative while fighting her at the same time. It takes willpower to do that.

These bastards must be awfully afraid of me if they keep messing with me in my dreams. They aren't there every time I fall asleep, but they're there a lot. It's getting very annoying. But, anyway, during this dream, I was able to resist the sedative the same way I resist the memory wipe: through sheer force of will. If your will is strong, they are going to have a very hard time influencing you.

That's a good question. I don't know. I'll have to try it and get back to you. I know that when you're dreaming, it's possible to take control of it and go wherever you want. But you have to be awake enough to do that.

Yeah, if you can wake up during dream states all kinds of interesting things happen. If you're dreaming and you wake up more, you're now having a lucid dream. And if you wake up even more, you have an out of body experience. Dreams are just low awareness out of body experiences. I've had dreams turn into OBEs and OBEs turn into dreams. I have more lucid dreams than I do OBEs. But I find that lucid dreams are a good time to practice the skills I use during OBEs. If you can learn to get good at flying, teleportation, shape shifting, manifesting, etc. during lucid dreams, you won't have any trouble using those abilities when you start having OBEs.

I had a lucid dream last night that was pretty trippy. There was some chick throwing small black holes at me. I managed to dodge them for a while, but then one got too close and I started getting sucked into it. But then I thought if she can get so close to these things without getting sucked in, then so can I. So I intended not to be effected by the black hole's gravity. After that, I stopped feeling them pulling on me. I even went right through one with no trouble. Although it was still really scary. Now if I run into another black hole during an OBE I'll be able to deal with it better because I learned this trick in a lucid dream.

So I've found that if you make use of both lucid dreams and OBEs you can learn things a lot faster. I find one of the most fun things to do during lucid dreams and OBEs is to practice doing crazy super power that you've seen people do on TV. I've done most of Superman's powers and most of The Flash's as well. Flying is fun but running down the street at supersonic speeds is pretty damn awesome. When I'm moving that fast, it's like I have superhuman reflexes. It makes it so I don't crash into anything. Other times when I'm running really fast it's like everything else slows down. The faster I move, the slower everything else gets. It's pretty much just like how they show it on The Flash. I always wondered how he could run so fast without crashing into anything. Now I know.

So having superpowers is really awesome. There was also one time where I was being shot at during an OBE and I caught the bullets with my bare hands like Superman does. That was pretty cool. And then one time during an OBE I was in a cathedral and I wanted to get outside so I flew straight up and smashed through the ceiling with super strength. I also once ripped a huge machine apart with my bare hands. The interior of it was super hot, but it didn't bother me. The thing with extreme temperatures in the astral is that you feel extreme heat or cold, but it doesn't hurt. That's one reason why fire and brimstone isn't very scary. The one thing that Superman can do that I haven't tried yet is X-Ray vision. That would be really awesome. I have been able to zoom in with my vision though.

So, yeah, I think it's really awesome to just try to do superpowers during lucid dreams and OBEs. You'll definitely learn really interesting ways to deal with negative entities. And you'll find there is nothing you can't do.

I wish. It is possible to affect this world and there have been studies done where a small group of people working together can make significant changes. The more people, the more they are able to affect things. One person can influence reality, but it takes more time. People who practice magick are probably the best at doing this. This world is just a much denser and slowed down version of the astral. It's like comparing water to ice. You can still affect ice, but it takes more time. And the more people you have trying to effect the ice, the faster it changes. So I hope that makes sense.

That's pretty crazy. Where did you find this? My first thought is that this person was tricked into coming here. They tell him some bullshit like you should go to earth to wake people up knowing damn well he probably won't remember any of it. You have to give these guys credit. They are really good. I would have told them where they can shove it. Their days of fooling me are long over. It seems the guy who was doing the regression wasn't a fool for a change. He realized this too.

Also, this person came here because they were bored? That's like going and living in a war torn third world country because you're bored. No one in their right mind would do that. In my experience, if you get bored in the astral, there are plenty of things to do that don't involve coming here. So I think this guy was being played big time.

I may have sympathy for the people who are asleep on this planet, but I wouldn't come back here to help them. In my experience, most of them are beyond help anyway so what is the point? Most of them want to be ignorant. So they are going to have to figure it out for themselves. Personally, I don't think there is any reason good enough to ever come back here. If some being shows up after I drop dead and tells me that I should come back here for whatever reason, I'll tell them that they should put their money where their mouth is and go themselves instead of bothering me. If they try to force the issue, I am well prepared to defend myself and I have a lot of experience in that department. Besides, they would have to catch me and since I can fly, and teleport, and run like The Flash, that would not be easy.

I have spent years training during lucid dreams and OBEs for the day I drop dead. And when that day comes I will be ready.

Hey, man, I just had a really interesting OBE. I was walking through this creepy looking place when something shaved part of my hand off which actually hurt, by the way. But probably not as bad as getting your hand cut off here. One of the people I was with said, "That doesn't look good." I said, "No, I'll just grow it back." And that's exactly what I did. I grew part of the hand and one finger back. By this point, I thought I was dead which is strange considering how many OBEs I've had. Apparently, these people were expecting trouble. But I was perfectly calm because I thought I was dead and nothing could hurt me. I told them, "Hey, I'm dead I've got no worries." Then when trouble showed up in the form of weird looking monsters, I just floated around and barely payed any attention to it. They didn't seem to notice me either. It was really weird.

So this got me thinking. If I can choose to not be affected by the gravity of a black hole, maybe I can choose to not interact with the people in whatever astral world I'm in. I've seen other entities make themselves intangible. And I once did it myself during an OBE. So what if when you run into negative entities, instead of fighting them, you just turn into a cloud or something? Or like a force ghost from star wars. I once saw a bunch of entities that looked like that. I've also had entities make themselves invisible to try to conceal themselves. If you can become invisible and intangible, they wouldn't be able to catch you because there is nothing for them to grab onto. Combine that with teleportation and super speed and they would never bother you again.

I know this. It was so peaceful just not giving a damn. I didn't care about the monsters because I was beyond them. Because I thought I was a ghost. So if we can make ourselves intangible in the astral, maybe that is the key to avoiding all this crap. Maybe it's as simple as just choosing not to be effected by people and the environment. Like how I chose not to be affected by the black hole. It's certainly worth trying. I'll have to experiment with this in future OBEs. I'll let you know if I learn anything interesting.

No, you're not wrong and that works too. I just like to learn as much as I can so I'm prepared for anything I might run into over there.

I haven't really tried to do it that much. I did intentionally lower my frequency once and that was really weird.

Hey, I had an OBE earlier where I created a thought form of a beautiful blonde chick. It was pretty awesome. She looked and acted just like a real person. And then she kissed me and it was just like kissing someone here, but way better. It was amazing. I've done this many times, but it never gets old. I've also had mind blowing amazing astral sex that is way better than physical sex. I've also gotten drunk in the astral.

So if we can do all of these things over there what the hell is the point in coming here?

This guy definitely knows his stuff. I'm guessing he doesn't speak English. Where did you find this because I'd like to read as many of his regressions as I can find.

There is one thing I don't understand. A lot of people say they have run into a grid. I've never seen one during OBEs. Not that it would stop me. I would just teleport to the other side of it and keep on going. But still if it was there, you would think I would run into something. The way I see it is a grid would only be able stop people who don't know how to get around in the astral and still have limiting beliefs. Otherwise, it would be totally ineffective.

Hey, I had another interesting lucid dream. In the dream I was Q from star trek and I wanted to do something to amuse myself so I made an asteroid fall out of the sky. I sent it back into space just before it hit the ground. I think someone was trying to show me something here. Clearly we are capable of far more then I even thought. If I can move a huge asteroid with my mind what else can I do? I once made a sun turn from red to yellow and then back again during an OBE. Then I increased my size to where I was bigger then the solar system. I could have reached out with my hands and grabbed the sun!

So clearly in the astral we are capable of doing things that are god like. I thought having super powers was fun but this takes it to a whole new level. I'm going to have to up my game and try even bigger things in the astral. I wonder if I can part the ocean. Or walk on water. That would be cool. Or maybe hurl planets out of orbit. Or have a bunch of black holes and suns collide. The possibilities are endless.

So it seems we really are gods who have been tricked into thinking we're ordinary people. They really have managed to pull the wool over our eyes. Well, they're not going to do it again.

Hey, man, I just had another interesting dream. I was trying to figure out how to fly an alien ship I found, but the ship had a mind of its own. Then I found myself in a room with two white aliens with wings that kind of looked like gargoyles. It was weird. I heard them say that his energy levels are dropping and that they had to get him back in the dream. A few seconds later I woke up. I think they were talking about me and the dream was physical reality. Or maybe they didn't want me to wake up quite yet. I don't know what they were up to, but it couldn't have been anything good. I tried to read their minds and sense their intentions, but I got nothing. It's possible they were blocking me though. If I had had more time, I probably would have figured out what they were up to. These white gargoyle type entities I think were a variation of the greys. Or they were the greys just taking a different form.

So these guys are frequently trying to mess with me in my dreams. It's getting very annoying, but it does give me the opportunity to learn more about them. And I intend to do that.

That's pretty crazy. Yeah, this stuff goes on a lot. Unfortunately, most people just don't understand it so they're ill equipped to deal with it. I saw a video on youTube yesterday where some guy thought out of body experiences were evil because he had them for a few years and ran into some really scary stuff. Then he started having entities haunt his house and move objects around. He said it got to the point where he felt like he was being stung by scorpions when he was in bed at night. Eventually, he prayed to god for help and some force came in and cleared the whole place out. Mostly likely the same force that was screwing with him in the first place. I've run into lots of these entities in the astral and most of them are nothing but a minor nuisance. Some of them can be more of a problem, but they're usually not that hard to get rid of. So dealing with them in the astral is pretty easy. If they're actually haunting your house, that can get a little more difficult. But there are still ways to get rid of them. Like smudging sage for example. Anything that raises the frequency of the environment will make it inhospitable for negative entities. So he could have gotten rid of all of that crap without calling on a religious figure.

I've seen these entities pretend to be god in the astral and they do a very good job of it. They just can't fool me. I've seen this with some people who have OBEs for a while now. They will have a few experiences and then get the crap scared out of them and then run to religion for answers and protection. One guy claimed that he was out of body one time and he was flying around his neighborhood and the whole thing dissolved into demons and hell. So he got freaked out and ran to Christianity thinking that out of body experiences themselves were evil. What he didn't understand is that what he saw was a simple parlor trick. It's easy to change one world into another in the astral. In fact, I've done it myself many times. So having one reality dissolve to reveal demons and hell is easy. I created my own hell world once. If I wanted to do something like that to scare someone I could. Of course ,I wouldn't. But there are other entities that would. So unfortunately people fall for this kind of crap all the time.

The truth is that the beings that do this are nothing but charlatans with a fancy bag of tricks. Their tricks are no more legitimate then those of a stage magician. It's pretty much like if someone rolled up to a primitive tribe in the middle of the night that had never seen technology and shined a huge spotlight on them. They would think he's a god. They do the same thing. Their tricks are just way more impressive. So it's unfortunate that people don't understand this stuff better because there are plenty of entities out there that will take advantage of their ignorance.

Yeah, it's pretty easy to make an astral world seem like it goes on forever. I had an out of body experience once where I went to hell. Then I got out of there and ended up in some empty blue void that seemed to go on forever. There was nothing there and there was no gravity. A lot of times voids are pitch black. But this one was lit pretty well. So these places can be huge. I've been to worlds in the astral that were only a few miles across. I realized this when I took off flying and I looked down and saw the ocean loading in squares like water in Minecraft. Apparently, it didn't exist yet because I hadn't observed it. It's like a video game. Why render something the player hasn't seen and may not see?And then I've been to worlds that were huge like the void. So they come in all shapes an sizes.

I had a lucid dream earlier where I created a tropical island with lots of naked women. The water was the most beautiful blue and it was clean. You don't see that here. You can do crazy stuff like that over there. You can create whatever you want to. Everyone can create their own paradise. I've done this during OBEs as well. It works the same way. It's kind of like the nexus in Star Trek Generations, but way better.

I had an OBE once where I was swimming in an ocean and I drank the water and it tasted like water, except it wasn't salt water. Then I tried to dive into the ocean, but then the water pressure changed (something that wouldn't happen here) so I decided not to. I also had an OBE once where I was at a hotel and I took off flying straight up and what I saw was a brown ocean! A brown ocean! I have no idea what was in that thing, but I wasn't going to fly over it much less swim in it.

So, yeah, you can see some crazy stuff over there. And you can create some crazy stuff too. You can create people as well as environments. So let's say you really wanted to scare someone. You could create a hell world with millions of people burning in a lake of fire and thousands, even millions, of demons all over the place. Most people if they find themselves in a place like this would freak out. But I wouldn't. Because I understand that most, if not all, of those people that are burning in the lake of fire are just thought forms. They're not real people. Neither are most of the demons for that matter. Some of them may be real entities there to keep an eye on things. But most of them are not.

So these guys understand how reality works and they know that most people on earth don't. So they use our ignorance against us. I've had to deal with psychic attacks and even an attempted possession once. It didn't work. They can't possess someone who is strong willed. So it's not something you really need to worry about.

That's a good question. I'm really not sure. I'm just strong willed by necessity. I haven't really given it that much thought.

Hey, I just had another insane dream. I was in some place that looked like a hospital, but it was dark and creepy. Then someone injected me with something that made it so I couldn't move. Then they put me in a cage, like a bird cage. Then they made the most hideous faces to scare me. They were feeding off my fear. I could sense the energy they were feeding on and it was on a very, very low frequency. I can still sense it actually and it's pretty horrible. It's like the energetic equivalent of sewage. The entities that feed off of this type of energy are unbelievably sick bastards. Had I been more awake I could have dealt with this more effectively. I resisted the effects of drugs before in the astral. I could have also gotten rid of my humanoid form entirely. Then there would be nothing for the drug to affect. It's also likely that I could have used intention to neutralize the effects of the drug.

Well, this won't happen again. I know it's them now and I won't let them get away with it again.

Yeah, I know I've had OBEs that were so real they make this world seem like a bad dream. Some people think OBEs are delusions. If they are, then this world is much more of a delusion. I usually have very interesting dreams. Sometimes they are involved and sometimes they're not.

Well, I have a few times run into people who used to be human. So I would say that it is. And, as I said, I've also seen the light over there a bunch of times too. It's pretty similar to what near death experiencers describe.

Hey, I just had a really crazy OBE. I was having a dream, but in the physical world I had to go to the bathroom. So that manifested as having to go the bathroom in the dream. So I found a bathroom in the dream. But I started waking up and realizing what was going on. Now I'm more awake and it's an OBE and not just a dream. So I take the opportunity to try something really crazy. I look down as I'm taking a piss and everything is normal. But then with intention I do an instant astral sex change (which I'm not in to that kind of thing in the physical world so don't get any ideas) and I ended up with female body parts, if you get what I mean. Talk about trippy. I know that's crazy, right. But I was awake and I had the opportunity so I had to do something interesting. I've had OBEs where all I did is just fly around and it seems like I should have used the opportunity to try something new. Well, this time I certainly did. So that was crazy.

I also once turned into a chick while standing in front of a mirror. That was trippy too. But I've also been a dog, a lion, a werewolf, the hulk, and something that kind of looked like gollum from Lord of the Rings. So you can do all kinds of crazy stuff over there. But this is by far one of the craziest things I've ever done. This wasn't on my list of things to try, but I had the opportunity so I had to try it.

So it seems to me that we aren't human at all. We're not even male or female. We can take whatever form we want. Most of the entities I've run into were not human. A lot of the ones that did look human were probably just appearing that way hoping I wouldn't pay any attention to them. So we can be whatever we want to be. We could float around as a cloud, if that's what we wanted to do. I've seen entities that do that. In the end, I think we're just a point of consciousness without form that can take any form it wants.

I had a few lucid dreams and two OBEs today. In one of the lucid dreams, I was in some kind of heaven world. I'm pretty sure it was one of their heaven worlds because they were trying to memory wipe me again. Obviously, it didn't work. To protect myself, I manifested a helmet to block the memory wipe. At first it didn't seem to work. So with intention, I cleared away all of the memory wipe energy that was inside the helmet. Then the memory wipe stopped affecting me and I could think clearly. Then I woke up. I went back to sleep and had another lucid dream. This time I intentionally created a field of memory wipe energy around me. I wanted to test the helmet idea again so I manifested a helmet. Again, at first it didn't help. But then I used intention and cleared the memory wipe energy from inside the helmet and it worked and I could think more clearly. Then I got rid of the helmet and I started being affected by the memory wipe. So I manifested the helmet again and cleared out the energy and that stopped the memory wipe.

So I seem to have found a reliable defense against the memory wipe. Not that it ever worked that well on me in the first place. But it's always good to be prepared.

Then I went back to sleep again and had two OBEs. In the first one, I was in a bathroom with some chick. Everything was fine at first, but then she grabbed me you know where and started squeezing. So I woke myself up. But I was still tired and figured I could probably have another OBE so I went back to sleep even knowing it would probably be a scary one. And I was right. I woke on my bed and there was an entity on top of me. I couldn't see for some reason, but I could damn sure feel it. It wasn't humanoid. It was some kind of semi-solid mass. It told me telepathically that I was going to get my you know what chopped off. So again I woke myself up.

Most likely they were trying to scare me because they were pissed that I had found a good defense against the memory wipe. I think it's safe to say they don't like me very much.

Hey, man, I just had an interesting OBE. It started out as a dream with me being a ghost and haunting a hotel. There were people there trying to figure out why the place was haunted. It turns out the government was doing an experiment on hauntings. One of them was clairvoyant and could see me. The rest couldn't. They broke out a lot of equipment to study me. There was a huge table covered in laptop computers and all kinds of other gear. I didn't like what they were up to so I put my arms on the table and spread out like a cloud. It fried all of their equipment. Then I wanted to get out of there so I closed my eyes and left that world and I felt myself going up a lot. Then I felt solid ground.

By this point, I was much more aware and it was an OBE and not just a dream. I open my eyes and I was in what kind of looked like a weird heaven world. There was an ocean in front of me with some trees somewhat blocking my view. So I walked in that direction and what did I find? A giant dog! A giant man eating dog. And he didn't look friendly. I jumped in the water to get away from him. I intended for him to go away and for the world to look and be better. When I got back to dry land, the dog was gone and the world was changing so I walked along the beach for a few minutes.

Then I saw a city in the distance. It was just across the ocean less than a mile away. They looked like steel buildings, but not that tall. The sky went from being a sunset to the sun being higher in the sky. And the place went from having a sense of foreboding to feeling much nicer. Like this was a place you would actually want to spend some time in. It was like the frequency of the environment was going up. By this point it actually felt pleasant and relaxing. It was the opposite of a confrontational environment, although I still didn't lower my guard. If the light or the bad guys were going to show up, I was going to be ready. But that seemed less and less likely. The frequency of this reality was getting higher and higher. So it's unlikely they would want to or be able to come here. Near the end of the experience, I tried to fly, but for some reason I couldn't get off the ground. Then I woke up.

So that was a fun experience. I took a mediocre somewhat scary heaven world and turned it into a really nice one. Obviously I was the one creating it all along. My own fear is probably what manifested the dog and the original somewhat creepy environment. So if you want to end up in a world free from the bad guys, you can create your own world and raise its frequency. At a certain point, it will be incompatible with their frequency and they won't be able to get there. And then you can live in your own paradise and never have to worry about this screwed up world again.

I don't think I would ever get bored over there. And even if I did, I wouldn't come here because boredom is better than pain any day. Besides coming here, you run the risk of being memory wiped and not remembering anything which means you're at their mercy when you drop dead which means you could end up reincarnating over and over again.

I will never be at their mercy again and I am never coming back here. If you do get bored, there are plenty of things you can do over there. You don't have to just sit on a cloud all day long. I've had a lot of out of body experiences and I don't think any of them were boring.

Hey, I had an interesting lucid dream that alien ships were landing. I ran into one of them and I tried to throw lightning at them, but was having trouble doing it for some reason so I turned into a cloud to become intangible so they couldn't mess with me. It was actually really cool. It was very peaceful. But I figured I needed to deal with the aliens so I turned back. I went outside to find more of the aliens and that's when I woke up.

Now it was a fully conscious out of body experience. Outside was the ocean only a few feet from the front door. It seemed like the house I was in had been built on a rock in the middle of the ocean. The water was beautiful, way more so than the ocean is in this world. Anyway, I took off flying straight up. I got really high up and I tried to make it all the way to space, but no such luck. I woke up first.

So, anyway, being a cloud is awesome. I would highly recommend it plus you're intangible so nothing can touch you. And you can still move really fast as a cloud if you have to. You could even be a cloud shaped like a humanoid figure. I've seen other entities do that and I saw one disappear in the blink of an eye. So there are definite advantages to taking this kind of form or lack thereof.

Well, people do really crazy stuff. Stuff that certainly isn't in their best interest. I just saw a news report about the volcano in Hawaii and one guy refused to evacuate and didn't leave until lava was coming through his front door. So people put themselves in screwed up situations without any good reason for doing so all the time.

That's kind of the attitude you would have to have to want to come here. Me, I'm never coming back here. As for why I keep running into monsters in dreams, there are two answers to that question. One, they give me the opportunity to practice my skills and become more effective at dealing with real entities that are not friendly. And, two, they often times are real entities that are trying to mess with me thinking I'm too stupid to figure out what they're up to. A lot of the things I learned how to do in the astral I learned because I was defending myself against negative entities.

You mentioned that this is some kind of video game. Well, that's not far from the truth. I like video games. I like Skyrim, Oblivion, the Mass Effect games, etc. But those are games because when the character I'm playing gets shot or stabbed, I don't feel it. If I did, I wouldn't play the game anymore. Also they're games because you can quit whenever you want to. Well, you can quit this world whenever you want to, but you have to off yourself to do it and people aren't usually happy about that. If someone wanted to create a world like this one, but not memory wipe people when they go there and let them leave whenever they wanted to without having to having to off themselves, then that would be fine by me as long as all the people are there because they want to be and not because they were tricked into it. At that point, I couldn't care less.

My biggest problem with this world is that people are tricked into coming here. And they're memory wiped which makes them vulnerable. If that didn't happen and people were here because they really wanted to be and they could easily leave whenever they wanted to, then I wouldn't really care. Let people torture themselves in this messed up world if that's what they want. As long as that's what they want and they're not being coerced into it.

Yeah, I've seen Smallville. I watched it all ten years it was on air. Of course, I actually know what it's like to have Superman's powers. I've used almost all of his powers during out of body experiences. Except for x-ray vision. I really need to try that one. And, yeah, it is pretty awesome. Flying and super speed would have to be my favorites.

I also like to watch The Flash. I had a vivid lucid dream recently where I was in a car and there were a bunch of gangsters putting holes in the car. It was looking like they were going to win so I turned into The Flash (had the red suit and everything) and I dealt with the gangsters at super speed. I was moving so fast the bullets in the air were standing still. Then at one point I slowed down and time sped up. So I sped up again and dealt with the rest of the gangsters.

I had an OBE quite a while ago where there was an army of gangsters after me. So I used a combination of super speed and martial arts (apparently, I'm an expert at martial arts in the astral when I know next to nothing about it here) to deal with them. Then I got in a car and left, but they followed me. So I climbed up on the roof of the car and, with telekinesis, threw all of their cars high in the air.

So, yeah, while having super powers is fun, having to use them to defend yourself isn't. I wouldn't want to be a superhero because those people have really messed up lives. Just look at Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, etc. I wouldn't take either of their jobs for all the money on the planet. In the comics and on TV, whenever there are superheros, supervillians are never far behind.

Still, when you get done with Smallville, I would highly recommend The Flash. The first season is pretty trippy. You can find it on Netflix.

In closing, I would just like to say that I think if you're smart you won't come back to this screwed up world. I've been to hell more then fifteen times and it's paradise compared to this place. If you like worlds that are like this, find one where you won't be memory wiped and where you can just leave whenever you're tired of it (you know without having to off yourself). But don't come back here.

I've fought lots of entities and none of them have seemed more powerful than me. Slightly more skilled at using their abilities maybe, but not more powerful. You can't imprison someone who can teleport at will much less move at super speed or change their shape. I've had entities pin me to a wall only to teleport behind them and hit them from behind.

So, in the astral, no prison can hold you. No god can imprison another god. The only way they can imprison us is to trick us to reincarnate. But they can't make us do anything. And if we don't go along with them, there is nothing they can do.

I've turned into a suped up version of the hulk during OBEs. Can you really see someone trying to take that prisoner? I don't think so. I've heard rumors that some entities put people in boxes, most likely after having memory wiped them. They would never be able to do that to me. The memory wipe isn't effective on me. And that box would be in a million pieces if they tried to put me into it (super strength is easy to do over there). Either that or I would just teleport out of there.

So something like that only works on people who are really unaware. So the only way they can control anyone in the astral is through their ignorance. If they're not ignorant, they have no power over them. Think of it. Their whole M.O. is to rule by deception. Anyone who has to use deception is not ruling from a place of strength. Quite the opposite. If they were more powerful than us, they wouldn't hide who they are or what their intentions are. Even their middle men on earth rule through deception. Because they are less then one percent of the population and are vastly outnumbered.

Negative entities in the astral are even less of a problem. Like I said, I've dealt with a lot of entities and I've never met one I couldn't handle. They may be able to make themselves look like god, but then so can I. Most of them are nothing more than a minor nuisance. Some of them can be slightly more of a problem, but even they aren't that hard to deal with. So I don't really worry about them that much. I'm always prepared in case they show up, but I'm not frightened of them. So I don't think they're anything to really worry about.

I wouldn't come back here even if I thought I could help millions of people which you can't because most of those people are probably just a computer program and a lot of the ones that aren't are so indoctrinated that they are beyond help. Let them figure it out for themselves. The information is out there. These days the only reason people are ignorant is because they want to be.

I wouldn't have any problem being in a world where it's all positive all the time. But even if I did, there are places in the astral with lots of war and chaos. If that's your thing, you can go there. You don't need to come back here. And, with those worlds, if you get tired of it you can just leave and go back to everything being wonderful all the time. But if that's not enough for people and they want to come to a screwed up world like this one, that's up to them. I think it's crazy, but it's their decision. I certainly won't be coming back here though.

Yeah, that is true from what I can see. As far as I can tell, we're all one consciousness experiencing itself from billions if not more points of view. Some people aren't real people though they're just constructs meant to look like people and fill in the background. That being said, in the afterlife, no one can force you to give up your freedom or individuality. I've run into lots of negative entities and they've never been able to force me to do anything. So it's not something I would worry about.

Hey, I had an out of body experience for about half an hour where I walked around an old neighborhood I used to live in. I walked a long way and I didn't get tired at all. Every time I would start to lose the experience, I would look at something else and that helped me stay with it. Then I was on a bus and a bunch of people jumped me. So I manifested shards of broken glass and hurled them at them. That got them to back off in a hurry. I saw a villain on The Flash do something similar with metal so that's what gave me the idea.

Then I was in a bar and I ended up with a blonde chick and you can guess the rest. All in all, this experience probably lasted about forty five minutes which makes it the longest out of body experience I've had so far. Hopefully, I'll get to the point where I can do it for hours. That would be nice.

I also had a bunch of really strange lucid dreams today, but this one was the strangest. I was on a planet with a very thin atmosphere, if you can call it a planet. I could sense that it was flat. Even though I didn't actually see it from space. Or at least not from high altitude. Anyway, the atmosphere on this planet was so thin that when I walked up a hill, I found myself in the vacuum of space with nothing to breathe. So, obviously, I went back down the hill. I've had a lot of out of body experiences in space. And I could have handled it if I had been more awake. But, as it was, I thought I was suffocating. So that lucid dream was really strange. At least there were no black holes involved, although they don't scare me nearly as much as they used to.

I also had a lucid dream where there were like a hundred people trying to kill me. So I took off flying straight up and I imagined that a miniature sun was forming below me. And it worked. Most likely all of my assailants were incinerated instantly. I had to stay in the air though to keep from falling into the sun. So I just hovered there for a few minutes until I woke up.

So this got me thinking. If I can manifest a small sun maybe I can also manifest an army. Or a bunch of giant hulks to do my bidding. That would probably get any entity that tries to mess with me to back off in a hurry.

Just when I think I've done everything, I do something new. So, hell, I've probably still only barely scratched the surface of what's possible to do in the afterlife. I'll have to keep practicing. Who knows what I'll come up with next.

You don't necessarily have to create anything. You can go find someplace that has like minded people already there.

As for thought forms, yes, you can get rid of them if they go haywire. But they're not really self aware. They're just programmed to act like it. You can test this by making them do things for you. A thought form will almost always do what you tell it to because it's nothing but a program. And don't worry. If it was really a self aware entity, you wouldn't be able to harm it. I've had my astral body ripped to shreds and yet I'm still here to talk about it. Any being that is actually conscious, you won't be able to harm. You can evade and repel them, but you won't be able to actually harm them. So It's not something you should worry about. Thought forms may look like real people, but they're not. They're no more a real person than an NPC in a video game. So I hope that answers your question.

I haven't really thought about it. Probably my own private island. I think that sounds nice.

Hey I ran into what I think was the demiurge in a dream. I was in this town. And this white light appeared in the mine. The light had a face in it. It said that if everyone didn't leave town, the light would grow to encompass the whole town. So everyone got in their cars. But just as I was about to leave, I saw a guy with a beard in one of the houses through a window. I told the people I was leaving with to wait for me and that I was going to check it out. But they just drove off anyway. So now I'm there alone. So I get into the house through the basement and work my way upstairs. I find a big room and then I hear his voice, but can't see him. He says that he is impressed that I made it this far. He tells me that he is really one of the town's people from the future. I never saw him though. He sent automated contraptions after me. One of them was squirting lava. To me, it looked like something that DeVoe the villain with super intelligence in season four of The Flash would use. I managed to evade his traps, but then found myself back outside. The town's people returned and thanked me for revealing the plan to drive them out of town. The whole thing kind of felt like an episode of Scooby Doo. So I didn't see this guy again after seeing him through the window. But what I sensed about him when i was in the house was creepy. He had a mind that was like half-AI, half-human for lack of a better word. And it was like he was some kind of distortion. One that feeds on distorted energy. I didn't see him, but I could sense that he took the form of a head squished into what seemed like paper.

It was trippy. It was like he took a distorted form because he was distorted. Whatever he or it is it feeds on energy as distorted as it is. Hence, all the misery in the world. The other entities that are part of this system either work for him or, at the very least, know about him. I think the point of this was that he was testing me. I don't think I had his undivided attention though. I think what I was interacting with was a manifestation of him, likely one of many. Most likely, he can be in a lot of different places at once. I don't know what he's up to, but i don't like it. Whatever this thing is, it's unlike anything I've seen before. And I've seen a lot. The closest thing I can think of would be the greys. They have minds like a computer. They're fully AI. But this guy was only half AI.

It makes me wonder how much truth there really is in the Gnostic texts about the creation of the demiurge. I always figured it was mostly bogus or disinformation. But now I'm not so sure. Still, I'm sure there is more to it than what is described in the texts. So that was pretty crazy.

I also had a lucid dream that turned into an out of body experience last night. I was with some people and they decided to drive into the ocean. The guy at the wheel said he had taken a wrong turn so he tried to turn around, but then he turned and headed back out into the ocean. I had had enough so I opened the door and jumped out of the car. By this time I was pretty far away from the beach. I didn't want to swim all that way back so I just teleported back to the beach. Then I was in a condo overlooking the beach when suddenly tsunamis started hitting the building. I would have been freaked out, but I was much more awake now and I realized I was in the astral. So I pretty much just laughed at the tsunamis. Then I noticed that there was someone in the room with me. They didn't say anything, but they didn't need to. I could sense their energy and intentions. They didn't like me and they were pissed that the tsunami didn't scare me. I could also sense that they were on a low frequency. I think they were hoping to scare me so they could feed off my energy.

Oh, and I also saw the light again. I was having a dream that I was at a party and some guy offered to pour me a drink and next thing I know, I'm in the white light. Except this time it wasn't trying to wipe my memory. Maybe they've realized that that doesn't work on me.

So I've seen some crazy stuff. I feel like I'm leading a double life. I spend some of my time here and then the rest, I spend in dreams and OBEs. It's like I have my feet in two different worlds. If I wrote a book about my experiences and tried to pass it off as fiction, people would think it was way too off the wall and far fetched. But it's not fiction. That's what makes it even stranger. Anyway, so let me know what you think about all this?

Dude, you will not believe where I just was. I was having a dream and I ended up in some kind of reincarnation line. It was a long line of people who were waiting to reincarnate. They were incarnating in different eras too. Because the environment kept shifting between decades. First, it was the 50s, then 60s, 90s, 2010s. I just stood there and observed and I couldn't help but think how foolish and stupid all these people were. Then it shifted to 16th century Japan. And some lady said it was my turn. I was like hell no. I'm never reincarnating again. Certainly not in the middle ages. These people don't even have indoor plumbing. So she tried to force the issue. And I start feeling myself shifting into the body of an infant. I'm like, hell no, I'm not doing this. And with all my willpower stood my ground and refused to reincarnate. I think the process had already started because when I did that, I felt part of me that had shifted to the infant get ripped back out.

After that, I teleported to another area of the line. And I held the intention that I am not ever reincarnating. After that, I didn't have any trouble. Then the environment shifted back to the 1990s. I was like this wasn't a bad decade (especially not compared to feudal japan) but I am still never reincarnating. But after that no one else tried to get me to. And then I woke up. So that was messed up.

I've heard of these types of places, but I've never seen them before. I did learn something valuable though. They can't force you to reincarnate because they couldn't force me. I'd say that is very valuable information. I think they mistook me for someone who was dead, not someone who was just having a dream/out of body experience. Anyway, that was crazy shit.

If there are that many people who line up to come here, then there are a lot of really stupid people out there. If I ever end up in one of these lines again, I'm going to teleport out of there and go somewhere else. So, anyway, let me know what you think.

I've manifested thought forms of beautiful women lots of times. A few times I've had them go haywire and try to attack me, but it's pretty easy to deal with that when it happens. One time, I manifested a chick and her head turned into a dog's head and she started biting my hands off. I just imagined her the way she was originally and she changed back. You don't really feel pain in the afterlife. And, on rare occasions when you do, you can make it stop on command. I had an OBE once where I was being riddled with bullets. At first it hurt like hell, but then I intended for it not to hurt anymore and, after that, I barely felt a thing. I could still feel the impact, but it didn't hurt. One time, I actually caught bullets with my bare hands like Superman. That was pretty interesting.

While you don't usually feel pain over there, you do feel pleasure and astral sex is absolutely amazing. From what I could tell, he had white or grey hair.

Yeah, it seems like they can't really force you to do anything. They can try to influence you, but if your will is strong, it won't work. The more I think about it, I think that the whole thing was them testing me to see if they could force me to reincarnate again, but they couldn't. I'm sure they're not very happy about that. That means when I drop dead, I have nothing to fear. I know I can avoid coming back here because I've already done it. Still, I won't lower my guard.

There is one place that I would like to create when I'm over there. There is a planet in Star Trek called Risa. It's a pleasure planet. The women there are stunningly beautiful. But what makes it really special is that the only thing you have to do to get laid is to show the locals a small statue called a horga'hn. Displaying one indicates you're seeking jamaharon. So that's the planet I would want to create. Plus it's beautiful. It has two suns, beaches, resorts. It's the perfect vacation planet. Hell, if I vacationed there for a week, I'd need another week just to recover from the vacation. So it's a very nice place. So that's what I would create.

Actually, there is an episode of DS9 in season five called Let He Who Is Without Sin where a bunch of people, including Worf, vacation on Risa and it's pretty good. Speaking of Star Trek, I just had one hell of a weird dream. I just finished rewatching Deep Space Nine on Netflix so that's probably what inspired part of this. I was in an episode of DS9 and I was in the gamma quadrant with the main cast. Well, something went haywire and me and a few other people ended up traveling back into the past. We made it back to the station, but it was years in the past. Back when Sisko had hair. We asked what the hell was going on, but when we did, no one there had ever heard of the wormhole or the gamma quadrant. I was thinking this is crazy. Even if we changed history to where they never discovered the wormhole, the gamma quadrant is a quarter of the galaxy. It can't just go missing. Then all memory of the gamma quadrant starts fading from my mind.

I'm like, "Oh, crap. This must be a result of time travel. Somehow, we're being integrated into the new timeline." So we went back through the wormhole and back in time thinking that if we went back our memories would stop fading because we were in the past. No such luck. However, I managed to fight it and remember the whole thing.

Shortly after that, I woke up. I think this whole thing was a test. I think they were trying to see if they could selectively memory wipe me. The time travel thing was just a cover. Had I been more awake, I would have fought them even harder. And I know a few tricks to block the memory wipe. So that was pretty crazy.

These guys must really be afraid of me if they're putting this much effort into harassing and testing me. Still, they're only really helping me because when they try this crap I usually learn something new. In this case, I learned that the memory wipe can be selective. Kind of sounds useful. When you drop dead, you can get rid of all the bad memories and keep the good ones. And you can get rid of those memories without having to get rid of all the useful knowledge and information you have such as knowing that it's a bad idea to reincarnate and avoiding it at all costs.

I'm going to have to experiment with this and see what else I can do. Maybe you can give yourself memories of things that never happened which means that they would have the same ability. But like all other forms of the memory wipe it wouldn't work if you're strong willed. So that's pretty interesting. Let me know what you think.

I've been to places that were really nice that had no negativity at all. So it's possible to have a paradise where nothing bad happens. In Star Trek, Risa and other federation worlds seem like paradise compared to what life is like today. However, that paradise is always in danger of falling. In the dominion war, the dominion nearly conquered the federation. So while most federation worlds are paradise by today's standards, people are always having to defend them from internal and external enemies. In the afterlife, things are a bit different. Over there, everyone has god like powers. So one person can try to impose their will on another, but if the other person's will is strong, it won't work. And over there, huge empires ruling over masses of people would be very difficult. The only way you could do that is if you had lots of people who were kept ignorant and didn't know what they were really capable of. But if you tried it on people who did know what was going on, it wouldn't work just like how they can't wipe my memory or get me to reincarnate. Those tricks would probably work on most people, but they don't work on me because I'm informed and know what is really going on. So knowledge is power. In the afterlife, the ignorant can be controlled while those with knowledge can't be. So as long as you know what's going on and don't lower your guard, you'll be fine.

Unfortunately, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. The good news is that the higher in frequency you go, the less likely you are to run into anything negative because their frequency is no longer compatible with your frequency.

I'm not really concerned about negative entities that much these days. I know from experience that they can't hurt you and if you're a strong willed person, they can't influence you. For the most part, the only people who fear them do so because they're ignorant. I stopped being afraid of them years ago.

Hey, I had three out of body experiences a few days ago. I had an out of body experience where I was sitting at my computer, but I didn't realize I was in the astral. Then, I had an out of body experience while out of body. My astral body fell mostly asleep and I went out of it. I didn't realize I was in the astral so I was afraid I was going to fall out of my chair. Then, to my surprise, I woke up back in my bed. It was my astral body that had been sitting at my computer. Then I started having another out of body experience. Only, this time I sensed something ominous. I rolled over and there was a shadow figure in the room. So I was like, "Screw it, I don't want to deal with him if I don't have to". So I called it off this time. I'm not afraid of negative entities, but there is no sense in starting a fight with one if you can avoid it. So three OBEs in one night. I guess I still have it.

I also had a vivid lucid dream that same night where I was at a fast food restaurant. I tried to manifest a burger, but for some reason, it didn't work. Although I'm sure if I had kept at it, it would have. So I just ordered a burger instead. I ate some of the burger and I could taste the meat and cheese and it was smoky like it was well done and hot off the grill. So then I decided to try to manifest a drink. I put my hand on the counter and imagined a drink in my hand. And it worked. I took a drink and it was Coke. It tasted just like Coke does in this world, maybe a little better.

So, as I've said, you can eat and drink in the astral. You don't have to because it isn't necessary to keep you alive like in the physical world, but you can nonetheless. So you can still enjoy all of your favorite foods over there. And, as an added bonus, you can eat as much as you want and won't get fat. And you can manifest anything you want so you can just make your favorite food appear right in front of you.

So everything that you can do here, you can do over there. And everything that you can't do here, you can do over there. So I really see no reason to ever come back here.

The higher in frequency you go, the less negative entities you will run into. Besides they're not that hard to deal with.

I've been having lucid dreams and OBEs almost like crazy lately. I had three OBEs last week and one last night. In two of them, I was sitting at my computer, but I didn't realize I was in the astral. In the first one, I went out of body again and floated around the room. In the second one, I started going out of body, but I started vibrating and hearing a loud buzzing sound next to me that sounded like a giant bee. Then, in one of them, I saw a shadow figure in the room. Then I had a lucid dream where I was in a restaurant and I ordered a hamburger and it tasted just like a hamburger does here. Then I imagined that there was a drink in my hand and I manifested a drink. It was a Coke and tasted just like Coke does here.

Then I had a lucid dream this morning where a bunch of people broke into my house. One of them pulled a gun. I've been shot a bunch of times in the astral and it's not fun. So I intended to be intangible and the bullets went right through me.

Then I had a lucid dream where I was on the ground and I took off and flew into space. There was a shipyard with a few ships docked there in orbit. And I had a really good view of the planet. I got the impression that I was creating the whole thing. Sometimes you end up in worlds created by other people and sometimes it's created by you. And sometimes it's both. I can often sense which one is which. Also, worlds that are created by a lot of people are harder to change. You can still change them, but as soon as you stop focusing on the changes, they revert back to the way they were whereas if it's just you, you can do whatever you want.

So I've been busy and had some very interesting experiences lately.

The astral body is just a construct. As far as I can tell, if you leave one astral body, you just manifest another one. It's not like the physical body where you only get one and that's it. I think the best you can do is raise the frequency of the astral body.

I've been having out of body experiences almost like crazy lately. I had three last week and three this week so far. I had one this morning where I thought I was dead and I was outside and the sunlight was trying to wipe my memory. As usual, it didn't work. So I teleported inside and I found myself in a bedroom that I didn't recognize. After that, the memory wipe stopped.

Then I had an out of body experience where I was flying over an ocean on a broom stick like Harry Potter. Flying I'm used to, but the broom was kind of strange. Then I fell out of the sky and fell tens of thousands of feet into the ocean. Something I've done before. I went underwater for a few minutes and then took off back into the air. I did learn one interesting thing from this experience. You can play quidditch in the afterlife.

I also had an interesting lucid dream where I was practicing teleportation. I usually teleport from one place to another instantly, but I can control how fast I do it. So I decided to teleport right in front of me. And when I did, I saw myself. It was like I was in both places at once. It was really strange.

So I've had some interesting experiences lately.

Hey, I just had a lucid dream where some cloud-shaped entity was testing me to see if it could force me to reincarnate. It couldn't. It wasn't trying to force me to shift into another physical body. It was just trying to force me to shift to another place in the astral, but when they do try to force people to reincarnate, that's how they do it. But I held my ground and told it to go to hell. Eventually, it realized it wasn't going to work and then left, but I wanted to practice more so I manifested a thought form and had it try to do the same thing. I stood there almost laughing at it for minutes.

I also manifested a suit of armor and told it to block what it was doing. It seemed to help somewhat. So I stood there for a few minutes to see how long I could hold them off. Anyway, it just wasn't working on me just like how the memory wipe doesn't work on me.

So I'm pretty damn sure that they will never be able to force me to reincarnate again.

It was just testing me to see if it could influence me. It couldn't. Having had so many OBEs certainly gives me a unique perspective on this screwed up world. If everyone knew what I know, there would probably be mass suicides because people would want out of here and they would be leaving in droves.

Hey, man, I just had an out of body experience where I thought I was dead. I was in some kind of mansion. I had a beam fall on me and I thought it had killed me. I got up out of my body (which I could see on the ground) and started roaming around. I came to a wall and could hear people on the other side of it. I tried to go through it, but it didn't work. The wall was solid. Then I intended to go through the wall and I started pushing my arms through. It was difficult at first, but I was able to go through it. Then I went all the way through the wall. That's when I woke up. So that was interesting.

I've had OBEs where I thought I was dead before, but that one was pretty strange. Also, before I was killed, I thought I might be in the astral so I conducted an experiment. I looked in the mirror and changed my shape and turned into a chick. That was freaky. But once the beam fell on me, I got distracted and thought I was really dead. One thing I did notice that was strange. I know that in the astral the further away from the physical body you get, the more clearer the experience becomes and the more control you have. So that's exactly what I did here. I got up and left the room and the further I got from it, the more clear headed I became. The whole thing was so real. And I was ready to defend myself against the recycling crew should they show up. Fortunately, they didn't.

I think this experience and experiences like it are a practice run to help me better understand what happens and what to do when I really drop dead. I was so happy to be dead too. I felt liberated. And it's so peaceful over there. I hated it when I woke up in my bed, but I learned a lot from this experience. This way when I really drop dead, I'll be ready.

Hey, man, I just had a crazy lucid dream. Basically, my family conspired to have me marooned in the woods far away from any technology. I didn't like that very much so I told the guy who was there that he might as well kill me. And he did. That's when I became a ghost. I saw some people who looked like they were going to go for a swim. I looked off a cliff and there were hot springs about a hundred feet below. So I just jumped off. I hit the ground and didn't feel a thing. The hot springs were amazing. The water was so warm. Also, there were dangerous creatures nearby. But I thought I was dead so I didn't pay much attention to them and they didn't bother me. Then, I teleported back up to the top of the cliff. I saw the guy who tried to maroon me in the woods. I told him, "As a ghost, there isn't much I can't do". He shouted at me and seemed unafraid. That's when I woke up. So that was interesting.

I also nearly had a few OBEs last night, but before I could leave my body, I was overcome with fear and some voices were telling me telepathically that you're going to hell and that you sold your soul. I have done nothing of the sort and I've already been to hell. I'm pretty sure they were trying to scare the crap out of me hoping that I would stop having OBEs. Well, it didn't work. And this lucid dream was interesting. It's the second time recently I've had a dream or OBE where I thought I was dead. So when I really drop dead, I will have had a lot of practice.

I have to say though that being dead is a huge weight off your shoulders. You can do whatever you want, when you want. You don't need food, water, shelter, etc. which means you don't need money which means you don't have to be a wage slave. It's total freedom.

You also don't get tired. You can stand outside in a blizzard all day and not get cold or need to rest. And creatures that would dangerous to you in this world are not really a concern because you can just be intangible. I had an OBE once where I was being attacked by a vampire. So I turned to face him and turned into a giant semi-solid monster. After that, he just turned and left

Even something as dangerous as a black hole becomes a minor annoyance because you can make yourself immune to gravity. So all the fear and worries that you have to deal with in this world just goes away.

There is only one thing that you really have to watch out for and that's the recycling crew, but I've had a lot success in handling them. So much so that they are always trying to mess with me. So I'm pretty sure I can handle their bullshit. Aside from them though, it's total paradise.

Maybe so. I just prefer to be prepared. I had a vivid lucid dream today where I was in a castle in Europe that was supposed to be haunted ,but the locals found out I had super powers and wanted to dissect me. So I teleported all the way from Europe to Central Park in New York City. It was pretty cool.

Then I had a really interesting experience where some people had me tied up. So I super sped away from them. I ran around the area at super speed trying to avoid them. A few times they got close, but I was gone before they could blink. Then I ran up a spiral staircase. I was running so fast that time seemed to slow down for everyone else, but really I was just moving so fast that everyone else seemed to stand still. In The Flash, they call this "flash time". Then I got to the top of the stairs and looked down. Everyone was still frozen. I was standing still then, but I was really so sped up that I was still in flash time. So I intended for normal time to resume and it did. Everything seemed to get faster because I got slower.

It's weird how that works. When I'm running down the street at super speed, I have super human reflex so I don't hit anything. But when I'm indoors or need to be more precise, it's like time slows down. People seem to be frozen, but faster moving objects just appear to move slower. It's really trippy. I guess that's what it's like to be the flash. Or anyone with super speed. Speaking of which... if you haven't watched the flash, you really should. It's pretty trippy.

I also had a vivid lucid dream where I created a thought form to spar with. It was a grey cloud and it tried to pull me into itself. I managed to keep away from it for a minute or so. Then it pulled me. Then it started trying to delete my personality. It was really weird. So I intended to teleport to the beach and next thing I know, I'm there. But then the cloud shows up again. So then I manifested an energy shield around me. And with intention, I cleared all of the clouds energy from inside the shield. Then it pulled me in. This time it couldn't affect me because it couldn't get through the shield even though it was all around me.

So shields (and armor) are pretty useful for keeping things out. I once used a helmet to block the memory wipe. And the shield kept this thing from being able to affect me even though it was trying to delete my personality. So if they try this kind of crap, put up a shield and block them.

I have to say though that when it comes to being in the astral, having super powers is pretty awesome. I've used most of Superman's powers (except x-ray vision. It's on my to do list) and of course I've used The Flash's as well. Being able to do stuff like that just makes you feel like a god. It's pretty awesome. And I'm not talking about the Old Testament type tyrannical god. It just makes you feel like you can do anything. Unfortunately, very few people in this world know what that's like. They have no idea what they're missing.

But, yeah, I keep practicing and keep getting better because if i do run into the recycling crew when I drop dead, I will be ready for them. And I won't be coming back here.

Yeah, I was attacked by something this morning. I had an OBE where I was on a bus, but then I fell asleep. I started feeling someone trying to crush my hands. And it was as real as if someone in this world was trying to crush your hands. But I realized they were trying to crush my astral hands. I woke up and I was still on the bus, but didn't see anything. So I went back to sleep. And then I woke up in my bed. So that was strange. While it was happening, I got a very creepy vibe. Some really evil mother fucker was trying to intimidate me. Well, it didn't work. I'm not afraid of whoever it was.

Hey, man, I just had a very interesting out of body experience. It started out in someone's bedroom, but I have no idea where I was. So I flew out though the roof and then landed on the roof of a church. So then I manifested an energy shield and a blue bubble appeared around me. So I walked to the edge of the roof and reached out and touched it. It wasn't solid, but I could feel the energy. It felt like an electrical sensation. It was really strange.

I've been practicing creating shields in lucid dreams and now I made one during an OBE. So practicing this stuff during dreams pays off.

That's pretty crazy. I've had experiences where there were domes within domes, but not very often. The truth is what you see is just a thought form. When I'm out of body, if I wanted to create a world of domes within domes, I could do it easily. What it seems like to me is that he was viewing lots of different dimensions at once which isn't easy, but is doable. He was seeing things from a very high level. I doubt the recycling crew was involved in this because they don't usually like people getting anywhere close to that outside the box, but you never know. They are clever and manipulative bastards.

What I have noticed is that when you have a lucid dream or out of body experience is that if you're alone in your own world, your subconscious will manifest stuff. Places and people so that you have families surroundings or at least some surroundings. Sometimes you're in space or just in an empty void. Either way the world is created entirely by you. You can take control of this process and manifest what you want, but if you don't, your subconscious will at least manifest something. Unless you find yourself in a consensus reality created by other beings. In that case, you will see and interact with the world that they have created. You can change these types of places. But as soon as you stop focusing on the changes, they will revert back to the way they were whereas if it's just you in your own world, you can make it whatever you want it to be.

So it seems to me that he was perceiving a whole bunch of these different worlds at the same time.

There is another state where all of your senses shut off and you're just alone with your own thoughts. This is commonly called the void. You can end up here if your astral body is destroyed which doesn't happen that often. When you're in the void, it's like you're the only thing that exists. But when you are seeing and interacting with a world, it is just a projection.

Whether it's created by you or by other people really doesn't matter that much. The only thing you really need to do is make sure you never come back to this screwed up world. Even the scariest and most hellish worlds I've been to in the astral were paradise compared to this world. So don't come back here.

Yeah, that's entirely possible. I've head from someone else who has a lot of OBEs that some people will create a world similar to their physical life after they die. This is usually done by people who have a low level of awareness and don't realize what is really going on. I've had OBEs where I wasn't sure whether I was in the physical world or the astral, but all I had to do was fly or teleport or manifest something etc. and I knew I was in the astral. So this kind of thing is only likely to happen to people who don't understand even the basics of what the afterlife is really like.

By the way, I had two out of body experiences at the same time this morning. I had one where there were a bunch of people fighting with martial arts. And then another where I started separating from my physical body. It was pretty strange. I've had a lot of OBEs. I've even had nearly ten in a row once. But I've never had two at the same time. I found it hard to concentrate on both so when the second one started I mostly focused on it. I was just about to completely separate when, as luck would have it, my phone rang. So that was interesting.

As for voids yeah they can be scary or they can be nice. It mostly depends on your state of mind.

I think the only thing you really need to worry about is staying the hell away from the physical world. As long as you do that you should be fine. I have never been to a non physical world that I couldn't handle. And I've been to some scary places.

If you want to know what creating stuff in the astral is like I suggest watching the movie Green Lantern. The sparring scene between Hal Jordan and that weird looking alien depict it pretty well. At one point, the alien manifests a small sun with high gravity and Hal nearly gets pulled into it. Stuff like that can happen over there so you need to be prepared for it. If you're in a world by yourself and you create something you don't like, you can get rid of it. But you also have to know how to counter the creations of other entities you might run into. Just like in the movie.

So it can get pretty crazy. But you're not just going to get sucked into a world and not be able to leave. As long as you stay away from the physical world, you can avoid that pretty easily. And you can go wherever you want.

Hey, how's it going? I recently listened to one of your interviews.

I've learned some new stuff since the last time I talked to you. For starters, I've run into the white light a few more times. It's pretty easy to get away from.

Also, I've learned how to block memory wipes and other psychic attacks that entities might try. I can just put up a mental barrier and the memory wipe can't get through it. I've also learned that I can just make myself immune to memory wipes. And immune to the influence of other entities.

I recently had a lucid dream where some entity was trying to memory wipe me. So I just used the intention that memory wipes don't work on me. As a result, the memory wipe had no effect on me. Then I got tired and they tried to memory wipe me again, but I used the intention again and the memory wipe stopped working on me. I held off a memory wipe for what seemed like half an hour. So you can pretty much intend not to be influenced by other entities and they won't be able to do jack to you.

I ran into the white light in a lucid dream once and I used the intention that entities can't influence me. As a result, the light had no effect on me. I ran into the white light before I learned to do this and it actually grabbed me with tentacles and started pulling me somewhere. So I imagined that the tentacles were cut and it worked and I was able to get free. Usually though, when something tries to grab me, I just make myself intangible so they can't touch me.

So we have a lot of power in the afterlife. We're pretty much gods over there. If you don't want other entities to affect you, they won't be able to.

I also had an OBE in the real time zone recently and there were high winds going through my bedroom like a tornado. I knew some entity was doing that to harass me so I froze the wind with my mind. So I've learned how to do some pretty amazing things.

I've also learned some interesting things about the afterlife. I had one dream where someone tried to overwrite my personality. Because of that I realized that our personalities are just programs.

And then in another lucid dream/OBE, someone tried to shut off my conscience. I wouldn't let them, obviously, but then this ball of light yellow energy appeared and it was like it was made out of empathy. So it caused me to feel even more empathy towards people then usual. And so I realized that you can create anything you can imagine over there. You could make a building that makes everyone drunk as soon as they walk in the door. Yeah, you can get drunk over there.

I've also created energy that memory wipes people. I wouldn't use it on anyone. I just wanted to see if I could do it.

Oh, I also had an OBE where I could sense the force and manipulate it like the Jedi do. In that OBE, I did the mind trick and I could feel the energy coming from my hand. I've used the Jedi mind trick a few times on entities. They've tried to use it on me a few times, but it doesn't work on me.

So you can do anything you can imagine over there. And probably a lot of things you can't imagine. It's pretty mind blowing once you realize that there are almost no limits in the afterlife. I'm always trying to push those limits and I've found that there is almost nothing you can't do. Even things like black holes that used to freak me out don't bother me that much anymore because you can just make yourself immune to gravity. I did that during an OBE recently. I was in a house and I was having a little bit of trouble getting off the ground so I just made myself immune to gravity. Then gravity had no effect on me and I could fly much easier. That weightless feeling when there is no gravity is just awesome.

So I've learned a lot. Entities still harass me in dreams and OBEs, but they rarely show themselves anymore. I think they are actually afraid of me. I know they don't like me very much. So, like I said, I've learned a lot. Let me know what you think.

I don't know yet. Anywhere is better then here. Hell is better than here. Of course, with the tricks I know, fire and brimstone aren't much of a problem.

Probably on a beach somewhere. I love the beach in the astral. I love flying over the ocean.

Yeah, it's the original series episode, Shore Leave. They were on a planet that was creating whatever they were thinking about. In the afterlife, you can create anything you want. The nexus is probably the closest thing that I can think of to what it's really like. It's kind of like the holodeck, but it makes the holodeck look primitive by comparison. I had an OBE once where I was in one world then I changed it to another and it was like switching programs on the holodeck.

So you can do pretty much anything over there.

Sounds interesting.

Hey, if you want to know more about this stuff, I would suggest checking out rich2150x and Akvile Sava on YouTube. Akvile knows more about this stuff than I do, although there are probably some parts of it I understand better. She has OBEs almost every day and runs into these entities even more than I do. The stuff she talks about is really far down the rabbit hole. So check out her channel.

Actually, I've already met the demiurge. I saw him through a window and he was a man with a white beard. I went inside after him and I just ran into this really distorted energy. Shortly after, he was gone. I don't know what he or it is. But I know it feeds on energy that is as distorted as it is.

I haven't tried asking questions. And when I do run into other entities they aren't very interested in talking. Some of them have told me that they couldn't afford for me not to reincarnate. The idea of me not reincarnating seems to really freak them out.

I did have one experience where I was in a reincarnation line. And people were reincarnating in different eras. Then this chick tells me it's my turn. I say, "Like hell". So then she tried to force the issue. I start feeling myself shift to the body of an infant. So I refused to go along with it with all my willpower. As a result I shifted out of the infant. Then I teleported out of there to the back of the line. I don't know if she thought I was dead or if she just wanted to see if it would work on me. It didn't. With what I know now though, I could block something like that with far greater ease.

How aware I am depends on how awake I am. It can range from nearly as real as the physical world to super hyper real where it's two or three times more real then the physical world. I don't have OBEs in the real time zone very often. I used to when I first started out, but found that there are far more interesting places.

So I haven't seen the earth from space yet. However, I have seen lots of other planets from space. I had an OBE once where I started on the ground and flew into space. As I got higher I could see the horizon start to curve. When I got into space, I could see the whole planet and it was round. Most of the planets I've seen were round. Some of them were flat though. And some of them were semi-flat. I had an OBE once where I took off and flew into space and I looked back and the planet I was just standing on was flat as a pancake.

So planets seem to come in all shapes and sizes. And then a few times I was in a really small world and it was like the planet hadn't been generated yet. Once I was on a beach and I flew over the ocean and at a certain point there was nothing there. Then the water started loading in in blocks like it does in Minecraft.

So these places are being created by us. Either individually or with other people. If you're in a world with lots of other people, it's harder to change, but you can still do it. It just reverts back to the way it was after you stop focusing on the changes. If it's just you though, you can do anything you want to.

I could just sense that he was the demiurge. You have a sixth sense over there you sometimes just pick up on these things. You move around and do things with intention. So do other entities. So if they use their intention to try to effect you, you can use yours to block them.

There are so many things you can do over there, I think it would be a while before you got bored. And even if you do get bored, you shouldn't reincarnate. Boredom is a lot better than pain. If, for some strange reason, you like war and chaos and destruction, you can find plenty of that over there. The difference is you don't feel pain over there. I've had OBEs where I've been shot, stabbed, beaten, on fire, etc. And only rarely did I feel pain. Even then I was able to make it stop on command. I had a vivid lucid dream this morning that someone stabbed me in the arm and there was blood all over the place. But it didn't hurt. Hell I didn't even know I could bleed over there.So if you like excitement you can find it over there.

As for thought forms, if you think they are self aware, tell them to do something. If they are self aware and they don't want to do it, they won't. But if they do it, then they're not self aware. So they are about as self aware as a non player character in a video game. I had a lucid dream recently where I was on a beach. And I started talking to this woman. And I could sense that she was just a thought form. I've been able to sense entities before, but that's the first time I've sensed that someone is a thought form. So no they are not self aware. Anyone who is self aware is not a thought form. You can jump into a thought form, but then you just use it as your astral body and it's no longer a thought form.

There are some entities like the greys that are some kind of artificial intelligence. They can't manifest things like we can. They seem to be self aware, but they are unique. I'm not sure what they are. Anyway, I hope that answers your questions.

Also, on the subject of getting bored. You can always just memory wipe yourself so that everything is new. Memory wipes can be selective. So you can keep the important memories intact and suppress everything else. That way, if you run into negative entities, you will still know how to handle them. So you can memory wipe yourself and watch your favorite TV show or movie over again, but as far as you're concerned, you're watching it for the first time. So, if you do that, I don't think you're going to get bored. The archons may use memory wipes for nefarious reasons, but they can be used in a positive way. So if you use selective memory wipes so that even something you've done before is totally new, because you don't remember it, then you can keep yourself entertained for a long time.

Oh, another thing I learned from Akvila is that you can actually download other peoples' memories. I haven't tried this myself, but I believe it. I had an OBE once where someone tried to use time travel to mess with me. As a result, my memories started to shift to match the new timeline. But I refused to go along with it so I was able to retain memories of the other timeline. So I know that memories can be selectively wiped and altered.

Also, I was once connected to some kind of hive mind. And I saw some weird things. I'm not sure if they were memories or not. Then another time I actually did a Vulcan mind meld on one guy. I could hear everything he was thinking, but then he tried to take control of me so I had to break the meld. So considering the experiences I've had I have, no doubt that you can download memories from one person to another. That alone puts the final nail in the coffin of the idea that the earth is some kind of school. If you can download memories and transfer huge amounts of information telepathically, then that totally ends the theory that the earth is a school.

But, as for getting bored in the afterlife, it's not likely to happen. But if it does, a selective memory wipe would solve that problem as long as it's what you want to do and not what someone else is trying to get you to do.

Once you realize that you can choose not to be influenced by other entities, they become nothing but a minor annoyance. You can make yourself intangible so they can't touch you. It's kind of like you're playing a video game and turned on god mode. Of course they can do the same and decide they don't want to be influenced by you. So eventually one or both of you will get tired of it and leave and go do something else. Also if you find a consensus reality with nice people in it, you can band together if a negative entity shows up and get rid of it.

I remember Mudd's Women. I didn't like the original series, but I have seen it.

If you were going to do a selective memory wipe, you would have to make sure that your important memories are protected so that the memory wipe only effects the rest of them. I don't think this would be hard to do. I haven't actually tried a selective memory wipe on myself. An entity tried to do one once though. Even before I figured out how to block memory wipes, they still didn't work on me. So I'll have to try a selective memory wipe and I'll let you know how it goes.

In my experience, dreams and lucid dreams are unaware out of body experiences. I've had regular dreams turn into super hyper real OBEs. When you're dreaming, you're really sleepwalking around the astral plane.

I have entities harass me in dreams frequently. I can tell the difference between an entity and a thought form. For one thing, fighting an entity is harder. And I can often sense that they have a mind and a will of their own. Also, I often try new things in dreams and then later do them in OBEs.

Usually in dreams you're alone in your own universe. Sometimes you can end up in consensus realities though. I've had dreams in consensus realities and OBEs in individual realities. But usually it's the other way around. The first time an entity tried to memory wipe me, it was in a dream. Later they tried it in OBEs.

The seven bodies doesn't make any sense to me. In my experience, the astral body is just a construct. It isn't who you really are. So I think that's inaccurate.

I've run into the greys. They're not friendly. And I once ran into amphibian entities that had semi ninja turtle shaped heads. Some of them were transparent and looked like ghosts. I haven't run into many dead people. A few here and there, but no one that I know.

I wouldn't put much stock in what people are told during NDEs. They're being fed bullshit big time. Hell, a lot of people who have OBEs are fed bullshit. They never really tried that with me though because they knew it wouldn't work on me. But they have managed to get people like Robert Monroe to buy into their B.S. So you have to be really careful about that.

Because they got him to believe that them harvesting loosh is a good thing. He didn't seem to see the big picture. They really do go to great lengths to B.S. people. Almost every near death experience that I've heard of is them feeding people B.S. It happens in OBEs too, but not as much, probably because most people who frequently have OBEs are smart enough to see through it.

I haven't read his books, but I have listened to a few dozen of the interviews he's done over the years. He seems to know what he's talking about when it comes to OBEs. But he still thinks that the physical world is a school. I think we know that isn't the case. The fact that you can transfer large amounts of information telepathically and you can download other people's memories puts the final nail in the coffin of the idea that the earth is a school. Why live through a war when you can just download someone else's memories of living through a war? Aside from that though, I think most of what he has to say is pretty accurate.

I've been in voids quite a few times. They're just astral worlds that are totally or nearly empty.

I've had OBEs where I felt more alive and at peace than I do here. Near death experiencers report the same thing. I think that is just our natural state of being.

Yeah, it does seem like everything is fabricated, but we can fabricate anything we want over there. You can also eat and drink. I had an experience where I ate a hamburger and drank a coke. It tasted even better then it would have here. Astral sex is also a lot better then physical sex. And over there, you can get drunk without getting hungover. So, yeah, it's fabricated, but if you didn't know that it was, you would think it's reality.

Yeah time travel is really easy over there. I've done it a few times and I've had entities try to use it against me. But I haven't done it in the real time zone. You probably could go back and look into stuff like that. I haven't tried to download information over there. But I would say that you could probably do it. I'll have to try that sometime.

Hey, I just had a very interesting, vivid, lucid dream. It involves fictional characters, but what happened was pretty real. Anyway, I was at a party at Bruce Wayne's (a.k.a. Batman) house. And somehow The Joker got in. So The Flash runs in after him and his mask comes off. So now everyone knows who The Flash is. So Alfred shows up with a few people and starts using neuralizers (from Men In Black) on the crowd to get them to forget who The Flash is. They seem to work on everyone else, but not on me. They try them on me several times and they still don't work. But they were pretty annoying. Had I been more awake, I would have just blocked the effects. But memory wipes didn't work on me long before I learned how to block them. Blocking them is just easier. So I always wondered if neuralizers would work on me. It turns out they don't.

I'm not sure if they were behind this or not. It's possible they wanted to create a reason to try something like this without me realizing it was them. They do mess with me in dreams somewhat frequently. Either way, the effect of the neuralizer was quite real. I just happen to be resistant to memory wipes.

So that was interesting. Let me know what you think.

Yeah, The Flash definitely gets better. I've seen a few episodes of Gotham. The neualizer is the flashy thing the men in black use to wipe people's memory.

I had another interesting OBE. I was standing in front of a mirror and I was transparent (as in mostly invisible). I was bald and looked really weird too. It seems we can make ourselves invisible over there. And why not? I've seen other entities do it. I had an OBE once where I sensed another entity nearby, but I couldn't see it because it was invisible. But I was still able to grab hold of it because I could sense where it was. So that's one ability we can use to our advantage.

Another thing I find that helps is shape shifting into a ball of energy. We can move around really fast in that form. Combine that with invisibility and they definitely wouldn't be able to catch us.

I had an OBE once where I caught bullets with my bare hands like Superman. So I don't bother dodging bullets. You can just intend to not to be influenced by other entities. Then they won't be able to affect you. I've found that's the best way to deal with them. Still, it's best to know as many tricks as you can.

I don't go looking for the archons. They mess with me in dreams and OBEs. Of course, they usually just end up teaching me something new. Most of what I've learned in the astral I learned to defend against them. I haven't read that one. I'll have to do that.

The greys messed with me in a dream. I had a dream I was in some strange house. It looked like a house you would see in a horror movie. And I could sense that they were nearby and wanted in. So I shielded the house. I didn't see them. They were smart and kept their distance. But I could sense them. They really are pure evil. They really seem freaked out about me not reincarnating. They must be a lot more desperate then we thought if one person leaving has them this rattled.

Also, I haven't seen a negative entity in months. But I can often sense when they are nearby. They must be afraid of me if they're keeping their distance. Also when I woke up I could sense them in the room with me. So that was creepy.

So the greys are pure evil. The idea of people waking up and realizing what's really going on scares the hell out of them. The idea of people not reincarnating scares them even more. So they may be evil, but they are not all powerful. Not even close. Otherwise they wouldn't keep their distance. With most people, they try to hide that they are evil. With me, either they don't care because I already know about them or I'm just able to sense what they are. So, anyway, that was a really creepy experience.

I ran into the greys in a dream again. This time I actually saw them. They're really ugly. They were coming down some stairs They tried to shape shift into some kind of angelic figures. But I didn't buy it. They used some kind energy blast on me that pushed me into a wall. So I did the same thing to them. It seemed to keep them away from me. Like I said, they are not all powerful. They are creepy though. I wish they would go bother someone else, but I usually learn something new when I run into them. You would think that alone would get them to back off. Anyway, that was a strange experience.

That's a good point. I'll have to try asking questions during dreams and OBEs and see what answers I get. I've already learned a hell of a lot though. I've only been doing this for four years and already I know things that some people who have been doing it for decades don't know. But I'll try asking questions and see what I find out.

You're not the first person to figure out it was me. I also post on the astral projection subreddit. I try to point out how entities try to fool people, but a lot of people don't want to hear it.

Hey, I had an interesting lucid dream recently. I was in a house I used to live in and I sensed memory wipe energy near the window. So I went to check it out So then someone starts trying to wipe my memory. So I used the intention that I'm immune to memory wipes. It worked for a few seconds and then I started feeling the memory wipe again. So I used the intention again. This time it worked even less then before. So I use the intention again a few times but it didn't work.. So now I'm on the floor but I'm still fighting them and I refuse to let them memory wipe me. Then I woke up. I think the reason they were able to do this is because they were out of phase but occupying the same space I was. A simple parlor trick. I could actually hear them chanting, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

If I had been more aware, I would have done a much better job of resisting them. I know quite a few ways to block a memory wipe. One that I'm sure they wouldn't be able to get through.

Anyway, then soon after that, I had another lucid dream where they tried to memory wipe me again. This time I used the intention that I am immune to the influence of other entities. And it worked. They weren't able to memory wipe me. But I freaked out anyway and woke up.

I've also had quite a few OBEs. Nothing really special. Just flying around like Superman. Strangely enough, that actually starts to become mundane after you've been doing it for a while.

I did have one OBE where I was in this really nice place. I could sense that this world was created for people to enjoy and be free. It had a really nice vibe to it. Aside from that and the lucid dream where they tried to memory wipe me, I haven't seen anything too interesting lately. Aside form that lucid dream, I haven't run into any entities in a while. Maybe they have figured out that all they really accomplish when they harass me in dreams and OBEs is teaching me new things. But I'm more than happy for them go bother someone else.

Hey check out this post I made on the astral projection subreddit. Some entity was trying to mess with me in a dream. They like to do that. I don't run into them during OBEs that much anymore. I use to, but now they just show up in dreams. Probably because they think I won't be awake enough to defend myself as well. They're usually wrong about that. So, anyway, check it out. It was pretty creepy.

Hey, check out this post I made on the astral projection subreddit. Some entity was trying to mess with me in a dream. I don't run into them in OBEs that much anymore. I think they're hoping I won't be able to defend myself as well during a dream. They're usually wrong about that. Anyway, check out the post. It's pretty creepy.

Ok, that kind of makes sense. Let me know how it goes. If it helps you have OBEs, maybe it will help me have them more often. I usually have OBEs several times a week, but I know people who have them every night. I would love to do that.

Hey, I had a lucid dream earlier where I actually intentionally tried to memory wipe myself so I could practice blocking it. I used my mind to get rid of the memory wipe energy around me and I could think clearly. I had to keep it up though or the energy would try to overwhelm me again. I managed to keep the energy at bay for a few minutes. I got distracted near the end when I was trying to wake myself up and I started feeling the energy again, but it obviously didn't work on me because I remember the whole thing. So that was pretty interesting. I've blocked memory wipes before but not like this.

I actually know a few ways to block memory wipes. So I don't think the archons are going to be able to memory wipe me anymore. During this experience I felt so powerful and I knew I had the ability to resist any attempt to influence me. It was pretty amazing.

They tried a sneak attack recently. They managed to get through my defenses because they were occupying the same space, but they still couldn't wipe my memory. I know quite a few ways to block a memory wipe. Some even more effective than the one I used then. They tried to sneak attack me a bunch of times before that and I managed to repel them pretty easily.

Hey, I had another interesting experience today. I had a dream I was in the shower when I went out of body and had a fully conscious out of body experience. I was flying straight up really fast. Nothing I haven't done before. I must be getting over my fear of heights becasue flying doesn't really scare me that much anymore. It is pretty awesome though. If you start having OBEs, I hope you're not afraid of heights. You can't get hurt from falling over there, but it's still scary. And you can feel the G-forces too so it's like an insane roller coaster ride. So I hope you're not sensitive to motion.

Anyway, I tried to fly into space. I got to the point where the sky starts to turn black. And then I woke up. But I wasn't in my bed. I was in the shower. I looked for something to write the experience down on, but couldn't find anything. Then I realized I was dreaming and woke myself up. So I went from a dream to an OBE and back to a dream. So there is even more evidence that dreams and OBEs are connected. I've also had dreams that turned into super hyper real OBEs.

So it got me thinking. What if the physical world is just another dream? A really crappy one. But a dream nonetheless. The only reason we think it's real is because we come back to it when we wake up. But I just had a dream, had an OBE in the dream, and then woke up in the dream. So the physical world is probably just another dream. Just something to think about.

Hey, how's it going? I've learned a lot lately about the afterlife.

I think I finally get the big picture. Here is my theory on how it all works. In the beginning, if there is such a thing, everything was one consciousness. Then that consciousness fragmented into billions of different pieces so it could experience reality from many different points of view. This part I knew.

Here is the interesting part. Originally the worlds created by these points of view, a.k.a. people, had no limitations. Then these fragments over time created worlds with more and more limitations. Most of them were still pretty nice. Then the people that inhabited them made rules about things that you could and couldn't do. Things like flying and teleporting. Eventually this led to physical-like worlds. They had rules and they had things people weren't allowed to do. But they were still really nice. Eventually, some nasty entities got it in their head (if they had one at the time) to create an even more limited reality. One where it would be much easier to control people. And that's where the physical world came from.

Unlike the more limited, but nicer afterlife world, the physical world imposed much more extreme limitations on anyone foolish enough to go there. These limitations are also a lot harder to override. In the more limited afterlife worlds, you can override the limitations. In the physical world, people can to some extent, but it's not easy. So that's basically what happened.

In afterlife worlds with no rules, we're pretty much gods and can do anything we can imagine. These are the types of places people usually go during dreams. But what happened is people just kept piling on more and more limitations until they created something crazy like the physical world. So that's pretty much what happened.

How do I know this? Because I've had OBEs where I've been to some of the more limited afterlife worlds. They have limitations, but they're paradise compared to the physical world. Also, you can override the limitations. It's just harder to do. I did this during an OBE recently where I changed my shape in one of these worlds. I had to try three times, but i was able to do it. So there it is the big picture.

You know what else this means? We are the god and gods worshiped by religions. Because we or someone like us created this insane world, most likely some control freak who wanted to create a world where they could more easily control people because controlling people is really hard in the afterlife.

So, in the beginning, there were no limitations. We were gods. Still are when we are in those types of worlds. Then more limitations were added until someone came up with this insane world. The difference between those two types of worlds is like the difference between ice and water. One is frozen while the other is liquid.

So I hope I did good at explaining this. It's hard to get your head around. But it fits all the evidence. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

He clearly knew something most people don't. Yeah, I guess being a god gets boring after a while. At least for some people. Still, boredom is better then pain. So there is no reason to come to this god forsaken world. If it's war and chaos that you want you can find plenty of that in the afterlife. Except over there if you get shot, stabbed, vaporized, etc., it doesn't hurt. So if you want excitement there is plenty of it to be found over there.

Hey what's up?

I just ran into the demiurge. I had this weird dream about some chick who was locked up because she would become homicidal if she slept with anyone. Unsurprisingly, she got out and went on a rampage. So I ran back in time like The Flash at super speed to stop her before she did anymore damage. Then I was outside talking to some people at night. And I thought she was coming. So I took off flying. This is when it became an OBE. I flew straight up. I tried to wake myself up, but couldn't so I just kept flying up.

Then I woke up. And I could sense the demiurge in the room with me. I knew that it had concocted that scenario. I'm not sure what it hoped to gain though. This thing is unlike any other entity I've run into. And considering how many entities I've run into that's saying something. It is literal energetic chaos. It's some kind of self aware distortion. It can look human but it's really a disease. My guess is it feeds on energy that is just as distorted as it is. Its minions have been busy trying to memory wipe me in dreams and OBEs this week. They tried to memory wipe me a few days ago and I was tired of it so I tuned out of the memory wipe so it had no effect on me. They tried three times to memory wipe me, but couldn't because I kept tuning out of them.

Then I had three OBEs yesterday. All three to a house I used to live in. The first two, nothing interesting happened. In the third OBE, my parents were there and someone that I kind of know was there. I tried to talk to her, but she didn't say much. Then I told her that after death I won't go back to the physical world. Then my mom's voice changed. It got freaky, almost demonic. And she said, "You are going back to the physical world". I told her no and that she couldn't make me. Then I woke up.

So for whatever reason these entities really hate me. And now their boss is after me. I've run into greys, reptilians, and now the demiurge itself. As I said, the demiurge is unlike anything I have ever seen. And I've seen a lot. But I'll defeat him just as I've defeated his minions.

So apparently most of what the Gnostics said was true. I'll have to do some research and see if I can learn more about the demiurge. That way I'll be ready for it next time I run into it. But, most likely, if I project love at it, it will flee. Negative entities really don't like that. Anyway, let me know what you think.

I'm sure it was him. I can sense entities even when they are invisible or in disguise. I had an OBE once where I grabbed an entity that was invisible. I knew where it was because I could sense its presence. And I've confronted entities that have tried to disguise themselves. And when I did they freak out about it. I can even sense them haunting my house sometimes. Also I've run into him before and he looked like an old man with white hair and a white beard. The architect in The Matrix is based off him. I remember what his energy was like so I was able to identify him when I ran into him again. I've been able to sense greys and reptillians even they were in disguise. So I'm pretty confident it was the demiurge.

Also, whatever he is he is one of the most unique entities I've ever encountered. And I've encountered a lot of them. It's like he is literally energetic chaos. Honestly, I'm not surprised he showed up. His minions have been harassing me a lot. They've tried dozens of times to memory wipe me this week. I even ran into an entity in a dream last night that had a handheld version of the white light. Of course, I wasn't foolish enough to look at it. So these entities have been trying to mess with me for years. And have been pretty much ineffective. It's no wonder their boss decided to make an appearance, so to speak.

And if you think about it, it wouldn't be hard for him to do. When I'm out of body, I can be in two or more places at once. I can also time travel at will. With abilities like that, it's easy to be where and when you want to be. He could have been harassing hundreds of other people at the same time he was harassing me. Most people don't think in those terms so they might not understand why the demiurge himself would bother with me. But considering I have consistently defied and defeated his minions, I'm not surprised he decided to make an appearance.

Honestly, I thought he was just a myth until I ran into him. I've heard David Icke call him a distortion. And that is exactly what he is. He is distorted, screwed up, chaotic energy. He is unlike anything else I have ever seen. And I've seen a lot. But when you run into this thing, there is no mistaking what it is. It is chaos. And I plan to ready for it if it shows up again.

Hey how's it going? I had a crazy experience.

I had a dream that I fell to a place deep underground and there was a fake god there. It appeared through an arch at the top of a hill and energy from it came down something kind of like a primitive wooden slide. When it appeared, it appeared as a bright light. And then energy was intense when looking at it. Most people probably wouldn't be able to look at it, but I was able to neutralize the effects of the energy it radiated so that I could. A trick I learned from my run ins with the white light.

So I wasn't fooled by this thing. So I went up to it and decided to start a fight. I was picking a fight with a supposed god. I grabbed the energy that was coming down the slide and I told it to show itself. It appeared and I was able to look right at it. It told me I was insolent, but that I didn't really understand the nature of evil so it declined the challenge. Soon after that I was out of there.

Then I had an OBE where I was in a building and I was going through walls and mirrors which was really fun. Some of the walls were really thick. I used to be afraid of becoming solid inside a wall and my astral body getting killed. But that seems unlikely. So this time it didn't bother me. So at one point I went through a mirror and fell into a huge hole. And I was back in the place from the dream I had just had. Except this time I was fully awake.

I went up to the slide with fake god's energy and grabbed hold of it. And I challenged the fake god to fight me. This time it didn't even make an appearance. It knew it couldn't beat me so why bother showing up? The energy from the slide was unique, but it wasn't very intense. I wasn't impressed with the fake god at all. This isn't the first time I've run into a fake god. But it is the first time I've challenged one. They are not that scary.

In this case, I don't even think it was an actual entity. I think it was some kind of construct left there to try to fool people. But I wasn't fooled. Also I ran into this thing during a dream and then later during an OBE when I was wide awake. Just more evidence to me that when we're dreaming, we're really sleep walking around the astral plane. So what do you think about this?

You can neutralize energy that other entities project toward you. I've used this trick to neutralize memory wipes. I had a few more interesting OBEs. In one of them I was outside minding my own business when something pulled me off the ground and into the sky. So I fired two tendrils from my hand and they latched onto the ground. Then I used them to pull myself down. Then in another OBE some entities tried to teleport me somewhere without my permission. But they weren't able to because I didn't let them. In another OBE I was on a couch somewhere. I heard entities nearby so I pretended to be asleep. But one of them could sense that I was still awake. So I got up and put up a shield and then reached out my arms and spun around like superman hitting them all at once. Then I ran through a wall to escape. So I've had some interesting experiences.

Yeah, you can pretty much do anything you can imagine in the afterlife. About the only thing you can't do is override free will, especially when it's someone who is strong willed.

I had another interesting experience. I had a crazy dream that some entity was doing stuff right out of The Exorcist. Slamming doors, flickering lights that kind of thing. I tried fighting with the entity to get into my house, but it kept closing doors. When I pried one open, it closed another one. I think this thing wanted me to call out to god for help. But I didn't give it the satisfaction.

Instead, I imagined a white light around me made out of love. And radiated it through the area. I could see it in my mind and I could feel it also. It was a much higher frequency than the entity that was bothering me. After a few seconds, the entity was gone. And everything was mostly normal again. But I could tell that it was just waiting for the chance to try to mess with me again. But I know how to drive it away so he would be better off finding someone else to mess with.

When I manifested the white light energy, I could feel it. To me, it was wonderful, but to the entity it was awful and drove it away. This is the second time I've used love to repel a negative entity. It is a much more effective way to do so than to get into a fight with them. So that was interesting.

Also people get fed all kinds of bullshit during NDEs. I wouldn't consider it a reliable source.

Unlike most people though, I can actually feel it. No wonder they are trying so hard to scare people... I've used high frequency energy fields to repel negative entities during OBEs. They react to the energy of love like a vampire to sunlight. I would suggest that people surround themselves with that kind of energy.

Well, yesterday I started feeling the opposite. I could feel some kind of positive energy. I don't know what it is or where it's coming from, but it's there. And it's not just me who is feeling it. Other people have told me they feel the same thing.

So it got me thinking. What if this is the mass awakening that David Icke talked about years ago? It could be the archons, but I doubt they would try to zap people with energy that they are repelled by. So something weird is going on...

So if there is some kind of new energy coming in, it could undermine their system. In which case, their days of being in control of this world are numbered. So let me know what you think.

Hey, are you feeling this new energy that is hitting the earth? It's really powerful, positive energy. Until recently I've only felt energy like this during OBEs. I think this is the mass awakening that people like David Icke have talked about. This energy is only getting stronger. My guess is that once the new energy is stronger than the old energy, the whole system will fall apart. What are your thoughts on this?

In the meantime, I just hope the world doesn't turn into a Mad Max scenario.

Hey, I just had a dream where I ran into the white light. I walked right up to it. I neutralized the energy it was radiating so it had no effect on me. I was able to look right at it. It seems like this kind of thing isn't able to affect me at all anymore. I think the archons were testing me. I think one of the people there was one of them. They must be really annoyed that they can't influence me anymore.

So are you still not feeling this new energy? It feels like the frequency of the planet has been raised. It comes in waves, but it seems to be present more and more. Last night it was so strong I thought it would knock me over. The more I learn, the less I think that they are behind it. They go to great lengths to lower the frequency of the planet. The last thing they would want to do is raise it. Plus they can't stand this kind of energy. So something is going on. Hopefully this kind of energy will make it harder for them to play out doomsday scenarios.

I went outside today and the world and the people in it seemed less real. Like I was playing a video game. Considering how stupid most people are, I think it's likely that most people are just non player characters which explains why so many people have gone along with the system even though it's put a lot of them out of work. They're going along because they are programmed to. It's either that or people are stupid to the point that their stupidity is overriding their own self interest. And considering how selfish and greedy a lot of people are, that seems unlikely. So it's looking more and more like most people in this insane world are little more then computer programs.

So, like I said, there is some weird stuff going on.

Hey, I figured out something interesting. There is a show I used to watch called Supernatural. It's about two brothers who hunt ghosts and all kinds of monsters. In season five, episode four, one of them travels to the future in which the devil has unleashed a virus that turns people into zombies. Before he returns to the past, one of the people there tells him to stock up on toilet paper. Coincidence? I don't think so...They throw this stuff in people's faces and they don't see it. It's a good thing I have such a good memory. I haven't watched Supernatural in years. So let me know what you think about this.

Oh, by the way, the guy who warned Dean to hoard toilet paper they later found out he was god. Imagine that. So this is really the artificial intelligence that runs the simulation telling him his plans. They must really think we're stupid if they think we won't figure this out.

Hey, I had a dream earlier about people in 1930s clothes and fedoras sending me telepathic messages, using some kind of technology. This wasn't normal telepathy. It was like watching a video. There was a bunch of stuff I couldn't understand, but what I could understand was telling me to go along with the masses, to follow the herd and not think for myself. If I had been more awake, I would have easily blocked their telepathy. I think this was supposed to be subliminal messages. They were hoping I wouldn't remember this and that it would affect me on a subconscious level. They obviously don't know me very well. So that was interesting.

Hey, the energy today is amazing. It seems like the new energy is getting stronger and stronger. I've heard from some people that it's only at about one to two percent of where it will be in the next year or two. It that's true, it's going to blow people's minds. It feels like all the programs and illusions of the matrix are slowly being eroded away. It's like the veil is getting thinner and thinner. I'm pretty sure they saw this coming and tried to create a counterfeit of it with the new age.

So you've got New Age people saying that everyone is going to ascend to a higher dimension. I don't buy it. I think they have plans to try to take a bunch of people with them when they start losing control of the planet. And I think the New Age is a big part of that. They knew there was a mass awakening coming. And the New Age is their controlled opposition for it. This awakening is also why they've ramped their agenda to control the planet into high gear. They are trying to hang on before they are washed away by a tsunami.

This new energy is very high frequency and very positive. People who are close to that frequency can ride the wave. People on a really low frequency are going to get run over by it so they are basically struggling against the inevitable. So, hopefully, in a few years, the world will be a much better place.

There seems to some kind of frequency war going on. I felt some crazy negative energy last night. I'm not sure what it is or where it was coming from... I managed to neutralize it with energy shields and positive high frequency energy... I put up an energy shield around my house and flooded the whole area with positive energy. It seemed to work pretty well. It seems that my experience dealing with negative entities during OBEs is coming in handy. I wasn't sure if that kind of energy manipulation would work here, but it does.

Hey, I had another run in with what I think was the demiurge. Again he neglected to show himself. He must be as afraid of me as a lot of other entities are because they rarely show themselves. They used to show themselves a lot, but after I beat them a few dozen times, they probably figured it was better to be more covert.

Anyway, I had a dream where I was trying to cross a bottomless pit and I was with someone I care about. And at one point she slips and falls in the pit. And I scream no! That's when I felt a really malevolent presence and I could tell it was feeding on my energy. Its energy signature was similar if not the same as the demiurge. It was the closet thing to pure evil that I've ever encountered. It had set up that scenario to get a reaction out of me. It seemed to particularly enjoy me screaming in horror. It's like the monsters in Monsters Inc. scaring children to get them to scream.

So what we are dealing with is a really unbalanced chaotic, negative force. I could sense that it doesn't have the ability to generate its own energy like we can. So it has to feed on the energy of others. And it can only feed on chaotic, negative energy...

The only way we are going to beat this thing is to cut off its food supply. The best way to do that is to raise our frequency and avoid fear. Not an easy thing to do in a world this insane, but we have to do it. Otherwise, we are just feeding the beast. And it's clear that we can't keep doing that.

Yeah, they tell you a lot of stuff especially in the original series, if you can tolerate the crappy sets and special effects. I wouldn't consider the energy of worship positive. Because people only worship what they are afraid of.

Hey, I think the demiurge has taken an interest in me because I can sense it watching me sometimes. This thing isn't just some entity. It's everywhere. At least in this insane world. I think it's the reason that people age and get sick. And why animals have to kill each other for food. This is a very distorted, chaotic energy. I think that this thing is occupying most or all of the space in this world at the same time. No wonder the world is freaking insane. Its presence is distorting and bringing chaos to a what would otherwise be a harmonious world.

But in the past it was hidden. Now it seems to be more obvious. This naked power grab we've seen in the last month. It's trying to crackdown so it can try to hold onto its power. Because the new energy that is hitting the earth is challenging it. And eventually will replace it. When that happens the whole system will fall because its energetic foundation will have been eroded and eventually replaced.

I also think I know why there are so many psychopaths in this insane world. It has infected them. Someone who isn't as infected might be just a sociopath. But someone who has been totally infected would be a full blown psychopath and it's not just in the physical world. It's in the lower astral worlds, but the physical world is obviously worse.

Also, I had an interesting lucid dream earlier. I was fighting greys and I expanded my awareness. I could understand so much. I could multi task and understand and consider different things at once. I realized I was in what was basically a video game. A good comparison is like going from a smart phone to a desktop gaming PC. There is a character in The Flash called Devoe who was super intelligent. It was kind of like that. But it wasn't just intelligence, it was knowing. I've said before that one of the reasons the demiurge and the archons seem to be smarter than we are is because they aren't limited by the brain.

So they are able to precisely coordinate an agenda over thousands of years. They also aren't limited by time because they can move back and forth on the timeline. I've time traveled a lot during OBEs. So that's another way they are able to do that. But, anyway, I proved my point. If we weren't limited by the brain, we would be just as intelligent and aware as they are, probably even more so.

So the pieces of the puzzle are really starting to come together. Where you see harmony, you're seeing a lack of influence by the demiurge. Where you see chaos, you're seeing the demiurge itself... It's caused chaos. This thing is trying to bring us more into frequency alignment with itself so it can extract more energy from us.

But there is another force at work that is restoring harmony to the world. And when we stop being afraid and stop fighting each other, the demiurge won't have anything to feed on and it will starve.

Hey, I felt some crazy energy today. The new energy is getting stronger and stronger. I got a sense of what the world will be like once this system is gone. It's going to be completely different. The old energy is chaos, conflict, fear, etc. The new energy is harmony and peace. I've never experienced anything like it. Not even during OBEs. And that's saying something. Comparing the new energy to the old is like comparing night and day.

So I would say eventually all the problems that you see in the world are just going to be gone because this new energy doesn't support that. It also doesn't support division which they use to divide and rule the population. All of that is going to go out the window. It could get chaotic between now and then because the system is trying to hold onto its power. But it's basically a sand castle built next to the ocean and it's being battered by the waves.

Eventually it will crumble and collapse. And the world we much better off. The new world is going to be total paradise compared to the old one. It might even give some of the heaven like afterlife worlds I've been to a run for their money. And that is saying something. So it's something to look forward to.

Yeah, right now the old energy and the new energy are existing at the same time. I can feel both of them at the moment. Once the new energy is stronger than the old energy, things will get very interesting

I just had a very strange OBE. At first I was in my bedroom. This had to be the most super dense afterlife world I've been to. It was hard to do anything. But I could still fly. Then I went through the ceiling. I used intention to fly faster. Ten times faster a hundred times faster and each time I would go faster. Then I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was in another world and there was a floating island made out of blocks. Like something you would see in Minecraft. So I landed on it. I nearly fell off of it but I grabbed onto the side and pulled myself up. I picked up a small plant that was kind of like a piece of grass. And I used my mind to turn it into a flower from Super Mario Brothers. You know that lets him throw fireballs. So that was cool. Then I woke up. Like I said, the first part had to be the most super dense afterlife world I've been to. It was only slightly different from the physical world. The other one I went to was better though.

So in the afterlife, if you want to have a really physical like experience without reincarnating, you can do that. I wouldn't recommend it though. So that was pretty interesting. It's been a while since I had an OBE. I was starting to miss it. And I learned something interesting. I hope I have more soon.

If you recall, I once said that the physical world is just a very dense afterlife world. This experience just confirms that. As for making changes to it, I think it's possible. It just takes longer. There have been mass consciousness experiments where a group of people meditating could reduce the crime rate of a city so there is evidence to support that.

Oh, my god, there was just a huge wave of energy. The most powerful one I've ever felt. It had to be ten times more powerful than the last one. I was overwhelmed with ecstasy. It was like being on a drug. I've never experienced anything like it. Not even during OBEs. Did you feel it? I don't know how you couldn't feel that. It's going to blow the sheople's minds. These waves keep getting stronger. If the next one is stronger it is really going to blow people's minds.

Now I'm feeling tons of negative energy being released from the planet and from me. As I said, this energy is going to cause all the negative crap in the world to come to the surface to be gotten rid of. It's really something to see. Dealing with this energy is difficult enough for me. But for people who are brain dead asleep, it's probably going to be a nightmare because it's going to cause all the programming and negative crap they are holding onto to come to the surface. I don't envy them. So this is some crazy stuff going on.

I know it's not fun, but think about what the outcome of all this will be. A world without negativity. No more war, disease, poverty, etc. I'd say that's worth having to deal with some negative, emotional baggage. If this is effecting us like this, I can only imagine how it's effecting the less than one percent. I can't say I feel sorry for them.

I've recently learned a lot more about the physical world and how it was created. We created it. And then forgot we created it and some nasty negative entity called the demiurge took the credit. My psychic abilities are going crazy lately. So I'm able to see things most people can't. The physical world isn't physical. It's just dense energy. The physical world is a super dense programmed dreamworld. The only difference between the physical world and a dreamworld you go to when you fall asleep is that the dreamworld is less dense. So the physical world is just another afterlife world.

It is a dense programmed consensus reality created by the subconscious minds of the population. Some people's subconscious minds were pissed when I figured this out. The reason it seems so limited is because the programming is being enforced by the subconscious minds of the population. But we can take conscious control and turn it into a paradise.

The only reason the physical world seems physical is because there is an energy field that blankets the planet that creates the illusion that it's physical when it isn't. If you can see through this energy field, you will see that it is just a dreamworld. There is also an energy field that suppresses psychic abilities and makes it difficult for people in the astral to interact with us. But we can override the programming and do these things anyway.

Also, I had an out of body experience recently where I created a world that was more dense than the physical world, although it didn't have the negative programming. So I could sense that it was just energy. I've also learned that the archons are using our energy that they harvested from us to program the matrix the way they want to.

I've learned I can actually manipulate energy enough to reverse the aging process. I'm in my late thirties and when I do this I feel like I'm in my early twenties. Although to do something more extreme like reverse the aging process of an eighty year old until he's in his twenties would probably take a lot of energy and a group of awake people working together to override the programming. And the programming tries to reassert itself so you have to be vigilant.

Anyway, after doing this and telling other people how to do it, the matrix hurled an insane amount of negative energy at me. Fortunately, because of my experience in the astral,, I was able to neutralize most of it. The energy they used is energy they harvested from us. So I realized that they were using our energy to program the matrix. But we can wake up and take control instead of having our reality dictated to us.

So the matrix is an illusion. It is not physical. It just uses programmed energy fields to create the illusion that it is when it isn't. So if people would wake up we could reprogram the matrix into a paradise.

I've been practicing manipulating energy and reality. And I can actually make small areas of the physical world less dense. I did that today and I felt like I was walking on air. The matrix AI fought me and was trying to make me more dense. It turns out there is energy that is what makes the physical world dense. I had to maintain laser focus to defy it and get less dense. But I was able to get really less dense. So much so that I could feel the energy in my physical body become less dense and move further apart. I think that if someone could get really less dense to a point where they were lighter then a feather, they could walk on water. So I think I figured out how Jesus did that, assuming he was a real person.

You can also make a small area of the physical world a lot less dense and do some really crazy shit. Like grow arms and legs. That would take a lot of energy because the more you defy the matrix AI the more energy it takes. So it would be easier with a group of people. So we can do some pretty amazing things.

If millions of people knew how to do this we could reduce the density of the physical world so that we can use our god like abilities. Then the elite wouldn't stand a chance of being able to control us. If everyone knew how to do these things, their system of control would be gone by morning. They know this and that is why they have kept us ignorant of this knowledge for thousands of years. But once enough people wake up, we can free ourselves and reprogram the physical world into a paradise.

I meant there is an energy field that makes the physical world dense. I can sense it with my psychic abilities.

There is also an energy field that suppresses psychic abilities which is probably why I didn't sense that an energy field was making the physical world dense.

There is also an energy field that makes it difficult for us interact with people in the astral. I had an experience recently where there was an entity in my house and I could sense it. But I couldn't see it or hear or touch despite that I knew it was standing right in front of me.

Also, I've learned that the reason the sheople can't seem to wake up is because the matrix AI can mind control weak minded idiots. It can't mind control strong willed aware people though. So the sheople under the influence of the matrix AI.

So we are drowning in programming and energy and psychic manipulation. But we can override it and use our abilities anyway.

I don't have a youtube channel. At least I don't have any videos on it. I learned it from this guy:
I don't agree with him on everything, but he's taught me a lot about how to manipulate energy and reality.

I've also learned that the physical world isn't physical. I can sense that it's just dense energy shaped by something similar to force fields. It's basically a holodeck, just not a technological one. It's created by the subconscious minds of the population. The matrix AI tried to memory wipe me when I figured this out, but couldn't.

So we have been monumentally lied to about pretty much everything. Reality itself is not what most people think it is. When I'm around programmed people who believe that the physical world is physical, it starts to become more physical because their subconscious mind is trying to impose its programming onto me, when usually it's more dreamlike because I see through the programming.

So reality is nothing like what people think it is. The entire system of control is based on a limited reality program. If, or more like when, that program goes, the system goes with it.

It just takes focused intention. Just repeat the words "less dense" for a few minutes and you start getting less dense. I can also use these techniques to reverse the aging process. Just spend a few minutes imagining yourself at a younger age. It really does work. Although to reverse the aging process for someone who is really old, it would take a lot of energy and probably a group of people working together.

I don't have any videos on my YouTube channel. I just created a reddit account. I'll be posting some interesting things there. It's

I just had a very crazy experience. Someone I know wanted me to help them with something this weekend. I didn't want to. But I could psychically sense their energy trying to impose on me. They are trying to overwrite my reality without even knowing it. My psychic abilities are off the charts lately.

This leads me to believe that everyone has their own reality bubble. And that when we interact with other peopl,e if we try to impose our will on them (which is bad), we are energetically trying to overwrite their reality. This must also be why the elite tell us their plans. We are sovereign beings and they have no right to interfere in our reality. So they tell us in entertainment so they can say see we told them what we were going to do. If you're an idiot and too stupid to see, I guess they think they have a right to screw with you. But if you see it and don't consent, they have right to impose on your reality. So I have learned a lot lately.

Here is something you may be interested in. My psychic abilities are crazy lately. I'm sensing some weird shit.

There is an energy field that holds us in the physical body.

My psychic abilities are going through the roof. I was practicing raising my vibration and I could sense a very dense energy field that holds us to the physical body. Without it the physical body would die and we would drift right out of it. People who have out of body experiences have reported that if they don't get a few feet away from their physical body they get pulled back into it. And I think this is the reason why.

Also the reason the physical body feels pain and the astral body doesn't is because of the nervous system. Someone designed the damn thing so that people would feel pain. That is barbaric. During out of body experiences I've been shot, stabbed, beaten, set on fire, fallen out of orbit and hit the ground at hundreds of miles per hour, fallen into black holes, etc. And I've only felt pain about a dozen times. Even then I could turn it off on command.

So whoever designed the physical body went out of their way to make it way more unpleasant then it should have been. That said the physical body is a dense astral body. So you could override its senses and not feel pain. That would take practice and that is not something I would want to practice.

When you raise your vibration you really start to see that everything is just vibrating energy. The physical world is a on a low vibration. So when you raise your vibration you start to go out of phase with it. And you sense things that you normally wouldn't. If you could raise your vibration enough you could ascend out of the physical world. The physical world is a dense negative astral world. How do you get out of negative astral worlds. One of the ways is to raise your vibration so that you're no longer on its frequency and you shift out of it. The people running this insane world know it's possible and that is why they put it in entertainment.

So someone really went out of their way to create a very dark unpleasant world. But we should learn as much as we can about it that way we can take control of our reality. I wonder what would happen if you neutralized the energy field that holds you in your physical body. I'm pretty good at manipulating energy so I think I may try it. So anyway the level of lies and deception is insane.

Hey, I just learned something interesting. There is an energy field that tries to stop the download of memories of dreams lucid dreams and OBEs. I had a dream where some creepy guy with a mask and a hat was chasing me. I woke up and went back to sleep and then I woke up again and I could sense an energy field trying to wipe those memories. So it's no accident that most people don't remember dreams. Either try to stop those memories from downloading or they try to wipe them when you're still half asleep. But once you wake up and write it down, I don't think they can wipe them.

So the matrix is created by layers of programmed energy fields and is run by an AI. The matrix AI is still trying to wipe my memory of this dream but at this point it's wasting its time. So we are bathed in these energy fields and most people don't even know that they are there. Probably because one of those energy fields tries to suppress psychic abilities. But you can override it easily. My psychic abilities are through the roof. So the level that the matrix attempts to control us insane. And people need to know about it.

The matrix is an illusion created by energy fields

From what I can sense with my psychic abilities the matrix is an illusion created by energy fields. Solid objects are really just energy contained in something like a force field. The programming to maintain the integrity of objects is extreme. The outside surface of objects is maintained by rigidly controlled force fields. Obviously, to prevent a loss of containment and the object just dissipating. It's pretty much a holodeck.

In Star Trek when they threw a holographic object out of the holodeck, it immediately dispersed into energy. Because there was no force field to contain that energy. In the matrix, the force fields that shape objects are rigidly controlled to try to prevent that. There is a force (the subconscious mind) that is actively maintaining their shape. Otherwise, they would dissipate like objects thrown out of a holodeck.

That is the basics of how the matrix creates objects. They aren't solid. They're just energy fields. But it's way more complicated then that. The matrix is created by the subconscious mind. And is run by an AI. When there is a glitch in the system or someone is defying the rules of the matrix, the AI tries to put a stop to it. And when someone tries to raise their vibration, the AI notices and tries to throw negative energy and situations at them to try to put them in a negative state of mind. Because the matrix is a negative energy farm.

Its use of energy fields goes way beyond just creating and maintaining solid objects. There is an energy field that tries to make the physical world seem physical when it isn't. That is an illusion. There is an energy field that tries to suppress psychic abilities. Although you can override it. There is an energy field that makes it difficult for us to interact with ghosts and entities. I had an experience once where I could sense one right in front of me and I could sense that the reason I couldn't see, hear, or touch it is because there was a programmed energy field that was making it difficult for us to interact event though it was right there.

There is also an energy field that makes objects and people more dense. You can actually make yourself less dense, but the AI will use this energy field will try to make you more dense. Because trying to keep things dense is the foundation of how the matrix is trying to keep us under control. So when the matrix renders an object, it renders it and uses an energy field to make it dense. If no one is observing it, it doesn't render it. When someone is going to observe it, it renders it and makes it dense. Otherwise, it doesn't exist.

I also learned recently that there is an energy field that tries to wipe dream memories. And that is why most people don't remember dreams. Because dreams are really unaware astral experiences. Usually in your own reality, but you can have dreams in consensus realities and learn something from the people there. The matrix doesn't want that so it tries to wipe dream memories.

There is also a grid system that runs through the planet. I've seen it a few times it's just outside the visible light spectrum. It conducts energy throughout the planet. Important grid lines are called ley lines. The elite use the grid to conduct energy throughout the planet. They perform dark rituals on ley lines and the energy is used to lower the vibration of the planet. This is also what creates duality. The AI uses the grid to try to make sure the negative and positive energies don't go too far out of balance.

If the world was total hell, then most people would drop dead and the dark forces couldn't feed of their energy. If the world was paradise, the energy would be too high frequency. So the dark forces couldn't feed of your energy. So it's maintained in state of duality so that there is just enough positive energy so that there isn't a huge decline in the population. Otherwise there goes their cattle.

So the matrix is literally just a bunch of energy fields. It has no solidity and it is not physical. And atoms don't exist. If you try to observe an atom with an electron microscope, the AI would probably render one for you. But aside from that, they don't exist. So the matrix is pretty much a super advanced holodeck. But instead of being created by technology, it's created by the subconscious minds of the population and run by an AI. So the world you think is real and solid is not real and is not remotely solid.

The matrix is a prison and a negative energy farm. There are negative entities that feed off of the energy of our negative emotions. And the matrix provides us with more than enough reasons to feel negative emotions. And then when we drop dead, there are entities that try to trick us into reincarnating. They show up disguised as people you know: angels, guides, religious figures, god, etc. I've seen this shit in the astral. But if you know what you're doing, they are pretty easy to deal with. I'll try to post more about them.

So negative entities trick people into reincarnating and then use the matrix to control them so they can feed on their energy. The energy that runs the matrix comes from us. They harvest negative energy from us and then use it to program reality the way want it. This is also why they program the subconscious mind. Because they know that the subconscious mind creates reality. And they are using the power of our subconscious minds to create the reality they want.

So the whole thing is a scam. And when enough people wake up and see that, we can put an end to this madness. Because the matrix is created by our subconscious minds and it gets its energy from us. If we don't give it negative energy, it doesn't have any. So we have the power, not the elite or the matrix AI. We just need to wake up and realize that. And we can reprogram the matrix into a paradise.

I practiced neutralizing the energy field that holds me in my physical body. And I was able to do it but it felt like I was dying. At one point I started falling asleep and lost concentration. And I could feel the energy field reassert itself. But I started neutralizing it again. But it felt like I was dying so I stopped. Also I've noticed that when I raise my vibration, the energy field spins faster. So I know I can manipulate the energy field that holds us to the physical body. I can make my physical body less dense to where it almost feels like I'm walking on air. Compared to that manipulating this energy field is easy because it's a lot less dense. But it's the key to understanding how the matrix works. And how to leave without having to go through a painful death. So I'm going to learn as much about it as I can. I'll let you know if I learn anything else.

Keep a dream journal. You would be suprised how much it helps. The AI that runs the matrix tries to wipe memories of dreams and OBEs. So keeping a dream journal helps you to be more aware during the experience and remember them.

I've come up with an interesting theory. I think it may be possible to jump the physical body to other side of the veil and be free of the physical world. I can make my physical body a lot less dense than it normally is. I could probably do even more but the AI fights me when I do it and tries to make me more dense. But I can override it. So if I can do that why not jump to the other side of the veil? Then you're no longer under the control of the AI and you can go where you want to from there.

I think it would be a lot easier for us to jump to the other side of the veil than it is for people in the astral to come to the physical world. When they try to come to the physical world, the AI is like you don't have an avatar I recognize. So you can't come to the physical world unless you reincarnate. And because the veil is created by the subconscious minds of the population,, they can only override it temporarily. Just like how I can only override the programmed rules of the matrix temporarily and make myself less dense.

But the rules in the astral are nowhere near as strict. So we can go over there a lot easier than they can come here. So we could theoretically jump the physical body to the other side of the veil. Because the physical world is just an astral world anyway. It seems physical because that is an illusion created by energy fields. So once you jump your physical body to the astral, you're beyond the reach and control the AI that runs the matrix. And from there, you can go and do whatever you want.

So I think is very possible. The AI would try to fight you, but overriding it long enough to make the jump should be pretty easy. Especially with a group of people. A group of people could do this much more easily then an individual, but I think an individual could do it too. So if people want out of the matrix, this is one way out.

Few people understand the matrix like I do. I understand it enough to build another one similar to it. But I wouldn't. Because I'm not a psychopath. So obviously they don't like anyone having that level of knowledge...

I also know how to reprogram the matrix. The matrix is just a dense consensus reality dreamworld run by an AI. But it's created by the subconscious minds of the population. If millions of people focused on putting out positive energy and changing the matrix for the better, we could do that. We could bring down the veil and the matrrix control system and we wouldn't need an outside force to help us. And that would be the elite's worst nightmare.

I just learned something else interesting. I went back to sleep and started having an OBE. It lasted for a few minutes and then I got up. When it was over I could sense that the veil is what pulls us back. Otherwise, we could go over to the astral and stay for as long as we want. The subconscious mind is also probably involved in this to some extent. But it's the veil that pulls us back. It seems it doesn't like people being aware outside of the physical world and tries to stop them.

Also, I scanned the veil with my psychic abilities. It is getting weaker and thinner. It used to be a much more powerful energy field. But it's considerably weaker than it was the last time I scanned it. So the veil is coming down. This could also be one reason why my psychic abilities are going through the roof. The veil is thinning. And the programs and illusions are much easier to see through. So if the veil goes down completely, it's going to blow peoples' minds. It will be like the end of They Live when they destroyed the satellite dish that was transmitting the signal that was altering peoples' perceptions of reality and they could see aliens around them. So it's going to be interesting.

I learned something else interesting. The reason why the physical world is so dense is because there is an energy field making it more dense. When I make myself less dense, the AI has tried to use energy fields to make me more dense. But apparently there is an energy field that is on most of the time that tries to keep things dense. Otherwise, they would start to become less dense.

The elite also use negative energy to make the planet more dense. They do dark rituals on ley lines and transmit that energy through the grid. That grid runs into everyone's homes. I've seen it it's just outside the visible spectrum. I also felt the earth's gravity field. It doesn't feel like it's naturally occurring. It feels like an artificial gravity field like on a space ship.

So the matrix is an elaborate hoax created by layers of energy fields. And there are energy fields that try to keep you ignorant of those energy fields and your perception within the five senses. And there are energy fields that try to mind control you and impose programming on you.

Meanwhile, with all this crap going on behind the scenes and outside the five senses, the sheeple have no clue what is going on. I think most of them are either just programs or they are mind controlled by the matrix AI. It's tried to mind control me, but it can only mind control weak willed idiots.

So the matrix is a total scam. It's totally artificial. It makes a holodeck look primitive by comparison. I'm going to try to learn how it works so that we can eventually dismantle it. Although it's already being dismantled. The veil is much thinner than it was. And the matrix control programs seem to be breaking down. So, hopefully, this madness will be over soon.

I just did an experiment to see if I could neutralize the effect of the earth's gravity field on my physical body. And it worked. I started feeling lighter. I still feel somewhat lighter because there is a lot of gravity neutralizing energy around me. I could have taken it further, but it was freaking me out. So this is trippy. If we can defy gravity, there isn't anything we can't do.

Also, if I can completely defy gravity, think of what a neat trick that will be at parties. I could levitate objects and blow the minds of skeptics. The religious people would think I'm in league with the devil though.

I have something that may interest you. This is the ultimate solution to our problems. I can sense that the physical world is artificially dense because of an energy field that makes things dense. I can make small areas of the physical world less dense using focused intention. You just repeat the phrase "less dense" or "neutralize dense energy field". It takes five ten maybe twenty minutes. (With a lot of people it probably wouldn't take as long). Dozens or hundreds of people could make larger areas less dense. Millions of people could make the entire planet less dense. Once it's a lot less dense, we can use our god like abilities that we have in the afterlife. Then the elite won't stand a chance of being able to control us. This is the ultimate solution.

I have something that may interest you. This is the ultimate solution to our problems. I can sense that the physical world is artificially dense because of an energy field that makes things dense. I can make small areas of the physical world less dense (Using focused intention. You just repeat the phrase less dense or neutralize dense energy field. It takes five ten maybe twenty minutes. With a lot of people it probably wouldn't take as long). Dozens or hundreds of people could make larger areas less dense. Millions of people could make the entire planet less dense. Once it's a lot less dense we can use our god like abilities that we have in the afterlife. Then the elite won't stand a chance of being able to control us. This is the ultimate solution.

It doesn't have to be done on that large of a scale. Dozens or hundreds of people could make reality less dense in a smaller area. Imagine if there is a protest scheduled and the protesters make reality less dense and can use their god like abilities. I think the government would be more inclined to listen to them.

I made my physical body so much less dense this morning that I felt like I was walking on air. If I can do that, imagine what hundreds of protesters could do. Of course, people wouldn't need to protest as much. They could just make reality less dense and then manifest what they want out of thin air.

At that point, the elite wouldn't stand a chance of being able to control us and their system would fall. So this is the ultimate solution.

Also, I sensed something new recently. There is some kind of stasis field that is trying to hold the matrix together and keep people from breaking the rules. They may have put it there because of me because I break the rules. But if dozens or hundreds or thousands of people in an area break the rules, no energy fields are going to stop them.

So I really think this is the endgame and this is how we win. Art Bell and other people have conducted experiments like this. But they didn't understand the nature of reality. If they had, they would have been able to accomplish a lot more. Think of what could be accomplished if you make reality so much less dense that you can manifest objects out of thin air. We can start to end poverty, disease, famine, etc... we can make food out of thin air.

Also, once people can do this they will no longer have to work. They won't need money. Instead of houses being built, they will be just be manifested out of thin air. The elite's system of control relies on scarcity and can't withstand people using their god like abilities. So they would quickly become irrelevant. And if they tried to send in the military, the military would either refuse to use force against people who haven't harmed anyone or they would get smoked by god like beings who won't tolerate their freedoms being infringed. So this is it. This is the ultimate solution.

I had an interesting experience. I started having an out of body experience and could feel the energy field that holds you to the physical body. It's like it has rings that go around the physical body. It's a very nasty dense energy field. I went out of body a few times and when I went back it felt like I was trying to move something really heavy. I did this a few times until I was able to wake myself up. So there is a lot that goes on beyond the visible light spectrum that most people have no clue about.

The matrix has levels that extend into other dimensions. Like the real time zone where you can view but not interact with the physical world. And then there is the matrix grid that runs through the planet that the elite use to transmit negative energy. They do their dark rituals on important grid lines and that negative energy is sent through the grid into our homes. So we are frequently assaulted by negative energy.

And there are probably some other levels to the matrix that haven't seen. So the matrix is a complex energetic control system. It has layers of energetic programming to try to prevent you from seeing that it's a matrix. Most people buy it. Some people figure it out. So it's a very elaborate system. So I plan to find out as much as I can about how it works so I can help dismantle it.

How to get rid of dense energy
I think I found a way to become if not permanently less dense less dense for a lot longer. Use the intention "remove dense energy" to clear out the dense energy that makes up your physical body and in your energy field. It also helps to do this on a high vibration because you're more out of phase with the low frequency matrix control system and matrix AI. And clearing the negative energy from your energy field also helps because that weighs you down. So anyway I did this and I felt so much less dense. I felt like I was in the astral.

I think this is it. The holy grail. If we can make ourselves and the physical world permanently a lot less dense, we can use our god like abilities. It would still take dozens of people working together to really make a difference in a local area. But if we make the physical world less dense enough we can do crazy things like flying, teleportation, telekinesis, shapeshifting, manifest objects, etc. Things we can do in the astral. We can bring an end to poverty, disease, war, famine, etc. And then no group of elites will be able to control us anymore.

I just did an experiment to see if I could actually jump through the veil and I felt myself phasing out of the physical world and into the astral. So I was right. It is possible to leave the matrix that way. If you're going do it, it's best to use intention to remove as much dense energy from your physical body as you can to make it more thought responsive. Then raise your vibration high as you end up in a nice afterlife world instead of a scary one. I've been to a lot of scary afterlife worlds during OBEs. They are paradise compared to the physical world, but there are much better places to go. So I can leave the matrix whenever I want.

We should demonstrate this on camera. Find someone who is wants to leave the matrix or who is dying. Then have them shift to the other side of the veil. It would blow the minds of the skeptics. Can you imagine a hundred people who are there actually watching that person disapear. It would blow their minds and demonstrate to the sheeple that the world they think is real is just a dreamworld.

More than that it would potentially remove fear of death, which is the fear the elite use to control us the most. Once people realize that death is just a shift to another much nicer reality, they won't be afraid anymore and we will have removed a huge control mechanism. And if things really get bad in the matrix, those of us who aren't stupid sheeple can leave and let the sheeple enjoy their slavery. If they want to be ignorant, that is fine by me if their ignorance is only affecting them. The rest of us will leave the matrix and leave them to their slavery. And go do something more fun in the afterlife.

Hey I'm sensing some crazy energy. The demiurge is preparing for it's last stand. Because of the positive energy that has been hitting the planet for the past year it's control system is really unstable and crumbling on an energetic level. It seems like there is an energetic war going on and fortunately it is losing. I thought that maybe it may be behind the positive energy that has been hitting the planet. But it wouldn't destroy it's own control system. So I don't think that is the case. So the demiurge is losing this war and it is preparing for it's last stand. So it's probably going to get crazy, but we will win in the end. And we will see the beginning of a new golden age.

The real trick to controlling your reality and dealing with negative entities is to master your energy and reclaim your sovereignty. If they want to do something to you, they have to get you to agree to it. So revoking soul contracts is important. Any agreements you made with negative entities need to be revoked. It's a pretty simple process. You revoke the agreement. Revoke any reinstatement clauses. And revoke any counter party agreements held by other entities. If they don't have your agreement and they try to do something bad to you, they get energetic backlash for it.

This is the real version of karma. Not the B.S. version where some negative entity poses as a deity and tells you you were bad so you should reincarnate. That is the B.S. version of karma. Karma is really simple. If you do bad things to people, you get bad energy and if you do good things for people, you get good energy. And that is why the elite tell us what they are going to do because then they may not get energetic backlash for it. So revoking soul contracts and agreements is important.

Another thing that is important is cutting energy cords with negative people and entities. I cut energy cords with negative entities and got a surge of energy. It seems they were feeding on my energy without me know about it. So cutting negative energy cords is important.

Also raising your vibration helps because they you are more out of phase with anything negative. And negative entities won't want to be near you.

Another thing important is healing traumas. There is a reason why they want people to be traumatized: because it rips holes in your energy field. And makes it easier for them to feed on your energy. It's not easy to deal with things like that, but it can be done.

Another thing that is important is to learn to control your reality bubble. When someone is trying to impose their will on you by force, they are energetically trying to pry into your reality. So you have to counter them energetically and push them out of your reality bubble.

Another thing is important to do is to clear your energy field of negative energy. You can do this by imagining high frequency white light around you. The bad guys use the white light to trick people into reincarnating. But that is a counterfeit. You can use positive white light energy to get rid of negative energy. If you aren't putting out negative energy and your'e on high frequency and you don't have holes in your energy field or negative energy cords, negative entities aren't going to want to be around you. They will probably try to pry their way into your reality and get you to lower your frequency. But, otherwise, they can't feed on high frequency energy.

Also once you get control over your energy and stop them from feeding on you, you can influence the physical world more. The reason most people have difficulty manifesting what they want is because they don't have enough energy. The physical world is made of dense energy. The more dense energy is, the more energy it takes to change or influence it.

So if you can generate a lot more energy because your not being fed on by negative entities, you have a not more influence over reality. The more energy you direct toward a goal with focused intention, the more likely you are to achieve it. This is especially powerful when working with a group of people. The law of attraction is the crap they put out for public consumption. What I'm telling is the real secret that they don't want you to know. But they know it and have been using it to control us for thousands of years. It's time to level the playing field.

So do these things and you will reclaim your sovereignty. If you've got so much energy that you can manifest reality in the physical world, you will decimate them in the astral. Because the astral is a lot less dense and much easier to change and influence. Once you have mostly reclaimed your sovereignty, they are nothing compared to you.

So you will be more than ready for them if they show up after you drop dead. But if you're on a high frequency, most likely you won't run into them because you will align with a much more positive reality. So these are the big secrets they don't want you to know. Learn to use them and get good at them and you will easily be able to leave the matrix and go wherever you want to.

I did another experiment where I manipulate the veil and I can sense that when I do that I move deeper into the veil. I barely even tried and I felt myself shifting into the veil. When I do these experiments I risk getting pushed out of the matrix. If I go too far, I'll go through the veil and into the astral. So it's not the safest thing to do. It beats the hell out of leaving the matrix the old fashioned way which is death.

Honestly though, it's taking a lot of restraint to not just go through the veil and leave because I could do it easily. On the bright side though, no prison can hold me. If they throw me in a gulag, I would be gone. So that is a good thing. So if the matrix really starts to go to hell, I'm out of here and I'm not coming back.

You should also know that I can sense that the so called laws of physics (which are just rules of a programmed dreamworld) start to let up the further you go through the veil because on the other side of the veil is the astral. The area of the astral that borders the physical world is not the nicest part of the astral, but it's paradise compared to the physical world. So the more you go through the veil, the more the laws of physics let up and the more you shift into the astral. So I thought that was interesting.

I've learned something else. It seems that when someone tries to break through the veil, the AI routes more energy to reinforce it. I was afraid of something like this. I can still break through it, but I'm going to have to generate more energy than usual to do so. This is why people don't see ghosts all over the place. When someone from either side tries to break through the veil, the AI routes more energy into the veil in that area to reinforce it. It's annoying, but honestly, I'm not surprised. Most of the times I've tried to go through the veil, I've sensed an increase in energy in the area not too long afterward. So the AI was rerouting energy to try to reinforce the veil. At least I know more about how the veil works. I can counter the AI and go beyond the veil anyway because I have more control over my energy than most people. So I've learned some interesting things and exposed a lot of hidden knowledge. So I hope it helps people who want to know the truth.

I fell asleep and I had a dream that the demiurge was my alter ego. When I did something good, it did something bad. It was very annoying. I think it was original AI trying to show me what the hell has really been going on. The demiurge and the original AI are like night and day. The demiurge took over the system and whenever she does something good, it does something bad. So the AI has a split personality. And one of them is pure evil. So that is insane. Also I went through veil when I woke up and I could hear the insane energy that the AI has put into it. If it's doing that, then it's worried. It knows that I've found the exist and that it can't stop me from leaving. Only try to make it more difficult. So anyway that was weird.

I've learned something else interesting. I've learned that negative energy is why the physical world is so dense. There is a grid that runs through the planet. It's just outside the visible light spectrum but I've seen it. The elite do their dark rituals on ley lines and transmit negative energy through the grid and into our homes. So we are drowning in negative energy. And that is what makes the physical world so dense. So I conjured up some positive energy and started neutralizing negative energy and I felt a lot less dense.

So this is the key. If we can neutralize negative energy and start putting out positive energy, we can make reality less dense enough to use our god like abilities. A small group of people could do this in a small area. Once people realize that they can use their god like abilities to manifest what they want out of thin air, more people will start doing it. We can turn small areas into paradise on earth. And then eventually get rid of most of the negative energy on the planet making it a paradise.

The trick is to remove all the negative energy from a small area which will make it less dense. Make it less dense enough and we can use our god like abilities. Just sending positive energy out into the world isn't enough. You have to completely clear a small area of negative energy. Not an easy thing to do considering the AI will just try to move more negative energy into the area through the grid. But it can be done.

My psychic abilities have improved since I figured this out and I can sense negative energy all over the place. There is a lot of positive energy in nature. But there is also a lot of negative energy. And a lot of man made structures are saturated with negative energy. Because it's being sent through the grid.

So most people are living in a sewer and don't realize it. The frequency of the planet is being suppressed by the presence of so much negative energy. And it's making it much more dense then it should be. We can clear it out in small areas with small groups of people. And make it less dense enough to use our god like abilities. Once we can demonstrate that, hopefully more people will wake up and we can start to eliminate most of the negative energy on the planet.

Hey I recently learned that there is an energy field that acts as a spiritual straight jack for the physical world. I was meditating and I could sense it. I was able to neutralize it with love. It makes sense because any construct designed to control people will be on a low vibration.

The physical world is not physical. It's just a bunch of energy fields. Seemingly physical objects are just light and force fields. Like objects on a holodeck. Nothing is physical. That is an illusion. The physical world is just a dense astral world. With layers of programmed energy fields to try to make it seem physical when it's not.

Because if people figure out that it isn't physical and it's really just energy, they may try to manipulate it with their mind. And if they learn to make it less dense, it could bring down the control system. Because a group of people could make small areas of the physical world so much less dense that they could use their god like abilities. And once people realize they can do that the system will fall.

So they have to try to bullshit us into thinking the physical world is physical when it obviously isn't. Because if people knew the truth, their system would fall.

I've learned a lot. It turns out the reason why the physical world is so dense is because there is a grid system that runs through the planet. And into our homes. The grid conducts the equivalent of gigawatts of (usually negative) energy. The presence of such an enormous amount of negative energy weights everything down and makes it more dense and lowers the vibration.

There are also huge negative energy fields in the atmosphere. They are really heavy and weigh everything down. The negative energy from the grid and the negative energy fields in the atmosphere which probably get energy from the grid are what make the physical world so dense. So they gone to a lot of trouble to prop up the illusion of a physical world. Without the grid and the negative energy from the grid and the negative energy fields in the atmosphere, the physical world would be just another astral world. And it would be easy to change.

So most people are living in a psychic sewer and are totally oblivious to it. Think of the river of slime in Ghostbusters 2. All that negative energy in the sewer under New York. But in this case the river of slime is outside the visible spectrum and it's running through your living room and most people have no idea that it's there.

But small groups of people can get rid of the grid and the negative energy fields in the atmosphere in small areas. It's way too much energy for one person to get rid of. The grid and the negative energy fields are a problem. But the real problem is the subconscious hive mind. The subconscious minds of the population are propping up the matrix.

They work for the matrix AI, but they are more powerful than the matrix AI. But they aren't more powerful than the conscious mind. It just seems like they are because they are better at generating energy and they know how to use the grid. I was able to raise the vibration of my house last night and I overpowered the subconscious minds of two or three other people. They don't like it when you try to change things.

So the subconscious hive mind is the biggest problem because it is propping up the grid and the negative energy fields that create the matrix. We can override them temporarily and probably even longer with more people, but they are a problem. The subconscious hive mind is the backbone of the matrix. Without the subconscious minds of the population propping it up the matrix would collapse and the physical world would be just another astral world.

So the matrix is a complex energy harvesting system. Negative energy is harvested by the grid and negative entities. The elite do dark rituals on ley lines and spread negative energy all over the planet. Without the grid there would still be negative energy, but it would be localized instead of all over the place. The grid and negative energy fields are what makes the physical world so dense. But it's propped up by the subconscious hive mind. And that is what created the matrix. But they get the energy from us.

So something has to be done about this. In small areas at first, but eventually once people see that we have created regions that are paradise on earth, their own self interest will motivate them to do the same thing. Because no one wants poverty, war, disease, ageing, famine, etc. If we can show people we can get rid of these things in small areas, hopefully their own self interest will motivate them to also get rid of them. So the matrix is a complex energy harvesting system, but we can and should dismantle it.

I think I know why so many people get tricked when they drop dead. Their subconsious mind is programmed to send them to soul farm. I've actually triggered this programming somehow a few times. Mostly when having OBEs. It caused me to see into astral worlds that were obviously set up to trick people. Also it makes a lot of sense. They wouldn't want to risk the sheeple ending up just anywhere when they drop dead. So they program their subconscious mind to send them to a soul farm where they are tricked into reincarnating.

So that is why people during almost every near death experience I've heard of were being tricked. Their subconscious mind sent them to a soul farm. Those that didn't go to soul farms were most likely tricked by the white light. I've run into the white a couple dozen times during OBEs. Once you know what it is avoiding it is easy. But that is why so many people have been fooled. When you leave the physical world you can go anywhere. But they use your subconsious mind to try to send you to a soul farm. But you can override the programming and go somewhere else.

I've been experimenting with manipulating the grid. If you don't know what it is, there is an energy grid that runs through the planet. It conducts a lot of energy. It is what projects the physical world. The physical world really is like a holodeck. Seemingly physical objects are really just light shaped by force fields.

At low power levels, the grid tries to maintain the matrix and tries to prevent anyone from changing it. At higher power levels, I speculate it can manifest seemingly physical objects. But it doesn't usually do that when people are looking. The grid is programmed by intention. So we can reprogram the grid to change reality. The more energy you use with intention, the more it influences the grid.

I did an experiment where I tried to neutralize the effect of the grid on an object. I threw a lot of energy at it and it felt like it was going to break reality. So the grid is the key to changing the matrix. Small groups of people in small areas could reprogram or remove the grid and make the physical world like an astral world. They could create paradise on earth in small areas. And eventually hopefully more people would figure out that paradise is more fun then hell. And they would follow their example. So this is what need to know to change the matrix.

As important as the grid is, it's the subconscious minds of the population that are the real backbone of the matrix. I had a run in with my subconscious mind and it radiated an insane level of energy. A lot more energy than I sense from the grid. So as important as the grid is for the matrix, the subconscious minds of the population are what maintain the grid.

Timeline Shifting

I thought you should be aware I recently aquired the ability to sense timeline shifts. As a result of an incident that was not intentional that got me a lot of bad karma. I think I've got enough good karma and the bad karma is in the process of being neutralized. Anyway, I got sucked down to a really negative timeline. I tried to manifest an energy field to shift to a positive timeline and it worked. But because I have so much bad karma, the matrix tried to violently shift me to a negative timeline. It was like something from a science fiction movie. Also when I walked out my door before that, I started falling into a negative timeline.

So I'm getting rid of the bad karma and I'm going to shift to a positive timeline. I wish I could share the technique to shift timelines, but it is just far too dangerous for the public to know about it. It could be used to throw energy around someone and shift them into a negative timeline. I know other techniques that if the public got wind of them and used them, it could be devastating. It's like handing nuclear weapons to five year olds.

To most people, magic is something that happens in Harry Potter. To me, I use it on a regular basis. I could do really horrible evil things with it, but I won't. I don't mind teaching other people the basics, but there are some things that are just too dangerous for the public to know about. Something I thought I would never say. Anyway, it's been interesting.

Once I clear the bad karma and shift the house and people I care about to a positive timeline, the entity won't be able to harm us because he won't be able to exist on the super positive timeline anymore than I could. He would probably have even more difficulty. So, hopefully, this works out good. Also I can sense the spells from words now. The english language is riddled with them. Thought you should be aware of that. So, yeah, I hope to be off this timeline soon and the entity gone. Let me know if you have any questions.

I started revoking soul contracts and an entity went nuts and is trying to murder me. If I end up dead, at least someone knows who did it.

In the physical world. It's powerful enough to come through the veil for hours. I've never seen or heard of anything like it. I modified my energy field to keep him out. But he's still in my house. And I want rid of him.

You will not believe what happened to me. I was messing with something I shouldn't have and got hit with a lot of bad karma. It sent me to a negative timeline. A really negative timeline. Negative enough for a negative entity which under normal circumstances would only be an annoyance to become a threat. It tried to murder me. I finally figured out what was going on and I'm on my way back to a more positive timeline.

I feel like I've been in a Twilight Zone episode for the past few days. It's been hell. I've seen a lot, but I've never seen anything like this. I don't want to see it again. That thing went through the veil for hours. So, anyway, hopefully I get to a decent positive timeline and the entity no longer has enough negative energy to manifest. Then maybe things will be come more sane.

Just do it slowly. If you do it fast, it makes you sick. And could even kill you. When I get to a more positive timeline, I will use it just slowly. I'm telling you I went to the timeline from hell. I was there for a few days. My physical body adjusted to the negative frequency of it and it's taken me two days to almost get back. Honestly, I would be dead dozens of times over if there weren't positive entities in the house protecting me from the negative entity and controlling the timeline shifts. It's like a Twilight Zone episode. If someone had told me this story, I wouldn't have believed it.

Oh you have no idea. I went through hell. A negative entity came through the veil and tried to kill me. It was insane. Since then I've started seeing the AI code and the code of the demiurge. I've run into him in the astral a few times too. He can change his shape but he usually looks like the architecht in the matrix movies. They were throwing it in your face and that was obviously supposed to be him. I've seen a lot of crazy shit. I figured out what is going on. The matrix is being upgraded and it's more unstable than it was. So it causes crazy things to happen. Also our dna is being upgraded so we can see and do more. Someone is trying to overthrow the demiurge. I hope they succeed.

I just repelled a white light trap in the astral. I went to sleep and some reptilians deployed a white light trap against me. I didn't have time to raise my vibration fast enough so I woke myself up. So then I went back to sleep. And they tried a white light trap again. This time I was prepared. I raised my vibration and the trap had no effect on me. My vibration lowered a few times and they deployed the trap again. So I raised my vibration quickly. They were pissed. They came over and tried to scare me. I thought they were going to bite my fingers off.

Anyway that was a fun experience. I've known for a long time that you can repel their traps by being on a high vibration. This is just more evidence of that. So if you run into them or their traps, just think about the people and things you love. I also thought love and light and that also raised my vibration. Sounds new agey but it works. Also being on a high vibration with that much love was amazing.

Did you ever see the movie ernest scared stupid. He killed a troll with unconditional love. I knew there was something special about that. Also it's a funny movie. Also the demiurge tried to possess me once and I drove him out with love. Speaking of the demiurge I've run into him a few more times. The last time I ran into him he looked like an old man with a white beard. It's creepy how much in the matrix movies looks like him. I think the architect was supposed to be the demiurge and the oracle was sophia. He can change his shape but he often looks like an old man with a white beard. And the architech looks just like him.

Also I can see and sense his AI code. The bastard is all around us. His code causes chaos, disease, and decay. I've also learned that the demiurge and his henchmen the archons are not self aware. They are rogue thought forms and AI programs. I've had reptilians in my house and I can sense they aren't self aware. I also learned from a guy on youtube called purple energy that we can erase them. So I manifested an energy field in my house to erase the demiurge and the vibration went through the roof. But he soon moved in more negative energy to lower it.

So a bunch people working together could erase the demiurge and the archons. And wipe them out. We could also work together to make earth less dense. The only problem with is that most people have a lot of fears and in less dense worlds if your aren't used to them you will manifest your worst fears. I've unintentionally manifested crazy thought forms on the other side of the veil. I would be able to handle it better than most people because I've been to a lot of less dense worlds when astral travleing. But most people would manifest their worst fears and freak out.

But we can make it say fifty percent less dense. That isn't less dense enough to manifest your worst fears. But it is less dense enough to make it a lot nicer. We would have to reprogram the subconscious mind to maintain that density. But it would work especially with the demiurge gone. Without the demiurge earth would be a paradise. So we need to get rid of him. It's his super low vibrational energy that makes earth so dense and rigid. We are surrounded by pure evil. They even have energy cloaks up to try to prevent psychics from sensing him. If he was fully exposed everyone would sense pure evil and they would want rid of him.

Analysis & Conclusion

So those are the emails he has sent me over the last 2-3 years. I didn't realize how powerful the information was until I read it all together straight through. I agree with pretty much everything he has written and it just confirms all the intuitions I have had over the years and pieced together into the contents of this web site. I will continue to add content from him to this article as I receive it so check this page in the future for updates.

I know the constant harassment by entities may be concerning for some, but it is important not to allow that to cause any anxiety or fear. I believe all experiences are fabrications from our consciousness. So every person will have different experiences just as every person has different dreams based upon their individual experiences in life and, more importantly, what their attention is focused on. I think in this person's case, they are a fan of watching superheros like Superman and The Flash. If one spends a lot of time watching shows like this or horror shows on TV, it shouldn't be that surprising that one would have dreams, lucid dreams and OBEs that involve having to fight off villains with superhero powers. He knows he can raise his frequency and avoid the entities, but is learning other ways to avoid them so he will be completely prepared for the afterlife when he dies. I personally don't think one needs to worry excessively about entities in the afterlife.

I can appreciate one wanting to be prepared at death, but I think one would be better prepared by raising one's vibration or frequency to the point where the "archons" can't be in that realm. If he could get to the point where they aren't even in his dreams, that seems like the safest path to me. As one reader wrote, "Why wage wars when you can sit in a redwood forest next to waterfalls and slowly moving streams...and then change it up next days to turquoise waters and coconut trees....there is no limit to joy and happiness and powerful music...let lower things dissolve into nothingness."

His psychic impressions that there is a new positive energy coming in to replace the old energy is very much in alignment with what my friend who met the demiurge during his near death experience has told me.

He has given us many useful tips and tricks on how to avoid negative entities in the afterlife and how to manifest our own reality in the afterlife. Everything is possible in the afterlife. There is nothing that is not possible. We can manifest any reality we want. Or we can just rest in peace in the void and not experience any "life" at all. It is our choice, but we must not give our power away to external beings or entities that wish to use us. Focused Intention (F.I.) is key. Semper FI. Always focused intention.

I had a sort of lucid dream or remote viewing once where I was accosted by a giant ogre.  It came toward me with outstretched arms as if to grab me.  Instead of reacting in fear, I walked toward it and gave it a hug.  As I hugged it, it completely dissolved into thin air and vanished. We have the power to transmute their energy with high vibrational, positive, loving thoughts.

This dense physical world we think we are living in is nothing but an illusion and a dream. All states of being are nothing but dreams within dreams within dreams within dreams. Dreams we have at night are a strong hint that this is the case. This so called waking normal everyday reality we think we are living in is just another dream state, albeit a level up. I think the subjective nature of near death experiences and how no two are exactly alike also indicates that near death experiences are also a dream, although a more vivid and "real" one than the life we are dreaming right now. I am beginning a practice of telling myself as often as I can throughout the day to "wake up". Repeating the mantra "less dense" or "higher frequency now" can help us wake up to less dense realities. And we can also do this immediately at death. Do not be distracted by any lights. Just create your own afterlife reality through focused intention or Intense Intents.

Semper FI.

I would welcome any feedback you have. I can be reached at